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i just cut it up and wolf it down, i dunno


I’m a righty who bats and golfs lefty. My brother is the opposite.


I’m the savage who only uses a knife when I absolutely have to, and prefer to tear away at my food with fork, fingers and teeth.

Once way back in elementary school they took us to the Benjamin Harrison house and went over Victorian era table manners or something. But they pissed me off by making me be the servant (just so happened to be only black kid there and noticed the lady purposely skip over me for all the cool roles) during our play dinner, so I have rebelled against table manners ever since.


As the lone respondent to being a switcher and a non American, I would perhaps question how much there is a cultural divide there anyway

Personally like others I feel I am especially dominant handed, lefty is really not good for a whole lot of anything that requires dexterity. Also like @Slink I often forego use of a knife entirely and just smash things apart with the edge of a fork. I hate the idea of pulling out utensils as a standardized set and then barely using it. Just last night we had some beautiful carbonara, the noodles weren’t the long kind like spaghetti, but I took out a spoon anyway for some reason. Got so annoyed that I dirtied the spoon while having barely used it!!

From what is readily available, Kenji was born on the right side of the tracks, and may have had at least a bronze spoon if not a silver one, but he seems to still got that dog in him relatively speaking

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I use my hook to cut and also to scoop the food into my mouth


left is better for that which requires sinisterity, by definition


today i learned two things:

  1. apparently people use the knife on their dominant hand
  2. some people drop the knife and switch hands when eating

i’m right-handed so i always used the fork on the right and knife on the left. to me it just seemed logical in order to bring the food to my mouth and i never had any issues with gripping the fork on my non-dominant hand.

funnily enough, both my parents are left-handed and i was probably going to follow suit until my dad told me James Bond held his gun on the right when i was playing with a toy gun. that likely butterfly-effected me into switching hands


Does anyone have a hardware mod person they recommend? I would like to add a/v output to a top loader NES.

Regarding forks and knives, I’m a fork-in-the-left knife-in-the-right type of (right handed) person.

It is customary in America to swap hands

I stopped doing it when I visited my cousins in Potsdam and my Aunt and Uncle commented (not on my behavior, just in general) about the fork nonsense being so American - having it pointed out like that I was like… yea that is silly and I don’t need to do that. I tend to do the hybrid (“French/British” on the earlier Wikipedia) of fork in the left hand for things like steak, fork in the right hand for things like pasta

What’s interesting is that this is not an etiquette thing (in my experience). If you’ve ever survived cotillion/etiquette classes they seem pretty agnostic about the fork swapping and usually just mention that Americans tend to do it one way and Europeans tend to do it another way


I expected as much, and I wasn’t confounded in a "oh my! how uncouth!" manner but rather “…that seems needlessly mechanically awkward”.

Thank you all for indulging me in the Cutlery Conversation Corner


Why do some places on the internet (twitter and some wikis) use weird image formats that nobody else does like jfif and webp?

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I guess to save space? It’s very annoying and i do not like webp


hold on lemme send you some technical documents (just kidding idk computer)


Someone an hour away from me is giving away a broken ps4 pro on Facebook marketplace. This one does not seem like a scam. According to this person, the ps4 just turned off one day and won’t turn back on. What are the chances I would just need to power cycle the thing?

33% - just have to power cycle the thing
33% - cheap repair, like cleaning the inside or something
16% - expensive or time-intensive repair
16% - it will defy logic and defy you ever figuring it out
2% - It’s the Lament Configuration

I’d do it.

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Have you given a presentation using one of those hands free microphone headsets

just wondering how common an experience this is. Please answer truthfully

  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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No, I either Bene Gesserit my voice or hold a mic in one fist like a SingStar player.

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assuming those who have not responded to the poll are a silent yes


I have given a few lectures, and, well, I’ll just put it out there that if it had been an option I would have, but university tech is already being held together at the seams, we would just be grateful if both the microphone and the slideshow both worked


Can confirm. Each lecture starts with a prayer to the pantheon of presentation periphery.