games if they were canadian

Maniac Mansion

@"LeFish"#p150463 I can't believe you missed this opportunity!

Hi-Fi Rush

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SMT IV… or something


I have nothing to add to the thread right now but just want to say how much of a trip this has been. I'd forgotten about so many of these shows from my childhood.

Also interesting because, some of these things are (to me at least) distinctly eastern Canada. Swiss Chalet just wasn't a thing here when I was growing up. There was one around but no one I knew went there. Nickleback, unfortunately, very much from here

Ah, Cineplex Odeon. Remember when we saw Titanic here, Zach? December 1997. Kate Winslet, Billy Zane, Kathy Bates. It‘s one of the greatest Canadian movies ever, Zach. What do you mean it’s not Canadian? It‘s directed by Ontario’s favorite son, James Cameron. Not to mention the hit single My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion topped the Juno awards. Besides, it was a Canadian iceberg that caused the whole mess to begin with, Zach.

[URL=][IMG height=480][/IMG][/URL]

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Al Waxman as Larry Kiryu in King of Kamurocho, aka…………………………………………… I can‘t believe I’m about to make this joke……………………………………………………………………………………………………… >!Like a Beaver!<.

@“Tradegood”#p151511 also ok, reading an American mention the Juno awards is maybe the funniest part of this bit.

@“connrrr”#p151538 Canadian award shows always have that stink on them in a fun way.

YTV Achievement Award nominee, Seth Rogan.

@Tradegood What a great combo of films here. Excellent watchlist - especially happy to see New Waterford Girl in here!

Dropping a negative review on Steam after you've refunded the game:

(click through to see the whole street cents episode!)

Vib Ribbon

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TIL Ness is from British Columbia and Fourside is in Quebec


NFL Blitz

@fivedollardare Heck yeah.

That’s why this free to play shlooter is fit… for the pit.

@connrrr The important thing, really, is that Waydowntown got a mention in this thread. Well done. I think it might be Breath of Fire V Dragon Quarter.

Everyone do @whatsarobot and I a favour and watch Waydowntown.

geez this thread is gonna be the thing that makes me watch waydowntown again, i think the last time i watched it was on vhs!

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

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@“hellomrkearns”#p155024 Off! On! Locked! Alright!!!

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Infamous, if Canadian:

Hmmm...maybe a pull but Canadian FTL:


Did anyone do Degrassi yet? If not...Persona or some game with teenagers at a school: