I guess it can't be helped: the anime thread.

Is there any anime like that? lol

Apart from like, Horimiya (not from this season) nothing like that comes to mind

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I put on Yu Yu Hakusho just as background noise while my girlfriend and I do other stuff and surprising she got really into it. She’s not an anime person and I think she expected it to be more what an American thinks of as a “kids’ show” but then it’s all about delinquent punks beating the piss out of each other, and abusive teachers and alcoholic parents. But also just that Yusuke, Kuwabara’s gang and Yusuke’s mom are all just good people who find themselves adrift in a culture where you can’t afford to stop thinking about your future for one second. She sees the true beauty in Kuwabara’s pure heart. Even from the first episode she got kind of choked up seeing him crash Yusuke’s wake.

I’m a little worried she’ll lose interest once Yusuke comes back to life and the shounen stuff kicks in but maybe her initial attachment to the characters will keep her invested for the long haul.

Kuwabara is such a good boy. Like he becomes your favorite character and then you can’t even be mad that he disappears for the final arc because he’s finally focusing on school and turning his life around. You can do it, buddy!


Kuwabara is so good he didn’t dare spoil himself by stepping into that last bad arc.


There are a lot like that! If not I wouldn’t watch anime at all. but yeah, there are drama like Erased, mayoiga or Bakuman, comedies like azumanga daioh or haven’t you heard I’m sakamoto, fantasy dramas like frieren, etc etc


I would say Skip and Loafer is a sweet modern romcom that doesn’t really rely on misunderstandings. Also for my manga readers (I see you guys cross pollinating the threads) Hirayasumi and Blue Box are quite good. Blue box anime just announced as well.


Yeah Skip and Loafer was good. There’s loads! particularly curious about this current season of shows now though.

My bad! i misinterpreted as Slice of life romcom only lol

Erased is my absolute go-to recomendation for people that don’t like anime or don’t like battle shounen and similars. I’ve read, watched (anime and live action). The reason i picked this series up is because i really love Asian Kung-Fu Generation’s 2006 album Sol-Fa since i was 16/17. Years ago i was on YT and a 2016 version came up and i was like “WAIT WHAT???” Then i found out they’ve re-recorded the whole album. Then i found out Re:Re was used as an anime opening and that sealed the deal for me.

2017 they did a show in Brazil and i got to see them! it was a life achievement for me. As we speak, i was just putting up a small AKFG because it’s been 20 years since they got attention internationally and there’s stuff coming out!

@freakscene i’ve been holding on from reading Blue Box because i think the anime will be good. Maybe i’ll just read it before hand AND watch it later.


I’ll say this season the only thing I have checked out is the aforementioned Shoshimin, and it is very… extremely quiet, and does cinematic letterboxing in a way that is honestly a little confusing for an anime, but I think I like it. It also has very lowkey dialogue which makes me feel good about my japaense comprehension. It kinds of plays out like PCP from Bakuman.

@marxseny Blue Box has such good line work that I think you should absolutely get a feel for it even if you then hold out for the anime, the anime designs look great but one of the high watermarks of the manga is the inking IMO.

This is not in response to the above but tower of god is also back and like, what do they think is cool about a tower show, because it’s not what I think is cool about a tower show. Anyway


I liked the first season of tower of god because I like all the trial sections of hunterxhunter and this seems like it’s just that drawn out. Did you like season 1 and dislike season 2, or did you not like either? If you feel the same about seasons 1 and 2 I will probably be in good shape.

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I quite liked the first season precisely because it seemed like it’s just a show about the tower in HXH. My worry with this new season is that they are leaning more into lore and slowing down the tower climb, in addition to doing a reset on the cast? I was fond of Khun and the Lizard.

It’s not super far yet, so maybe they are just starting slow? Or at least a start back at the beginning (which I guess makes sense given where we left off.) I also think I’m not the kind of guy that likes those arcs where the cast splits up, my enjoyment in HXH kinda faded a bit once it stopped being about Gon and Killua for instance.

I’ll also just add that the change in studio is very felt.

This is random and specific, but is there anything good in the sort of like brawler gang genre? I like the aesthetics and I like a good brawl.

The two examples I’ve got in mind are Tokyo Revengers and now I’m tapping out on Wind Breaker. TR was fun nonsense for a bit but was obviously a short manga premise that got extended into oblivion, whereas this Wind Breaker is just bizarre to watch. It’s a great looking show but the villains have 25 minute long revelations about their evil instead of just getting some sense knocked into them. Not fun to watch.

Obviously Yu Yu Hakusho and Jojo part 4 are both great but that’s just a texture on something more mystical.

It doesn’t have to be delinquents either if there’s something cool elsewhere. I just like the brotherhood aspect and it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of Yakuza anime out there.

well I gotta say that all sounds bad to me lol. maybe they ran out of ideas. I really liked how sparse and merely-suggested the lore was, filling it out would ruin it.

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have you ever seen GTO? GTO is like a top five manga all time for me, and the anime is supposedly quite good. Not maybe super hard yakuza but is probably the quintessential biker gang thing? Certainly aesthetically.

Sanctuary is a manga, but, it is so good, and a really serious Yakuza drama. Classic 80s shading etc.

Banana Fish rules.

Baccano is a really really great magic realist mafia thing. Durarara is more modern if you’d prefer to stay away from a period piece.

Also Oddtaxi is one of the best crime thrillers I’ve ever seen.

I think a lot of the hard yakuza stuff I’ve seen lately leans comedy? Stuff like Hinamatsuri and Gokuushofudo.

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I’m waiting to see exactly what Shoshimin - How To Become Ordinary is really about, because it is so sloooow. It has a romance as a main subplot, and there is no misunderstanding there, i think.

Days with my stepsister main characters communicate a lot and are very explicit about what they want, it is just that the title looks like a giant red flag. There is no romance there so far, just two lonely people trying to move forward.

My Senpai is an Otokonoko was a nice surprise, i find it very charming.

Did you watch Apothecary Diaries? That one is really really good.


Never seen or heard of most of these. Thanks! I’m definitely going to look into these and try some out.

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It didn’t really click for me on episode one, but seeing that it’s an adaptation of a light novel mystery series makes it much more interesting for me, especially given how understated it is. Also can I just say I was extremely angry at the treatment of the special strawberry tart!

I’m a sucker for pretty and moody looking anime that just spends time in long shots of colorful images, so i was hooked from the first episode. It also reminded me of Hyouka, and i liked the few episodes i saw of that.

The sweets on this show look incredible.


the ranma remake… omfg


yappappaa yappappaa iishanten~ ♫♩


i know they won’t considering David didn’t with Urusei Yatsura but I would happily keep the old opening.

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