Misplaced Gaming items!?
I have been reorganizing my gaming items, after several moves, basement flooding,etc. Over the years my things have been packed and repacked.
I have some Missing items! Misplaced. More amusing is no memmory of where have these things gone. I know I have a NegCon controller for PS1 no idea where it went. I have boxes for NES : Paperboy, Karnov, Cobra Command, Castlevania 2, with no games? Certainly some of these where borrowed by a childhood friend and I don’t remember anymore. I have a Final Fantasy NES with the box all the manuals and no cart, that one is really bugging me I would never have lost this. lol. (I’ll buy a loose cart and complete it.) Especially in light of those effected by natural disasters, this thread was not meant as a pity post, more an amusing place to share “what have you Misplaced in your gaming collection” , Things you legit remember owning but have been swallowed by life with no memmory? I’ll keep updating as I make my way through my things.