Having a very normal morning on this very normal day.

Damn RIP. Just rewatched all his movies last year to prep for Twin Peaks: The Return, and now I get to watch it for the first time knowing that’s it :(


The Return is incredibly good


David Lynch summarized my politics when he said “I told them to fix their hearts or die” in The Return


Having watched it many times since it came out, I always felt The Return always was it. He had nothing else to say about Twin Peaks and left it on a high and gave it a proper ending like it deserved to have, unliked the original show ending.

If you can, find the two books: The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer - Wikipedia and The Secret History of Twin Peaks - Wikipedia specifically the audio ones. They both feel like extra episodes of the show, especially Laura Palmer’s diary, as it’s read by Sheryl Lee. That was tough to listen to, as her performance is amazing.

It’s so nice to be around so many other Lynch fans. He’s had a huge influence on me and my life, and the fact that others feel the same way makes me smile in a time when I shouldn’t be. But I am. And I don’t think he’d want it any other way.


I enjoyed The Final Dossier as well.


I’d forgotten about that! Those last few chapters, especially the last one… wow.

Yes there’s THREE you need to enjoy. Again, audiobook for it as it’s read by Chrystabell (FBI Agent Tammy Preston).


I didn’t know how cool the audiobooks were, I just read the text like a rube! Making a note to check those out.


which one of those was the Mark Frost only endeavor that had hilary clinton in it

I read them first, then the audiobooks just kicked them up to another level. Reading them imaging the voices speaking, but then hearing them just took it to a whole new level. The performances put the hairs up on the back of my neck.

I hope none of those!

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such a colossal loss. rewatched mulholland on an airplane a few weeks back and got some weird looks. to my neighbors, that was the last chance you had to get in.


He craves so much attention and needs so much validation that he’s willing to bet his soul on it.
That’s how divorced he is (in more ways than one).


i’ve been off caffeine for a while, but i think i’ll have a cup of strong, black coffee on the way to work today.


The Final Dossier has an allusion to Trump, but I don’t remember any Clintons.


Got a slice of cherry pie at the grocery store to mourn over :’(


I read this outloud twice to people tonight. It’s so good.


If you have Spotify premium, you can enjoy some more audiobooks as well:

Again, needs to be heard instead of read as it’s Dale Cooper!

And I mentioned it elsewhere, if you don’t have a physical copy you can enjoy Catching the Big Fish as well:

Read by David Lynch. I still read mine all the time, but I’d never say no to a listen.



I don’t get it

Any americans who can tell me how big a deal the whole Greenland thing is/isn’t on your side of the pond?

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the general public has zero interest. Only trump and then therefore the media cares