I‘ve had a game-related linocut series idea for a while, so maybe this is the right venue for it? Either way, I think this is a pretty fantastic project, and I’m glad it's going to happen!
I‘m really excited about this! I have no clue how I’d contribute, but I'm really jazzed to see what happens.
For the record my resume includes:
No work experience requiring any creative or investigative writing
No work experience with any graphic design
No higher education in any subject that relates to printed media
Creating a lot of poorly spliced together video game related images (see profile pic and below)
I love this idea!
It would be nice to participate, but I’ll need to look out for the concept or idea to be able to help you properly. Also, English is not my forte, although I like the additional challenge.
I’ll contribute. The most fitting is this thing I am still the only one talking about: Maple Story is secretly Wonder Boy in Monster World all along