I guess it can't be helped: the anime thread.

That’s awesome! Now you got me curious about what sorts of Brazilian culture are brought in.


Some characters have State specific accents/dialects, sometimes they throw refferences for brazillian tv shows/movies/singers.

A great example is YuYu Hakusho. Yuusuke accent is from Rio de Janeiro and he throws a lot of popular sayings, some are related to soccer and such.

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I was watching OkiTsuRa ( Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Knew What She’s Saying) and thought that Brandon would hate this anime since it is a 100% romcom based on the lack of communication. I find it super funny even if i’m pretty sure it is an ad for the Okinawa board of tourism.


Yeahhhhh lack of communication is the worst! Talk it out people!!


But what if you literally can’t understand the other person? XD

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Non-anime fan here but yeah, “falling in love” and “unable to communicate with each other” seem like they should be mutually exclusive terms!

Anime romcoms are mostly about that, they all start with “one way affection” plots that are made worse by communication issues.

I’ve been filling a missing slot in my anime viewing by finally watching Zeta Gundam (original flavour, not the retelling movies). I’ve watched some of it before, in the form of an extremely degraded copy of a copy VHS with a spurious translation that I bought in the early 90’s.

It’s completely different from how I remember it, probably equally due to my questionable memory of the era and the lousy quality of the version I watched back then, but I can definitely see what folks like about it! It’s incredibly dated in so many ways, but I love the crunchy animation and its overall gloominess-- it’s famously a dark series in an already dark franchise, and most of all I love the amazingly appealing mech designs and the amazingly unappealing character designs!


the best (only?) romance series in Jump starts with one way affection and the plot is made better by communicating ! Watch and read Blue Box! We already talked about this though

Every new Titans mech design introduced in Zeta is a joy lol. They are all goofy and yet cool at the same time.

Related but I’m around half way through ZZ now and very much enjoying it. I feel like Judau’s attitude is a good shift from Kamille. Excited to continue now that it seems to be really picking up steam.

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Kinda anxious to get to ZZ because there is literally nothing but excess about the Gundam ZZ (and especially the Full Armour Gundam ZZ)!

But yeah so so so many weird bonkers mech designs and super ugly character designs!


Zeta is always the UC I never vibed with much. It has been quite a few years since I’ve seen it though so maybe if I went back to it now with fresh eyes I’d have more of an appreciation. I think my main criticism of the time is that it felt like no one did anything that made sense and the women were really shallow characters. Maybe some of that is “the point” and I didn’t get it at the time, idk! Always loved ZZ though, fantastic cast. Especially once you get past the early comedy forward stuff it becomes one of the best shows in the franchise imo.

I’m actually currently in a bit of a mech kick!

G Reco movies: I love these, the character and mech designs are particularly great. They’re hilarious and melodramatic, very Tomino. But very post-Turn A Tomino where it’s not as depressing. Have three more to go.

Big O: I definitely watched this on Cartoon Network back in the day but don’t remember much of it. Really interesting show that feels like Japanese creators paying homage to western cartoons like Batman TAS. Exceptionally cool mech designs.

After finishing these I’m going to finally watch the Rebuild of Evangelion which I’m dreading about as much as I’m looking forward to haha


ohhhh I’ve been wanting to give the G Reco movies a shot since I’ve heard that the they’re better than the series. Will def be checking them out after I finish main UC.

Curious what you’ll think about the rebuilds too. As someone who saw the last two as they came out, and felt that wait from 3.0 to 4.0, it’s crazy how it won me back. My thoughts on them have simmered over the years and I generally enjoy them. The original series plus EoE will always be the there so I’m glad the rebuilds did their own thing in the end.

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I watched Mieruko-chan because the premise of someone who can see ghosts but tries to ignore them seemed cool. they had so many possible good directions to go here, and they only went about 20% of the way toward any of them. On top of that there was so much ecchi “fanservice” (closeups of highschooler breasts/thighs/slow pans during showers) that had absolutely no place in the narrative and felt gross. also the main character never directly discussed her powers with the other person she meets who also has that power.

It never lived up to its premise in any regard, don’t bother watching it.

But an anime where someone can see ghosts, learns to help them move on, and makes pacts with subversive shinto deities with whom they can’t actually converse WOULD be cool if done in an interesting way. This just was not.


The movies are good! I haven’t seen all of the show, I think I watched maybe half of it when it was airing, but I liked that as well. It’s not an especially coherent work but it’s undeniably cool imo

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i couldn’t finish the 1st episode. I had trouble keeping up with the subtitles

I have never seen it, but i think that is the story of Natsume Book of Friends.
A somewhat similar thing is IN/Spectre, and anime that i adore. The protagonist is a little too horny and they talk a lot, like, a lot, but i adore the dialogues and the stories. And the protagonist is also an early 20’s girl that looks like a very young teen for plot reasons, so also beware of that.


Natsume Yuujinchou is so good. I only watched 2 seasons and read the rest. Multiple chapters made me cry

Gundam Reconguista in G Movie 3 is where it gets way stranger, a little more incoherent, and much more beautiful. It has all the Tominoisms we love, including a lot of stuff about those damn adults, and all the strange pacing his stuff is usually known for. This looks like when the new movie footage came in too, the animation is noticeably higher quality than the previous two that mostly looked like TV footage that was recut.

also the end credits of movie 3 go so hard

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