Mar '23 Monthly Game Club - Xanadu Next

For anyone that can read Japanese (not me :pensive:) these might be cool and/or interesting:

Xanadu Next Manual:
Xanadu Next Encyclopedia:

Aw man, Iā€˜ve got too many projects going right now but this sounds fun. Iā€™ll keep an eye on the thread, might be able to fit it in. Hope everyone has fun!

@ā€œsaddleblastersā€#p106540 also speaking of being inspired by games to write poetry, i guess this is as good a time as any to remind everyone of my best thread idea to date, the quatrain thread

@ā€œfrogā€#p106539 when you launch on Deck, select the controller configuration option and you can disable the movies, which should help! Been working smooth on me for Deck. The controls are different but Iā€™ve been getting used to them and mapped the right stick to rotate the camera too.

~~Silly question but how do I make details drop-down? I couldnā€™t figure it out yesterday.~~ Found the sticky thread with these details!

I have just started playing.

I am choosing to believe that this flying mammal is called a Combat

@ā€œrejjā€#p106554 thatā€™s short for constitutional wombat!

I started playing using the mouse & keyboard, but I suspect a gamepad may be better. The mouse control feels a little weird, the character does not move to where you click, but rather just in the direction of your pointer while you hold the left mouse button down.

I imagine with a pad you just have direct control with the left stick, that would probably feel a whole lot better.

[color=ā€œ#f2ce44ā€]SKILL GET![/color]

I played with a mouse way back when, going to 8bitdo it this time

Can I play it with a saturn pad?


@ā€œGaagaagiinsā€#p106506 Might have to sit this month out unless I find a way to Monkey D. Luffy it

Holy shit, Monkey D. Luffy visited me in my home personally after I posted about wanting to participate but not being able to afford the game itt, and he gave me a 100% legal copy of the game with a proof of purchase and everything! Thank you, Monkey D. Luffy!!!

@ā€œIncompatibleKaiserā€#p106571 I think youā€˜d have enough buttons on that to do everything youā€™d need to in the game! Bumpers for camera, then face buttons for the normal junk.

I love FaXanadu, am I correct in saying I prefer the more dark, twisted, edgy vibe of Xanadu to Falcom's other standard offerings like Ys and Heroes? I know I love Brandish for that reason.

Great pick!

don't forget to mention that this game is also available for the N-Gage, which is how I will be playing it, as god intended.
just kidding! (edit: ope, exodus has it on n-gage. figures lmao)

A switch port would be cool thought wouldn't it?

since we're naming falcom games we've played... I've played a lot of them but here's my faves & the ones I've sat down and played extensively, for hours:

  • - Brandish SNES (all time fave)
  • - Dragon Slayer IV - the Drasle Family (legacy of the wizard) NES
  • - FaXanadu (FaMily computeR)
  • - Popful Mail SEGA CD
    I've picked up the original Ys multiple times across all the retro platforms but never got much further than the first couple dungeons.
  • I think the only modern Ys stuff I've ever touched was the PSP remake of Ys and the PSP remake of Brandish.


    @ā€œIncompatibleKaiserā€#p106571 Can I play it with a saturn pad?

    This is what I'm going to try to use, the retro-bit saturn pad. I'd be interested to see if this game has rumble support with more standard controllers like 8bitdo.

    I only briefly booted it up on the Steam Deck last night to see if it worked well and I couldnā€™t even get it to register inputs for a name lmao, Iā€™ll troubleshoot more today because it sounds like it should be working totally fine.

    @ā€œyesoā€#p106484 I need to get back at it precisely due to what @rejj said.

    Really hoping for a lot of picture-of-screen shots on that N-Gage @exodus !!!

    Iā€˜m excited to try this one out. I donā€™t think I've ever played a Falcom game.

    @ā€œsaddleblastersā€#p106540 lmaoā€¦ well if anyone on the planet earth was going to write poetry about an obscure 2005 JRPGā€¦ I'd probably in the top 1000 people on earth most likely to do that.

    Quatrain thread = my new favorite thread

    Oh wow! This is very exciting that this is the first game club game!

    Iā€˜ve had this game for two years (and on my steam wishlist for about five) and never touched it, but always kept it installed.

    Iā€™m a huge Falcom fan, and am even playing through the first Legend of Heroes on Turbografx CD as of yesterday.

    About to dig into this in a couple minutes!

    Alright, so I've had a couple beers and I've been tired all day so I actually only played for 20 minutes, but my first thoughts are "wow the town music sure does remind me of chrono cross" and "wow the dungeon music sure does remind me of eternal ring" and that's good!

    Sat down to play for maybe an hour or two and ended up playing for three. I'm liking this game a lot so far!

    I'm using mouse and keyboard. I tried an xbox 360 controller for a little bit, but switched over as soon as I saw the UI had f-keys on a hot bar. _No way_ am I going to rewire my brain just to hold a controller if I'm playing at my PC anyway.

    First off, the textures are _amazing_. Grass and bricks have a nice mottled quality to them that adds nice detail, even if that detail isn't "sharp." Flowers out in the field have this distinct flattened quality to them that works well with the camera rotation. I'm into ~*the lore*~ so far, too--such a sucker for slow drip, non-sequential delivery of this kind of stuff. >!I've been dungeon crawling for a solid 30 minutes, you bet I'm ready to hear some poetry and/or folklore.!<

    One thing that's been a minor annoyance so far: >!In that second underground area, out in the field that Agnes helps you get into, I reached a point in which suddenly _every_ door needed a key. I hadn't put this together yet, and only brought a few with me, as the game had suggested. I needed, like, 10! That's a lot of keys! I just had to return to town like 4 times and then run back, which kinda sucked. I suspect this is one of the primary methods by which the game paces the player, and I'm aware of the various methods with which to acquire keys, so this could not be too much of an issue moving forward.!<

    Anyway, truly enjoying myself so far! Because I'm playing on PC, it's easy for me to stream it over on the [IC adjacent discord server](, so come check that out if you're so inclined.

    EDIT: @Lunarchivist and I were talking about the N-Gage version of this game while I was streaming, so I went and looked it up. [Oh boy.](