Dragon Quest thread

@tapevulture#12428 Hmmm……………

That would maybe depend on how broadly you would consider the act of taking cues really is.

It's probably definitively already over with by FFVII. If FFVII was a departure of _Final Fantasy_ from itself, it must have been a departure from _Dragon Quest_ too.

I could maybe make a case as well that the two series haven't been as lined up as they were in 1989 at each of their third entries. So it's the zenith if not the endpoint.

But I don't know, maybe it is the end point? At least in a major way. I don't feel there is a whole lot of stuff with obvious parallels in DQIV and FFIV, even less so as both the series make progress.

DQV and FFIV following the ups and downs of a main protagonist for a good while but FFIV was a good deal before DQV. FFV returned to a game centered around a Job system (FFV) sooner than Dragon Quest did (DQ6).

I can't really think of anything all that substantial in terms of parallels between them after the third entries in both series except for those particular moments in FFVI where the party splits and you're playing through synchronized story threads one after another until they converge back in the same place, echoing the brilliant opening sections of DQIV. Except FF makes a meaningful development on that idea by weaving those sections through the main story and sometimes even lets you choose what order to play them in. I'm one of those sticks in the mud who doesn't care for FFVI all that much but this is one of the pretty unimpeachably neat parts about it.

@Syzygy#12456 Yeah that was really all I could come up with, but it wouldn't matter even if the parallels were more prominent anyway since FFIV came out before DQV.

Breath of Fire III is the real DQV rip off here, it even has a mine!

I love Breath of Fire III. It’s the only one in the series I played. Does this mean I would love Dragon Quest?

@Syzygy#12456 I am surprised by this answer but I think I see what you‘re getting at. For me FF7 seems like a clear pivot into trying to make a film/game hybrid, as is the case with every FF helmed by Kitase since. It’s a very different experience than what I've gotten from Dragon Quest.

I just beat DQ 8 for the first time. PS2 version. :j

okay I haven‘t played any dragon quest aside from Rocket Slime (which rules) for longer than an hour. Can folks tell me whether they ALL have extremely stupid english localization or if that’s just the ones I‘ve recently seen? I’m talking about people talking in “ye olde enlisshe” or “talkin' lahk thiyus” et cetera.

I absolutely cannot abide that nonsense and I'm hearing maybe this is consistent across the series!?

The only official exception is the PS2 DQ VIII release which is the least assertively like that

You could also go the fan translation route for the super famicom games, which don't attempt the accents as far as I can recall. I think they look better than the samey DS rereleases anyway in my opinoin

I can‘t even tell you how many times I’ve played through the first 30 minutes of DQ1. The tension of choosing to buy a bamboo pole & leather armor versus the club & clothes OR going for broke and trying save for a copper sword while beating enough red slimes without dying – it's one of my favorite little gameplay loops.

It's unreal how satisfying the sounds effects are in that game. So good in the very first iteration that they continue to use them today.

I love the Dragon Quest localizations. I like funny accents and puns and I will never apologize

I will say that as far as I can recall, the modern Dragon Quest localizations only use Ye Olde English as kind of a regional dialect for Alefgard, the setting of Dragon Quest 1, 2, and the latter half of 3, as an homage to the original localization for Dragon Warrior. Every other setting just gets a different regional British or other European accent

I think it's the DS remake of DQIV w/ the different dialects that were damn near impossible to read for me at times. The scottish one specifically I think was hard.

DQXI, I really didn't notice it much outside of the spoken accents. Game was very easy to read and understand and didn't lean too hard in any direction. From my recollection of it at least.

@sabertoothalex#12888 Ye dinnae ken how tae save the wee bairns???

looks like XI or VII are my only options to ever try this series, I don‘t feel like playing it in japanese when it’s already kind of “work” to start playing the game at all!

Amazing. Wish I had it.

I sure do like Dragon Quest. I think DQ1 on NES must have been the first one I played, but never got much into it. It took Dragon Quest IX to really get me into it, which I realise is a bit of a weird one to start with. There‘s a lot of cool stuff in there, but it’s probably the hardest to go back to just because it was on the DS. Then I started playing all the DS ports that came out (IV, V & VI). Really got into VIII on PS2. Picked up a few of the Android ports when they went on sale and they were perfect for my commute. I‘ve only just downloaded the PC demo for XI. Will be picking that up when I’ve got some time to dive into it…

I'm relatively new to Dragon Quest. Got super hooked after playing DQ11. Decided to go back and start at the beginning.

Enjoyed playing DQ1 on mobile -- heresy, I know. But there's something soothing about grinding through the quest with one hand while chillin' on my commute. But now with the pandemic going on, haven't found time to do the same with DQ2 on mobile.

But I've decided to try DQ3 on SFC to learn some beginner's japanese per Tim's recommendation somewhere on Twitter.

Overall, love playing through the RPG grandpappy of video game franchises so many years later.

good call those SFC DQs look+sound great


I started playing Dragon Quest XI lol. I'm 3 hours in now, but I'm committed!!

the only other DQ games I played:

the 1st one on gameboy (the 1+2 pack). I beat 1, never put a dent in 2. I also have DQ3, but also barely scraped the surface of it.

4 on DS; I beat it, but not the post game stuff.

9 on DS, I never beat it but played it for quite a bit. I think I lost momentum when I tried to change my character class and felt like I was weak and had to start grinding again?

Rocket Slime - also never beat it. The game stopped being fun for me, which was sad coz lots of ppl really loved this one.

DQ games I want to play: 5 and 8; I have both for DS and 3DS and hear they're real good!

until then, I'll be on the DQXI train for the next few months!

Haha, partially due to this thread I'm putting more time into DQ11.

Some of our British posters will enjoy this, apparently there is british turn of phrase where you call something "Jammy" like, if its too saccharine or overyly sentimental.

Anyway, my GF knows I like DQ but is only vaguely familiar with it.. I was playing DQ11 on the bedroom TV and after watching it for 20 minutes she told me "jammy as fuck" which I thought was hysterical and started laughing so hard I had to quit my session.

Jammy is the perfect word to describe DQ.