i have not touched my steam deck since modding my 3ds
come to think of it, since i started messing with my 3ds i haven’t touched my steam deck either. coincidence???
I still apply the “incredible arcade value” in my head when buying fighting games.
“I used to play Tekken for $1 a match. I’ll definitely get at least 25 matches out of this.”, etc
This is why I love indie fighters. I could get hours out of these games and they’re $5-10?
anyhow, my confession: I don’t care much about arcade-centric genres outside of fighting games. Shmups, puzzle games, racing games, don’t really pay attention to those.
After playing through and getting Kitsune’s ending, I think I am this forum’s biggest expert on the Love Hina Advance GBA game.
Played that ages ago for retroachievements and remember nothing of it except the sprite work was cute. I think? Maybe I don’t even know that…
I wasn’t very impressed. The sprite work on the VN sections (the vast majority of the game) is static. When the game does manipulate sprites, it’s pretty jarring because they don’t compose well with the background. Mutsumi falls over by rotating to the right and it’s pretty janky.
The very end has a scene where you can explore the house and the SD-style sprites are technically identifiable as the characters, but pretty lame.
It’s an inexpensive cash-in title from the peak of the series’ popularity. I’ve already had more fun than I was expecting, but I was a fan 20 years ago.
P.S. “Mutsumi Falls Over (ft. Hardware Rotation)” is a great track title. I will race someone to make a song with that title.
When I was high school and a regular on a certain MU*, I mentioned that I had met a girl on a field trip. (This was true.) One of the players asked what her measurements were. (Yes, this terrible magazine ad jogged my memory about this story.)
I didn’t think about girls in that way, and I had no idea how to answer. So I looked up the measurements for Mia from Lunar: Silver Star Story from a fan page and used those (with an “it was about” added in for plausible deniability). The other players were very congratulatory. Now that I think back on it, both their question and how I tried to satisfy their curiosity were so weird.
When I was six years old, other children at school were talking about The Goonies. I had not seen the movie but I was desperate to be accepted socially, and I had played the Commodore 64 Goonies game. Cue a very awkward time where I’m trying to fake my way into a conversation.
Which movies could you fake knowledge of based on their video game adaptations?
I love how you faked being cool with such ubernerds.
As an adult I don’t think I could say good sexy lady measurements! Perhaps it sounds less sexy with the metric system.
I am “about two meters tall” (but I am only about 188 cm).
If we’re telling stories of strange message board lies, when I was a kid on Animal Crossing Community this one girl who was probably like 10 years old randomly started posting a ton about punk-pop of the era (early 00s). It was whatever except eventually she started saying she was in a band, and then eventually she said her band was opening for Green Day and told stories about meeting Billie Joe and Mike. Her band was called 4cdsmile and I got modded for calling her a liar.
i believe her
I guess my actual confession would be that I used to hack into other kids’ accounts on that site. It was really easy. If someone said they had a cat named Mittens you could be 99% sure that was their password. I never did anything with them but I wanted to see if I could. Yes that includes the punk rock star mentioned above
brb need to change my forum password
My cat is named Password123.
I would just say 36 24 36 because its in that Sir Mixalot song
I just started playing Colossal Cave Adventure and it took me thirty minutes to find the cave. Kept walking up the hill at the beginning and trying to find the words to continue down the road :(
.> run up that hill