CLIVE-A-ƎVI⅃Ɔ: Final Fantasy XVI(⅃Ɔ) Release Thread (TAG ALL SPOILERS)

Surprised there is no discussion, has anyone played the DLC? Was it enjoyable? Did it change anything for you?

@“treefroggy”#p153542 I'm probably not gonna play it until the other one is out

@“treefroggy”#p153542 I played it it‘s just a long series of battles in a tower that I didn’t find very interesting nor engaging

Ohhh so the real DLC has yet to release. Gotcha thanks.

i wanna play it but there's too much to play!!! i will definitely play it

Me returning to post in a @Gaagaagiins thread after a year and a half:

Jumping back in, the Active Time Lore system is actually a great way to catch up. I spent like an hour reading Harpocrates’ Thousand Tomes. It was fun to ‘do the homework’, because it added a ton of color going into the romance of the four kingdoms (Dhalmekians, Waloed, Sanbreque, Iron Kingdom). I think this game does a much better job telling the story of Clive’s character journey with his family and the devil inside him through the plot and cutscenes than any of this geopolitical intrigue (unlike a game like FFXII). However, the geopolitical intrigue might actually be the more interesting story! Considering the Eikons are weapons of mass destruction causing global warming, I think it’s a failure of the cutscenes that they are so grounded in the soap opera of Clive, it doesn’t really convey much about the underhanded dealings and the war machine. When we get glimpses of the broader conflict, it’s usually just evil looking guys being very obviously bad. I want to see them get more into who these characters are and what sets apart all of the political and religious figures of the land.

The cutscenes are just way too quiet and poorly paced all around. The worst part is, they gave every single character the same exact voice direction. Clive and Cid and Jill usually have a conversation where they all give them same mumbling, breathy, forlorn delivery. It makes the pacing of the cutscenes drag on and feel like nothing was accomplished. Even when the game tees up a character to be colorful or flamboyant like the Dame or the Merchant of Northreach, they give the same exact restrained voice acting. Some of the dialogue is clever on the page, but the voice actors don’t have any fun with it. The only characters who do have fun with dialogue are the slave owners, who are chewing on scenery and way over the top. It’s kinda uncomfortable actually.

Now that I’ve reached the part where Cid dies, what the hell is with the way that Cid never directly addresses Jill? She is standing next to Clive in dozens of scenes, but every time he keeps ignoring her. Was adding her to these scenes a last minute change after they recorded the VO? It’s so weird. CLIVE-A-EVILC? more like CID-A-DIC

It’s also a little frustrating that I can already tell where Jill’s storyline is going. This game’s fatal flaw in many ways is that it’s designed around 1 player character. It seems like NPCs have 2 speeds: 1. exist in service or sacrifice to Clive or 2. exist to demonstrate suffering. We get it, the world sucks for its inhabitants but I think they should show us glimpses of the positive liberty we’re fighting for.

I have mixed feelings about the battle system. The more I unlock things, the more it reminds me of a slower-paced and less flashy Forspoken. I think Forspoken compares more favorably than this game in terms of being a character action rpg with exciting moment to moment battles. The set pieces are more dramatic in FF16, but I don’t actually like the Kaiju battles. Maybe they remind me too much of Bayonetta 3. In general enemies are just big damage sponges.

Anyway all of this probably came out more negatively than I feel but it’s really full of baffling decisions and I don’t feel particularly excited to keep playing. I’ll pick it back up in another year and a half.


This is my first time seeing this thread and just want to thank @connrrr for the joke in the title.


lol specifically it’s from here


Also fyi Squall isn’t on my list of hottest FF guys because I disqualified him for being too hot? or something??