Hey I found a Honda Motocompo video game not sure if this is what Brandon had in mind since it’s a random itch.io game
PIXELATED: Scoot Scoot‘s Motocompo gymkhana will drive you insane | Japanese Nostalgic Car
Yesssss, do it! I wanted to take kung fu ever since I was a child, and then I never did. but if I ever get time again I’m gonna hit up an aikido dojo and resume practice.
@thebryanjzx90 not this one - I thought they included it in Sushi Ben, but now I can’t find any evidence of that.
That’s hardcore! I think I can at least get my issues to the point where there are fewer to no injuries, but to put it into perspective a bit: I vacationed in Japan for 3 weeks last year, and I was careful to get fresh shoes and insoles that I wore in ahead of the trip, plus compression socks, but I still ended up in pain by the end of each day and had blisters on most toes at the end of the trip. It’s better when walking, but I also can’t stand in place for a long time without pain.
Flat feet and tight muscles, man.
i wish i could dedicate as much time as i used to because it made such a profound impact on my mental health and wellbeing… but my sifu’s schedule conflicts with my work schedule and my work is also highly physical. when you do high intensity exercise like martial arts or powerlifting or whatever, rest and nutrition is an important concern and i’ve found it really difficult to manage especially as the world becomes more and more hostile to both of those concepts :/ i end up facing a five day sprint of training and work that leaves me very little flex room or downtime and it’s daunting enough that i ended up burning out :/ it would be so helpful to have some kind of nutritional advice or guidance that amounts to more than “eat vegetables”
i started practicing for pretty much exactly the reasons you described: strength of body and strength of will is going to be indispensable in the days to come. if i can’t manage anything else, i at least want to be able to protect myself and the people i care about.
Very funny to pronounce Berghain like that while mocking game devs for never having stepped foot in a real club
late here as always, but yeah, that was dope
also, since i tend to listen to these really late at night at an empty 24 hour gym, brandon’s recommendation to exerciser felt great, haha
speaking of: been on a david lynch kick (rip), did brandon mention something about him & an effing cd-i, or was that a reference to something else?
Oh, it was a reference to this, and I just swapped in cd-i for telephone.
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