Dragon Quest thread

whooo! update! I'm 11 hrs in DQXI.

oh, eleven in eleven, right?? lol

so far the game is easy to play and fast paced, but this forced 2D segment completely ruins the momentum of the game up to that point >_<

I imagine this part is optional? and also new to the S version of the game? for ppl who have played thru the game, was this part worth it and fulfilling to play through?

another general thought about the game - lol, so I can just go into everyone's home and raid all their drawers, bookshelves, chests, and break their pots and barrels?

like yo, better watch out! I'm coming to your house to steal your pudding from the fridge!!! lol

@p3ters#14944 after that first 2D sequence, the rest are optional. No reason to do them if they don’t appeal to you.

and yes smashing every barrel in some family's living room to find a mini medal is an important part of the dq experience

Let’s goooooooo

EDIT: aw man


It’s up, and so far pretty darn fun. I’m still in the tutorial phase but The combat is good and music and graphics are good.

highly recommend!!

@Jtwo#15223 is it the Final Fantasy Tactics of Dragon Quest? I'll settle for no less.

Edit: I saw gameplay it looks cute but more like fire emblem of dragon quest

I am going to make my party ALL SLIMES baby!


oh mans look at this guy lol


I'm at the 40 hr mark in DQXI now, got me all the orbs!

I‘ve been wanting to get into this series because of all the big mood surrounding it. I’m talking about you, TIM… and because of the numerous colorful accolades, I decided to get Dragon Quest V, which I think is superb. I‘ve stopped playing it but I loved the tens of hours I played immensely. What I REALLY want to get into is Dragon Quest XI because of the DOPE graphics. I think I’m going to invest in the Switch version because I really prefer playing RPG's portably, probably because of my conditioning during my hours and hours of playing Pokemon.

And *maybe* Tim's video on DQXI made me really wanna play it.

I made it past the 69 hour mark earlier this week.



I was hoping to beat this game by the time Monster Hunter comes out, but it looks like that is not likely to happen.

not nice :(

I can see a few people lamenting the text-based regional accents from, particularly, the DS games and as a Brit I think they‘re fantastic and give a real sense of place especially considering that most games with British accents have received pronunciation accents pretty much exclusively. The first time I read the likes of “'hello my lovurrrr” I knew that was a South West accent, and that choice from the localisation team has worked brilliantly for the games with voice-acting. Overall I think the DQ games do a much better job of having a breadth of accents that are also done well than most games (particularly looking at Bravely Default 2’s recent mixed bag).

That aside I love the games for pretty much the same reasons as everyone else; the consistency of the mechanics, their innocent, fairytale setting and the overall charm of Toriyama's artwork. My favourite is 5 and the only one that I bounced off was 9, though that may be because my eyesight is terrible and trying to play on a frontlit DS these days is actually painful.

I've not seen much mention of the musou games but I want to give them a shoutout too for doing a good job of bringing the different enemies to life, and for doing a good job of turning a 30 year old turn based battle system into a real time hack and slash. There's plenty of fan service too (not the creepy kind) and both games feel like solid experiences overall.



oh snap! I'm 40 hours in myself. I'm digging the story a lot. These monsters and their animations are endlessly amusing and I have to stop myself from wandering around the towns to stare at stuff sometimes lol. I'm torn between the feeling of wanting to get through the story and just straight CHILLIN. Nothin wrong with either option though, hence my very luxurious predicament.

Is it appropriate to talk about Dragn Quest side story games? I‘m pretty sure it is, so I’m going to have to mention how much I love Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime! In fact, it‘s probably up there with my favourite DS games, or even handheld games in general! I think the tank battles from the game are pretty dang interesting and fun, despite the fact that I often find that sort of ’giant battle' boss fight in a lot of games to be pretty boring.

Anyway, it's hardly what I'd recommend as someone's intro to DQ in general, but as a standalone game it's pretty great. Plus I just gave a quick look on a few sites to see if it's like a lot of DS games in that it's suddenly incredibly expensive, and it's still pretty reasonably priced in the aftermarket. Surprising!


@Karasu#24769 I was always a hair’s breadth away from buying this game back when I was deep in my DS phase, but I just never pulled the trigger for some reason. It just looked so dang cute, and the giant mecha/fort battles looked like hilarious fun. If prices aren’t too bad maybe I’ll finally track a copy down, thx for the rec!

@kory#24772 I hope you like it! For me it was a perfect chill game— never super hard, but really engaging all the time! It stinks that we got only this one, the second of a three game series, in North America!

I got a copy of DQV for ds a few weeks back and I finally was able to finish it! I was kind of nervous going into it because it probably was the most money I‘ve ever dropped on a game and I’ve heard a lot of hype about it from Tim and others in the insert credit community, so I was afraid I‘d accidentally overhyped myself. Luckily, however, I was able to approach the game with a level head and had a really good time with it. It’s just such an endearing game. It‘s kind of funny how every game now a days is a dad game but isn’t all that successful at conveying to the player the idea of being a member of a family all the while DQV was able to nail this in the early 90s.

My connection to dragon quest is through playing around with my uncle's NES copies of Dragon Warrior I-IV so it's cool to have a family conceit I actually feel replicated in a game. I have also recently picked up copies of DQ7 & 8, as well as Rocket Slime, so I'm excited to eventually dig more into the world of DQ. They are such a big ol bowl of comfort food, I feel like I'll always be down to play them for the rest of my life which I think is why I'm not in any hurry to start playing another (but it's nice to know they are there lol).

@Nritter2#25060 Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I’m curious, which version did you play? I have a DS copy I picked up a while ago as well as a SNES translated repro cart and I would like to dive into one or the other in the (theoretical!) event I have some time to do so.