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I do this as well, but at certain points all of my screens are playing DooM.


I have two handhelds one for ps1 ps2 gc and one for older stuff and I bounce around using them both. I guess my gaming has consolidated a lot around my pc too, although I did break out the switch for that dragon quest remake and I might for citizen sleeper 2

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Whenā€™s the last time a video game made you laugh out loud?


The other day a boss in Ender Magnolia crushed me with a cool looking surprise move and I had a good laugh out loud. Then I went back and whooped its butt!


got a genuine lol at the confessional scene in that Indiana Jones game. Before that another real lol at the bread scene in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 wtf was that about

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Also in indiana jones I was in an action scene where I accidentally shot a fuel barrel and it send the nazis flying. Ragdoll physics always amuse me.

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I started a new file in Baldurā€™s Gate 3 and my new character keeps resting on this face in a way that made me laugh out loud


Puck has been making me laugh lately, mostly because everyone is very self conscious about how bad they are at it (including me!)

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i wish i knew how to sing. does anyone know how to become a better singer?


Do you live in a reasonably large city with an at least decent art music scene? Like, do you got a MoH-ville Symphony Orchestra?


Bonus points for a college with a music program

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I should have clarifiedā€”only looking for suggestions that involve zero effort or time commitment


Have any of you seen a piece of furniture like this? I found it the other day at a thrift store. Itā€™s solid black walnut or cherry and has a slanted portion maybe used as a book display. Itā€™s possible it was made by the university of Illinois as they make some of their own furniture and hardware. Thereā€™s no makers mark and Google image search yields nothing similar.

  1. Watch some vocal warm-up videos
  2. Find your vocal range and learn to love it; youā€™ll probably injure yourself if you strain to exceed it
  3. Practice singing as loud and as often as possible

In my experience with YouTube vocal lessons, this channel feels the least like it is trying to sell me something lol


BEGINNER singsong lessonsā€¦ā€¦hello


difficult to tell without MoHā€™s karaoke hits uploaded to youtubeā€¦

Bā™­toneā€™s video is going to help you more than whatever I can add, but nevertheless:

  1. What makes you say you donā€™t know how to sing? Are there particular things you hear singers doing with their voices that you want to know how to do?
  2. What kinds of songs do you want to sing? There are all kinds of things you can do if you want to improve, but ā€œimproveā€ assumes a fixed style youā€™re working toward.
  3. Do you know what your vocal range is?
  4. Is there a place where you can really belt it out?

I personally donā€™t think they are inherently bad, but they can be misused or overly relied on. The hard boundaries are also kinda silly, as obviously there will always be some blurring at the edges.

There are bound to be plenty of exceptions, but I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to dismiss the idea that changing tech landscapes affect the average personā€™s computer literacy in a given subset.

It seems to me that there would be big differences in how children are socialized based on huge changes in technology in recent decades, specifically:

  • Availability of the internet at home on a computer
  • Ability to socialize with kids from school via a computer (instant messaging, browser games, etc)
  • The rise of social media, requirement to use a computer
  • The rise of phones, less need to use a computer
  • The complete takeover of phones, and the shifting of social media from text/photo to video

These are all really significant events and completely change the way people interact with the people around them, and I think the point at which you e.g. first gain access to a phone or have access to social media could have a large impact in how you develop.

In terms of tech literacy, phones are so significant now that there is no real need for a child to use a regular computer outside of school work/enthusiasm vs. the social pressures of yesteryear ā€“ this would surely have an impact on the average personā€™s computer literacy?


What use would someone get out of having a spectrogram for every track in a video game soundtrack? I was looking to put the Yu-No soundtrack on my telephone and came across an upload on the internet archive including spectrograms. Never seen this before.

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It could be presented as proof that the FLACs are not created from previously (lossy) compressed sources. If they were, the spectrograms would clearly show hard cuts at, say, 15HKz or 18KHz or where ever that encoder was configured for its limit.


Maybe for mastering and consistency between tracks? Or to make sure that music frequencies stay away from sound effects, keeping everything audible?

That said, I donā€™t know why some dweeb on the internet needs that unless theyā€™re making a VERY serious compilation or using the music in a game themselves.

edit: Itā€™s totally what @rejj said