I‘ve been working on a lo-rez shmup tentatively called DeSET in the Pyxel engine (an open source Pico-8-ish engine that uses Python) to learn shmup dev without worrying about hi-rez graphics. Been having fun with bullet patterns and the enemy scheduler. Pyxel is rad. It’s nice being able to use my own code editor and Python but have a tool for editing sprites, sfx, and music. After working a bunch in Godot it's nice having full control, but I do miss somethings about Godot. Pyxel and Godot seem like good tools to have in the belt, better fits for different styles of games and goals. Like for game jams or web games or little low-rez experiments, Pyxel is great. For a fully featured PC game, Godot shines.
My intent is to make this a 60s or 120s caravan shmup where the goal is to chase a high score and replay it in short bursts. I'd like to then follow it up with a stage-based shmup. And eventually a full featured desktop PC shmup. But baby steps!
Right now the bullet patterns and enemy schedule in _DeSET_ are driven by python dictionaries (basically JSON objects, nothing too fancy). I find myself getting tired of editing those data structures by hand, so maybe some sort of custom tool would help here? I need to think about it some more.
Do y'all ever develop custom tools for making managing your game data easier? I could see that being really helpful, but I guess I need to really be frustrated with the current method to be motivated enough to make the tool. 😂
While I know that shmups are a more obscure genre and maybe less commercially viable, I really enjoy them and think they're a viable genre for making a finished, complete game where I learn a lot and have fun doing it. I also think there's a fair amount of untapped room for innovation within the genre. That innovation may not appeal to the hardcore arcade-style players, but maybe that's okay? I've got some ideas I'd like to explore to make the genre more accessible. We'll see how it goes!
In the time since I last shared, I released a little free prototype called _Minimal Survivors_. It's a more action-y horde swarm game thing I made in a week.
Maybe I'll expland on it into a full game? I'm not overly interested in making something just like Vamp Survivors or whatever, but I think there's some interesting arcade-y ideas in swarm-based games.
When people have played this little prototype, everyone says they want it to play like a twin stick shooter. Which I get. But also, the strafing is intentional. It's kind of interesting to intentionally design a game around a specific mechanic that's not what people expect and then all the feedback is about how they want it to be different. I stand by the strafing in _Minimal Survivors_ though! 😂 Curious what y'all think!
I've also been making game dev video tutorials as a way to share what I learn and as a sort of marketing effort. The major one is this complete Godot 2D platformer tutorial:
And then since I just hit 6 mo of game dev, I made a video of my progress so I can keep track of my efforts. It's helped keep me motivated/accountable:
My family and I just moved into an old house that needs lots of renovations, so that's been taking up all my time and energy. I can't wait to reclaim some of that time and get back to it. My day job's also been tumultuous, so that isn't helping either. Anyway, gonna keep at it!