Games and Mood

I definitely feel like my gaming has moods and they tend to be cyclical and in tune with the seasons.

During spring and summer time I tend to want to play more action oriented games, or games that are easily digestible. I’m also drawn to games with bright colors or jungle/island settings.

During the fall and autumn I tend to drop into big, full “meat and potatoes” games like RPGs or open world adventures with forested or snowy landscapes. Something that feels really good wrapped in a blanket on the couch with some tea for a few long hours of gaming.

Also, as @treefroggy mentioned, when October rolls aorund I like to get into spooky games. I never got around to playing the Dead Space remake, so I’ve earmarked a playthrough of that one when the season gets a little closer.

But also during December I enjoy playing anything with a Christmas or “December theme”, as I’ve previously talked about on here before. Games with snow and/or Santa walking around town.