I agree—maybe I should have said could be DLC, considering they made it in a year using many of the same assets. Though really my proclamation doesn’t make much sense:
if Ocarina or Majora were made today, they would take much longer to develop, have much shinier graphics, exist in a post-Breath of the Wild world and be informed by its design ethos (size), etc. etc.
Nintendo wouldn’t sell something as full-featured as Majora’s Mask for less than full price
It’s hard to divorce this conversation from the realities of capitalist interests, which realities I suppose are the only reason we’re having it in the first place.
It’s interesting that Shadow of the Erdtree is behind the initial question, because all the post-Demon’s Souls FromSoftware games are so iterative that they sometimes come pretty close to the Expansion end of the spectrum
Oh absolutely. I can’t imagine something like MM existing today. I guess God of war Ragnarok is similar? Basically same tech, some reused assets but a fully new world ish.
Also I don’t want to talk down reused assets. I work on big games and they get a horrible reputation. Why the heck would we re animate the same things if they’re already good? (Not saying you are just thinking about all the discourse.)
The mention of Bob and George amused me to no end as I used to post there as well and there is a non-zero chance you read some of the Mega Man fanfiction I wrote on there in college.
The theatrical cut does not look good! it has artifacting even on the intro film studio logo. Neither cut looks good but the theatrical cut is better. If they’re putting out a blu ray with compression artifacts one really wonders what they sourced the print from, like did they package a torrent or something?
When something is visually that messed up I want an explanation for it on disc, but they did not provide one. I think it’s good to release things like this, but it is also good to either do a good job or explain why you can’t.
I went and took some photos like a weirdo. These are just photos on my phone so they don’t really give the full picture but zoom in around the logo on this.
It looks like it’s made of noodles! This is obviously even more noticeable in motion, because the artifacts jiggle around and shine. The quality is acceptable for a dvd, but it’s not a dvd, nowhere is it mentioned that it may or may not be standard definition, and regardless what’s with all the artifacting? There’s no reason for it on a large media format unless somebody messed up. I just don’t like when folks do stuff like that and then don’t explain it.
I have a STRONG FEELING that if you check out the Japanese DVD you will see all the artifacts in all the same places. (I think they put the DVD on the blu ray)
and yeah the director’s cut looks like it’s being played on a Sega Saturn (just in time for the 30th anniversary!)
and btw I totally agree that hakaider is cool, and I like all that amemiya stuff. I just wish they had done a good job with this release!