Insert Credit Semi-BiWeekly Score Attack!!! now playing: Soldier Blade

As was discussed in the Insert Credit Time Attack we were thinking about having Score Attack events that serve as recurring and alternating companions to the Time Attack events. I proposed the idea so guess i’m gonna be hosting (and trying to win heheh). So if this goes on we’ll have racing weeks with @Slink and scoring weeks with me.

Ideally I want to have arcade-y games where you can do quick runs. Games with caravan modes would fit great. And that’s why this week I’m choosing:

Summer Carnival '92 - Recca

This game curiously has a Time Attack and Score Attack mode in the menu but in honor of this thread I think we should compete on the Score Attack mode. Said mode gives you 2 minutes to score as much as possible in a defined section of a level.

It’s a nes rom so you know where to get them! It was also available as 3ds virtual console title at some point!

I’ll take suggestions on the next games to score attack and open a poll or something.

I was planning to post this yesterday but uhhh I forgot so and I also didn’t keep track of the spreadsheet last week cause i had a cold and uhhh… we’ll accept new scores until Monday the 20th.

If this doesn’t take off for some reason we can always go back to having only time attacks with racing games.

Scores Spreadsheet. Feel free to update with your scores!!!


My 3DS is very ready for this!


I have never played this game before. I look forward to propping up the ladder from dead-last position, but I’ll at least give it a go!

recca is so good, but I am so bad. +1 to caravan games

let’s see if I remember to submit a score!

also, any chance we can go bi-weekly with this? two weeks for a game would often give people who are interested enough time to at least try, imo


I think this is a good idea, with the weeks for time/score attacks offset. So there’d be no change to how they start under the present arrangement, but each can run for two weeks instead of only one. Week two of one overlaps with week one of another.


Nice, thanks @穴 !

This game looks cool. I’ll be giving this one a go for sure.

Recca is the perfect game to start things off with!

This all sounds rad! I would like to be part of this format gaining traction. I haven’t surfed rom waters since the early 00’s. Would anyone be willing to show an elder millennial how to safely navigate the current and relevant lakeshore?

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CD Romance will usually have you covered, especially for pre-patched translated roms. EDIT: Oh wait I forgot CD Romance just had a big shake-up. Nevermind.

Archive dot org has a bunch of big rom packs, but it looks like maybe they’re starting to crack down on that?

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For anyone who, like me, loves this game but has a hard time with all the full-screen flashes: this hack helps make things a lot more bearable!!


Oh yeah, thanks for sharing this. This game is really brutal for light sensitive people.

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is this recent? i know they had one prior but didn’t know of a second one.

I have played exactly one run. I present to you: the worst score we’ll see this challenge



technically it still works they are just hosting everything on their forum and you have to create an account there!

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first submission from me

I’ll probably post a small guide about the game mechanics to get everyone up speed


Not so fast! My first run at 103,984



I gave it a go. This game is pretty cool. The speed shifting and power buildup are neat.

@穴 A mechanics rundown would be most appreciated!


Found a good weapon breakdwon from an old gamefaqs guide.
will make my own later today but for now:



Hold A: Primary
Hold B: Secondary Weapon

There are five secondary weapons and five primaries, each one can be upgraded
and provide a different degree of firepower. I suggest you pick one power-up
and stick with it. This will make you more comfortable with the ins and outs of
the weapon.

However, the screen is often plastered with enemies. Know your functions early
and be prepared to grab whatever comes your way after getting killed until you
can get back on track.

Secondary fire comes in the way of a small canon or canons that surround your
ship. These are fired with the B button.


The bomb function is interesting in Recca. If you do not fire your primary
weapon, it will charge. There is an ENERGY meter on your HUD, and when this is
full the energy ball is fully formed. Fire your primary weapon to cause a huge

The ball is also protective, it will consume small shots but it won’t stop
large attacks like a boss’ lasers. That said, charging the bomb ball will be
essential to a number of the bosses that spray considerable shots of waves.

The downside, of course, is that the ball takes time to charge. This means it
is less useful in the enemy waves but it’ll still come in handy. It’s
situational in terms of level, and you need to adapt it to a pattern with the


The select button changes your speed. This changes your speed meter, and there
are a few notches on it. Reduce your speed if you need, or increase it if you
are comfortable.

This is a useful feature, even situationally.

| RC3: Power-Ups |

If you’d asked me my favourite combo of weapons, it’s the SSecondary, which
swivel to point at close enemies, and the V main canon, which is a spread shot.
There’s a big consideration to take when choosing what you want to focus on in
Recca for your primary - wide vs homing.

While the straight forward B main canon is powerful and fast, it often puts you
in harm’s way. The homing H canon has a huge range it can home at and the laser
has minimal homing when it’s fully stocked.

Homing has one major flaw, however - you don’t decide what target it attacks.
This means you could have one big ship and many little ones… the shots
shatter the little ones but the big guy stays around, costing you time.

This isn’t so bad in the first quest, but the second quest is longer and has
more big dudes to kill - it costs you a lot of time and once the time counter
hits 60:00:00 it’s Time Over aka Game Over.

Then V or even F comes in handy as a normal main canon, with H being used in
situations that call for it. Remember - once you have fully upgraded a weapon,
any new weapon you switch to will also be full. Useful.

                         ***PRIMARY WEAPON***

Your primary weapon is your more powerful, main shot that you will use to down
most enemy waves that come your way. All fo them can be upgraded by collecting
the same power-up in a row. It seems that a max-upgraded weapon will let you
switch to another max-upgrade if you change mid-game. This could be useful in
strategizing your attack.

B: Forward Blast

A powerful weapon that fires multiple shots forward. This gives some horizontal
coverage but not much. The shots are fast, however, and you can pour many shots
into a target in short order.

This means you can take out a wave pretty easily but there’s not much coverage
elsewhere. In Recca, this could be an issue if you ahve to get away from the
bottom of the screen.

I’d suggest that you take this if you are comfortable with moving around the
screen in Recca, but other weapons offer you better coverage both out of the
gate and later on.

-Shots increase in speed and more shots.

F: Forward and Back

This rapid shot is very much spread out - excellent cover though the cone is
large and there are only three lines of fire so you may miss a few enemies with
the very wide shot. But the coverage is great in that the enemies could get
close but you’ll hit them on the way past anyways.

F is a great power-up if you like to play the centre of screen, because when it
upgrades you also get a backwards spray.

-Back shots.

H: Homing

The homing shot sprays shots forward that veer into the enemy. This is not
necessarily the strongest weapon in the game but it will gain effectiveness as
you gain more upgrades.

The homing capabilities are not supreme - I would suggest the forward three-way
shot as being a better choice of weapon overall. However, this can catch the
odd enemy that gets close to you so it may be worth considering.

After a few upgrades the weapon really shines, however, as the homing shots
will travel below your ship and down even larger enemies in a few hits. It’s a
decent weapon if you can keep up with the upgrades.

-Shots become larger and seem to increase homing capacity.

L: Laser

The laser is perhaps the worst out of the gate as it is very thin - almost no
coverage. It’s powerful, but until you upgrade it, it’s hard to use it

The lasers will become larger and gain minimal homing capacity. This makes the
laser a force to be reckoned with but only if you get it upgraded.

If you’re going to focus ona homing weapon, I’d say “H” is a little more worth
your time because it has a much larger degree of seeking capability.

-Longer lasers and homing capacity.

V: Spread

V’s spread is so condensed that you’ll quickly deal a lot of damage to large
targets and create a blocking cone in front of the ship. It’s probably the best
power-up right out of the box but not so much when you’re talking about fully

The upgrades aren’t incredible, but they will help. V is a solid choice, I’d
recommend it over B in most situations.

-Additional lines of fire.

                        ***SECONDARY WEAPON***

Red power-ups give you a secondary “option” canon that positions itself around
your ship in some way. While not as destructive as your main canon, everything

B: Backwards

The canon(s) will point backwards at diagonals. This may be considered if you
have a primnary that is almost exclusively forward.

C: Circling

The canon(s) swivel to point in the direction opposite of that you are moving.
Not bad in some cases, but you’ll be moving so much the use will be limited.

F: Forward

The canon(s) will point forward at diagonals. Not bad depending on the weapon
you have, but less useful when you’re powered up.

R: Rotate

The canon will rapidly rotate around the ship. This gives great coverage but is
not as reliable as some other secondaries until you’ve got the upgrade into it
for two canons.

S: Seeker

These canons stay mainly forward but tilt towards the enemies as they pass by.
S is extremely useful when you have a low-powered laser or are focusing on a
power-up like B.


Thanks for this!!! Going on a lower speed helped a lot.


I just learned this game was developed by KID, which makes so much sense as to why I really like the look and feel of it.

This is my current best.

I’ll probably give it another go tomorrow.