Ep. 239 - Panzer Dragoose

@“meunierd”#p72932 I doooo love a piece of knowledge that‘s 2x removed from its source and that source is a half-remembered blog post the author of which you can’t even remember. That's that OLD internet.


@“Mnemogenic”#p72853 How do I like Space Harrier? I’ve tried, and I love its whole thing, but when I play it it’s too fast and I zoom around for 15 seconds before running into a bush and dying.

The secret is to find one of the few remaining full motion arcade cabinets and be baptized in the amazing experience of playing Space Harrier as it was meant to be played.

Honestly blew me away how much of a better and memorable experience it was in the sit down full cabinet vs playing it in emulation/consoles. Even blows full cabinet Outrun away. The closest experience might be the "recent" After Burner full motion cabinet, but that game is way more hectic and wild in comparison.

Saddest sound:

The sound for units dying in Final Fantasy Tactics sounds like the last in a noble endangered species is slaughtered. It sounds like something that’d be on Tim’s sound board. The sound of units dying in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance sounds more like a nerd for karate chopped in the solar plexus.

oh man, the fighter from Wisconsin…

I like to think the person designing it saw Robocop, recognized Kurtwood Smith after a google search and thus Red Forman is now in the game as himself.

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/yYht2af.jpeg]

for Illinois either a Michael Jordan or an Al Capone analogue. Could do like a Mrs. O’Leary with fire attacks but that might be too esoteric

I have no faith that Sonic Frontiers will be any good, but boy do I want to run around in it for half an hour.

I have also watched the Air Twister trailer multiple times. It must be a good trailer!

A favourite font of mine is the DS system font, mostly seen in pictochat. It's a clean, simple pixel font, but it's also a bit stylised (look at that 'n'). I love the pre-iphone emojis too, like the little cellphone and the umbrella.

@“beets”#p72963 thanks for my yearly reminder of how exciting pictochat is compared to every current chatting app on phones

@“Mnemogenic”#p72853 One crucial system that's not immediately obvious is that your shot has a fairly aggressive lock-ok based on proximity, so you generally want to focus your fire on things as they get closer and not waste time trying to potshot them from the other end of the screen. (The 3DS version makes this especially easy, if you can view stereoscopic 3D.)

I would play the crap out of Apple Arcades “United Streets of America” fighting series

just writing to say my daughter was 4 or 5 when she discovered animal crossing and fell in love with it 4or life.

this is in reference to tim saying it's a game for adults who want to think kids might like it.

@“saddleblasters”#p72869 what's the leading tone in C# guy?

@"Mnemogenic"#p72853 so I fired up the version of Space Harrier on my PC Engine Mini and basically fell asleep.

Then, I recognized SH2 in the switch Genesis collection. I ended up trying Super Thunder Blade, and thinking, simultaneously, _this is ridiculous_ and _this is kind like Space Harrier._ Then I tried the version in that collection, which features a generous rewind feature and was pretty enamored with the experience

THEN, I purchased Space Harrier 3D for like 2 dollars on one of the "Shop is burning, get it while it's hot" sales that Sega did on the 3ds shop in the last few months, and realized the true experience.

So just do all those things.

Viz a viz Sonic Frontier: I've been thinking that an open world Sonic would be dumb from back when it was going to be called Sonic Rangers. I just can't imagine the team incorporating the fun parts of Sonic (2d racetracks) into a big map with dozens of directions. There is already hardly any of the 2d magic brought into the 3d space, and open world environments are typically just really big spread out 3d levels (bare with me here). My thinking has somewhat conflated open world with a dimension beyond the third here. Also, so much of the fun of an open world is seeing something that seems out of context and discovering something neat, which feels a bit too incongruous with Sonic's favorite speed.

However, reading this thread, I remembered the game Defunct. It's honestly a really cool game that is somewhere between racing game and Sonic game. You play as a unicycle robot with a broken motor, and your main locomotion comes from the slope, indicated by the light on your little friend's back to accommodate the wild camera. The game has a lot of fun with setting up these 3d tracks with hills and ramps and stuff, but there's one segment in particular that really struck me as being something that feels open ended while having a "Disneyland Weiner" and a ton of fun rolling around to be had. The stage is called Lonely Hills or something, and you get out of this almost tunnel of a kind of apocalypse forest zone into just a huge area covered in hills. Whenever I've gone back to this game, I just beeline for that zone and do some tricks with my robot bud.

**So** -

I'd thought it impossible before, but maybe an open world Sonic could be cool. Likely it won't, but it's nice to have finally opened my mind to it

Also, being from New Jersey, our fighter would probably be a Soprano, and I'd like to pitch the name of my briefly cosplayed OC from my friend's Television program themed birthday weekend, Sergio Romesco

@“pasquinelli”#p72997 yeah my daughter is six, and to date, Animal Crossing is the only video game she's ever expressed interest in playing.

i've also witnessed a group of little kids in the local park, play-acting どうぶつの森 (Animal Crossing). one of them was carrying a butterfly net.

oh man, generally i'm all about that serene way of life, but when i hear about health insurance i get this wrathful ball of magma in my heart.

@“whatsarobot”#p73046 that's darling enough to soothe my magma.

^ fun sentence without context.


@“treefroggy”#p72952 The sound of units dying in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance sounds more like a nerd for karate chopped in the solar plexus.

I like the one that sounds like a guy doing a bad impression of a goat. _Daa~_

@“pasquinelli”#p72997 Yeah I don’t know what the cut off for “kids” is or whatever but the original came out when I was 12 and I immediately was in love with it. Maybe it takes a particular type of sensitive kid to really buy in lol

On the subject of Japanese fonts, one of the worst I‘ve dealt with was for the Saturn version of Policenauts (only version I have played). While kanji is sometimes hard to read in older fonts, I actually found this one to be even more unintelligible than many super famicon and megadrive games. It’s not a Saturn issue either as I have played other games on there with perfectly good Japanese fonts.

Policenauts has quite a lot of reading and compared with some of these older games uses more complicated Kanji so maybe this is the real reason it bothered me more, it is hard to say. Regardless of why, that font sure was annoying to decipher!

@“JoJoestar”#p72839 For me, the saddest sound-related thing in Symphony of the Night is this tweet by the guitar player for The Tragic Prince track begging over 20 years later to please let him tune his guitar and try it again


@“GigaSlime”#p73097 lol I had no idea Tak Fuji played the guitar on this song, and arranged by Akira Yamaoka??? WHAT!!!?