Dang, owned
oh man this thread is full of treasure lol. Speaking of treasures…
like 2 weeks ago I was walking my dog and came across this (as I often do while walking)
what a nice TV! 24 inch flatscreen, has S-Video and Component inputs in the back too!
(by contrast the two TVs I found during today's walk were actual garbage, aside from the built in VCR)
anywayz, I left it there, and like a week later it was still there! like the garbage man didnt even pick it up!! So I was like FINE OK I'll grab it. Had no idea how big and heavy the thing was til I tried to carry it and fit it into my car >_<
anywayz again, only reason I'm telling this story is coz I tested it out using my PS2 while playing Taito Legends 2 lol
I haven't messed with the TV since, but I definitely had a good time that night :)
thing is big tho and it's cramping my room lol. Best case scenario I can get at least $30 by marketing it on craigslist towards retro gamers :P
That's a nice curb find! I reckon you can get more than $30 depending on where you live
I've got not much to add, but just wanted to say I really appreciate this thread.
Oh…and since no one has posted the North American PlayStation cover art published by Mud Duck Productions
this is far and away the worst version! and it has this 3D bit they tacked on that‘s extremely "what’s the point."
@exodus#4381 Man, if only a physical copy of the Saturn or Dreamcast version didn't cost so much! Patrako cute
probably should‘ve bought a copy 10 years ago, that’s my trick for everything
@exodus#4414 Ok, go back and get me a copy too
I‘ll pick up the dreamcast version while I’m at it, I don't have that one ;_;
I've beaten the game on Hard Lv40, but after that I've been trying to beat Normal All Clear but I always choke up at lv 90. It takes like 20-25 minutes just to get that far, only to mess one thing up and have it all fall to pieces.
My main problem is that I still don't fully "get it," in that I can't just build structures off muscle memory that I know will work. I feel like once you reach that point, you're at Intermediate. Right now, I can just play safe and go for a 3 chain if I'm feeling fancy. I gotta study those images I posted early from the Wisemen of Cleopatra Fortune.
Yeah, as soon as I get out of sync with it or momentarily forget what the requirements are to clear a piece, or something else, it's kinda over for me… Which is why I play mystery mode instead!
Also, lucky you, you still have mystery mode to play!
Cleopatra Update:
I‘ve gotten to the point where I can play pretty safely to high levels, but I still don’t know how to build to automatically get chains. Whenever I try to predictably build up to make a chain, I just end up crushing it before it can drop.
I'm trying to build it like a ladder, but maybe I should do it more like the Replay Burners-style and do a staircase instead. Hmmm.
Yeah, building chains reliably in a bunch of situations is the tough one. That (again) is an argument for mystery mode, which sort of tries to get you to build a bunch of complex chains. But I'm not sure I could apply that knowledge practically, since a lot of it requires some real mental gymnastics, and occasionally trial and error.
But if you can't get there after 24 hours of play I've got no home!!!
I forgot to update this thread, but I finally got an ALL CLEAR starting from Normal/Lv 20 yesterday!
Besides that, in tonight's Cleopatra Fortune deep dive, I'm shopping for that Monthly Arcadia 2002 April issue that supposedly has Cleopatra Fortune Plus model sheets. All listings I find say that it comes with a Cleopatra Fortune Plus poster, but I'm praying that it also has the drawings. Please!!
I'm probably the only fool in the world who's looking for this issue for everything EXCEPT all the great games listed on the cover.
Also getting this:
Just for the Patrako. I found a listing on JP Surugaya that didn't come with a photo thumbnail, so let's hope it's the right issue and it's not horribly damaged!
I'd love to see the poster if you manage to get your hands on it!
(Also, I always hear the vocals as "hush your buns" even though that's obviously not it)
crossing my fingers for that magazine!!
also I guess I'm gonna hear hush your buns forever now, dang it.
I fucke dup and didn‘t get the Arcadia issue, and now it’s completely unavailable anywhere and I'm crying as I search for another copy every day
On tonight's casual Cleopatra Fortune image searching:
Another look at the Patrako model kit:
The back side of the original arcade flyer (I hadn't seen it before):
A large view of the fold out poster that came from the above mentioned Arcadia issue (I THINK):
Which you can buy for the low low price of 10000y lol: https://from-japan-retro-sale.myshopify.com/products/cleopatra-fortune-poster-poster-scrool-tapestry-japan?_pos=1&_sid=c00a5c54f&_ss=r
Also this popped up in my searching, but I forgot to post about it earlier: a fan DVD with a bunch of pro speedruns, Cleopatra Fortune Movie Archives by circle Fengyun!! Nice ★ GUY: https://blockpunk.net/en/merchpunk/45587814/zai-ru-he-cleopatra-fortune-mubiakaibusu-feng-yun-99794#
Also this 28P Cleopatra Fortune doujinshi from Dec 2001, Patrako Collection Vol2 / ぱとらこーぽれーしょん Vol.2 by circle Paper Telephone: https://www.suruga-ya.com/en/product/ZHORE33173
I think this is Volume 1? Auction for it ends in 5 hours, available if you go to their shop lol: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m199786924
Also found an H doujin from circle Oniashido / Karateka ・ Value: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1109948722&keyword=cleopatra%20fortune&lang=en
I like how the artist redesigned the back of Patrako's outfit to be mecha-like, and thus needing those iconic 3 vent holes/drill holes. Are they vents or holes for bolts? I've been drawing those exact 3 dots for decades now after learning it from Sonic 2's last level Eggrobo and just realized I've internalized the design language without ever questioning the design purpose. I need to sit for a second. (I'm already sitting though.)
I tried upres-ing the iMode Cleopatra Fortune screens to see how it'd look at 10x size using Waifu2x:
Bunny Patrako:
Here's a little devastated Patrako at 1800 x 1960