welcome welcome lets talk about our favorite snacks and drinks! i remember a thread like this on bemaniso.ws and was always so fascinated at what people encountered in their local convenience stores and drinks abroad and domestic.
dr pepper came out with a blackberry variant and i recently tried it
it’s pretty good! it has just enough of a new flavor to make it taste like something new while still having that regular dr pepper taste, but that smell when i first opened it… like rx cough syrup lol
i think these are a canadian flavor that they started bagging here in the states recently-ish? or maybe it just came to my town either way i love them. i had the ruffles version before which i think are far superior, but these are good too!
I love snacks and funny little drinks. For me there’s a corner store close to the arcade I frequent that is where most of my convenient store visits come from.
Top drink picks for me are topo chico w/ lime, arizona arnold palmer, or if it’s available some kind of unsweet green tea.
Snack picks for me depends on if I want sweet or salty. Sweet I go for gummy bears or a twix if I want chocolate. Salty I usually go for combos pretzel and cheddar or sour cream onion lays.
Now if I’m traveling and stop at a buccees things change. I’ll take a sausage kolache and roasted pecans over all other snacks.
On the last regional snacks thread we convinced another poster to take out a reverse mortgage on their home to import a bag of takis. I shudder to imagine the consequences of this one.
I still like Takis, but I’m convinced they used to be better when I was only able to buy them in the tienda next to the record store I worked at. I swear chile limon ones used to be spicier and covered in more of that delicious red dust.
I have no idea if and/or where these are available outside of the German speaking area but whenever I buy these (like just now) I consume the whole bag at once and feel like a filthy animal.
I tried these last night. The jerky was cut really thin which I liked because I hate the chew of jerky normally and it had just the slightest touch of heat to it. Just enough to warm your stomach but not so warm as to think youve made a tremendous mistake.
And I got the tea because I like to drink oolong tea at home, but it was not very good to me. Tasted almost fermented.
Don’t know if it changes anything but I don’t buy all four of these at the same time lol. Sparkling water + Sun Chips are what I get at the corner store when I’m drunk, and black tea + a Kind bar are for when I gotta drive somewhere like three hours away