Insert Credit Semi-BiWeekly Score Attack!!! now playing: Soldier Blade

First time playing and a couple runs in. It’s certainly a target rich map.
Found a gold Z bonus item in the bottom left at the start of the long crate section. Guessing I’m missing a bunch more of those.



first serious run of mine




Fun to blast through. I found some gold pieces and they seemed to chain. And the other big point value I found was beating the two eyeball things simultaneously. With their eyes open?


I watched a video that showed scoring tricks. I got decent score but feels like cheating so will not submit.


it’s not cheating if you share the video with the class


Here’s the video but I feel like the forummates haven’t properly gone through the discovery phase yet so maybe watch tech videos after the 1st week? I’m also hiding the video to hide the score. I think it’s more fun to chase the scores posted on this thread. It’s not that fun for me chasing the score on the video…


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I haven’t looked up any tech or whatever yet. I imagine that this mode has been fully mapped out and a “perfect” run is possible, at least via TAS.

I’ve learned a few things I’m happy to share, I’ll blur them just in case anyone else wants to try working everything else out for themselves

There’s a bunch of hidden yellow Z tokens across the map. I’ve found 3 of them so far I think, no idea how many there are in total. You can tell you’re finding one because your shots will hit that (seemingly empty/background) tile and make a collision/tink sound. They require a few shots to reveal.
In the run I posted the score for here, I think I only hit one or maybe two of them.

The multi-segmented space snake thing seems to offer different amounts of points depending on when you kill it. I’ve gotten 1000 just randomly blasting it, but am reliably getting 20,000 now focusing it down and killing it just as or before it completes the initial vertical descent and starts turning right on the screen.

The two weird boat things seem to offer a bonus if you kill them both at the same time. The timing on this seems pretty tight, I’ve failed it a bunch when it looked like it should have worked. Maybe there’s more going on here than I realise.

There’s huge points on offer if you don’t try and blast the final boss as quickly as possible. Shooting its bullets seems to be worth a ton of points, so clearing those out and only doing the minimal damage required to kill the boss before the 2 minutes expires is probably better than focusing it down and then trying to continue with the rest of the stage beyond the boss. I’ve only gotten a few waves beyond when trying to kill quickly, and there doesn’t seem to be many points on offer there. I think the fastest I’ve been so far had 17 or 18 seconds remaining after the boss kill, and I couldn’t do much in that time.

There’s probably a whole lot more that I’m missing and not aware of!


I love this. This is why I felt watching videos ruined it for me…

After about six attempts my best is 427,500. On that one I think I got a 50,000 bonus from one of the mini bosses - maybe the two star things? - that I hadn’t gotten before on all my 370,000ish runs.

very interesting tactic with the final boss… farming the bullets for points and taking them out at the last second
and I cheated and watched the video so I think I understand how to get 50k from both mini bosses

Finally got around to taking a stab at it. This was my first run. I haven’t looked at any of the tips, just the scores. I’ll pop back in once I hit a score plateau!



I just got this!


I think there is room to improve without looking at the tech, but I’m probably going to look anyway. I’d rather move past discovery and into execution. This is a fun one!

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Gave it a couple goes this morning. I feel like 400k is so close as long as I get more of the bonus enemies.


Put what I know into practice


Didn’t quite catch up to @rejj but I’m still happy with it for now. I’ll keep at it though. Now that i know where the ceiling is.



Only inched up a little. Found more gold bricks and bonus conditions but my best runs seem unrelated to pulling them off.

Is there a trick to when you should collect the gold bricks? I tried leaving them on screen longer and keeping enemies on screen but the point values are all over the place for me.

Haven’t tried bullet sponging the boss yet, I was just getting good at really turbo-ing them down.



I was about to turn in for the night, but decided to do a couple runs. Ended up getting this on the first go. Almost cracked 500k!



I watched the video and I’m still not doing so good. This is my best score so far.

A fun fact is that I usually don’t care about racing games and I love shoot em ups but I’m doing much better at the time attacks. Like I don’t like cars at all. My older brother has tried to get me into trackmania and games like that but I just don’t like them. But I guess so far I clicked hard with sega rally and r4.


Also just letting the future winners and game choosers that this score attack doesn’t necessarily need to be about shoot em ups. Any game as long as it lends itself to scoring high is game.