I had this in the recommendations thread but it feels like its own thing to me, now.
Recapping what I said there, I've been enjoying purchasing/anticipating high budget, but underperforming games when they quickly and inevitably hit $20, especially those that give the vibe that they'll be reappraised later in life and be worth more again, like now nier for 360 was dirt cheap after launch, then after automata went up to the mid $40s again.
[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/IXzLuOt.png]
Anyway, the point isn't the price, it's the vibe. I am convinced Balan Wonderworld is one of these.
So here's a list:
**Balan Wonderworld.** Interesting from stage 2 on, bloated and weird, but weird in a good way a lot of the time, anticapitalist dogma in the hub world.
**Stranger of Paradise.** Everyone ([except us](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1402-im-just-here-to-kill-chaos-stranger-of-paradise-final-fantasy-origin)) stopped talking about this after it came out. People liked the chaos stuff, they liked the goofy story, they liked the hat. I think they didnāt really like anything else about it. So thatāll be fun to pick up for $20 soon.
**Ghostwire: Tokyo.** Worse Maken X with nicer graphics and nothing to do, is what Iām hearing. 100% fell off everyone's radar. Definitely a hot candidate for a $20 pickup soon.
**Recore.** Suggested in another thread. This game remains an xbox exclusive, has those weird "imperfect, but trying" vibes, inafune is hand-wavily involved, and the prices are already going up on the physical release. I just picked up a copy based on the suggestion.
**Scarlet Nexus.** Bandai Namco saw fit to release two big budget RPGs simultaneously, Tales of Arise, and this one, which was co-developed by TOSE. apparently it sold a million units, so it did great! Maybe its starting with a positive fan appraisal and a mixed press appraisal. But I also feel like it fell out of the discourse super fast, and I did just buy it for $15 brand new, so... (please tell me if this doesn't actually fit the list here, I haven't played it yet)
**[Babylon's Fall](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1531-babylons-fall-its-kind-of-okhttps://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1531-babylons-fall-its-kind-of-ok).** It's at $30 right now on PS5. Another game that came out too close to the elden ring black hole, different though it may be. Curious about it!
**Sunset Overdrive.** Nobody cared then, but people like it now!
what other new, big budget games have come out in the last console generation+ (let's say xbox one/ps4 through to now) that have a little something interesting going on but which definitely did not make a splash? Kind of like how everybody bought Sunset Overdrive ten years later after never talking about it (sunset overdrive never went back up in price, it went up in appraisal, so the "price" thing is really a metaphor for appreciation of the game). That is to say, what are the most insert credit xbox 360 games of the current era?