(Archived) Extra Extra Gamer News in 2024 AD

cloud gaming parity is the only endpoint yeah. Even nintendo will release new consoles to accommodate more tech-demanding software for fear of getting left behind in that regard. Consumers being able to readily stream-game software would be the only thing that outflanks consoles leapfrogging eachother

I‘m being vague. But my point isn’t saying there‘s no leapfrog of more powerful console iterations coming out, but riding the technicality as consoles leapfrog eachother, at this point it’s basically the same xbox console over and over rather than a new console. do you know what I mean? The nintendo switch is not a Gamecube 4. What we see going forward is likely to be a Switch 2, 3, not by name but by design, and incrementally better. I think you‘re totally missing my point!
 Consoles have pretty much already died, it’s obvious what they are and will continue to be, switch was the last “new” step for consoles.

Playstation 6 is still just a Playstation. Switch 2 will be just that. You know what I mean??

not necessarily disagreeing with either of you, just a different way of looking at it. By the same metric if someone had said iPhone was the last cell phone back in 2006, they'd have been correct.

The resilience of the concept of the gaming console I feel is predicated on how they‘ve always roughly been the most cost effective way to play games at the current technological level, inside your own home. Arcades had those specific times where they offered technological superiority relative to consoles, and weren’t exactly cost prohibitive, but, you couldn‘t play arcade games in your underwear without it being very cost prohibitive because that would mean buying your own machines. PC Gaming can and still does outpace consoles technologically wise, but only if you’re able and willing to pay several times the price of a home console. I mean, modern consoles are not so cost effective that at least current console ownership remains a middle class thing, but, at least these days you can definitely play games near or at the technological cutting edge without paying hobbyist prices.

If cloud computing were to ever replace consoles at scale, we'd probably need some kinda near space-age technology, or at the moment entirely unfeasible adoption and implementation and increase of capacity via density of cable infrastructure of fibre optics or something, 'cause at a certain level of demand I guess that becomes a logistical bottleneck in its own right. Computing it all in one place also means distributing it out and there is a physical component to all of that distribution of digital information. Like, information sent along fibre optics literally travels at (roughly [2/3rds](https://networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/63496/does-fiber-optic-transmit-data-as-fast-as-light) of) the speed of light which means traversing the surface of Earth is trivial, the problem then is the density of information we can transmit through the physical medium.

Or maybe the computing would just have to be much more decentralized? Maybe we could do it like district level geothermal heat pumps where we all pitch in to build the neighbourhood or apartment building's gaming semi-supercomputer and get Gaming through a port in the wall lol.


@“Gaagaagiins”#p148264 Maybe we could do it like district level geothermal heat pumps where we all pitch in to build the neighbourhood or apartment building’s gaming semi-supercomputer and get Gaming through a port in the wall

... Fuck now I want this

@“Gaagaagiins”#p148264 also just in case I‘m coming off like a Luddite or if I’m vastly overestimating the barriers, I was thinking of cloud gaming happening at a similar scale to console gaming, and with an equivalent user experience, which at least with what I know about internet, doesn't seem feasible in a lot of ways

@“treefroggy”#p148226 Consoles have reached a point that is iterative instead of innovative. Its pretty boring! I think that is the problem I have with most hardware in general lately. Computers, phones, consoles, etc. are all pretty mature. All the excitement has been drained out and replaced with faux-enthusiasm for useless additions only made to continue growth and appease shareholders.

I don't think consoles are dead though. It seems to be a strong form factor. Sony and Nintendo are two big players that don't seem to have any intention of moving beyond consoles while Valve opened up a huge market for handheld consolized PCs. One could also make a case for Apple products all being very console like. I still think there is a lot to be played with in the form, but we won't see the wild west nature of the '80s / '90s again.

Yeah I was having some fun with those posts.

Looking forward to perhaps elden ring shadow of the erdtree dropping soon.

All this talk about consoles reaching a creative plateau reminds me of a point I made all the way back in 2022.

What restaurant/café/diner is this thread taking place in?


@“connrrr”#p148824 What restaurant/cafĂ©/diner is this thread taking place in?

Sven & Ole's.



Mad Catz has found a way to suck as bad as Mad Catz ever did here in the web 3-point-whatever era by posting shitty AI art, getting ratio‘d into the sun and back, and then playing uber lame social media MuskBro reply guy, speaking only in dated GIFs and :slight_smile: – I’m gonna link the tweet just so you can easily block Mad Catz for their sad sad engagement bait


The actual news for me here is Mad Catz is still in business, somehow. Huh.

Bizarrely they deleted the awful AI art tweet but have left up all the snarky replies

anyone else going to hold off on the new Yakuza pending confirmation of hairstyle and/or hat options for Kiryu and the new guy? This is going to be the next FFXV situation for me where I want to play the game but cant endure looking at that for 80 hours

How long was Mad Catz actually making good products? Was it just the SFIV sticks?

@“tomjonjon”#p148951 They made okay dance pads.

@“yeso”#p148949 no

kiryu ready for a new sidestory: AFI needs a bassist

Just to add to this “last generation of game consoles” conversation:

It is true that any generation could potentially be the last one but this is certainly not it. In order for most very large companies to stop doing a thing it has to stop being profitable or severely decline. The PS5 has sold over 50 million units and switch over 132 million. Big companies do not just decide to stop doing something profitable, in which they control the ecosystem entirely, and get a cut of all game sales. It just does not make sense.

There's absolutely a new console coming from nintendo, and I'm sure Sony is planning something though I feel that's further off. Xbox is the only one I would even consider to be thinking about dropping hardware, because they're considering "xbox live" as their platform more than the box itself, though I don't think they've done a great job of transitioning people to buying games on the windows store, so I think they'll have at least one more generation.

Nintendo will be the absolute last company standing when it comes to making their own hardware. It's their thing, they're a big japanese company that dislikes change, and if they ARE the last company standing they'll have the whole market. You've got at least one more generation for Playstation, and probably several more for Nintendo until/unless proprietary consoles become unprofitable bar none. With the switch being the 3rd best selling game console of all time (so far), I do not think that time is coming soon.

That said, if we're talking about consoles being gone in 50 years, I mean... I don't know what'll be going on in 50 years and I'll be dead so I'm cool with that prediction.