MOTHER-like games, with Twin Peaks Sprinkled on Top

Also relevant to everyone here I'm sure:

I could go for a replay!

I love Reggie and I wish more video games had rastafari innit

Found this. It's about games like Undertale, not Mother, but most of them fit. Just look at Oddventure!

@Snowdecahedron#27416 This list sucks, where is Brandish???

Exciting findings unearthed by the VGHF re: Earthbound's localization source files! Check it out!

Also, Frank is convinced internet forums are dead because this isn't getting traction on the Mother fan forums...let's prove him wrong I guess?

@kory#32492 I just saw this on Ars Technica!!

So cool to see this kind of work getting recognition!

CONGRATS FRANK and the rest of the VGHF!


Uh, what mother fan forums? Starmen dot net? Starmen dot net is pretty dead. Much of the old garde have moved on to Fangamer, so nothing really interesting going on whenever I check in, about once every five years lol.

Unless there‘s some other forum now, which I’m sure there is. But usually I‘m pretty turned off by fandoms of any kind, the new mother fandom is no exception. So yeah, I don’t expect them to catch on to anything. I mean, the whole reason I made this thread was because starmen dot net‘s “games similar to earthbound” section was never updated. Other Mother fan hubs I’ve seen are all quite juvenile.

But this post is cool, I somehow missed it so far too! I will signal boost it though. My friend who runs their own publication, is a huge mother fan.

No, the true Mother fandom lies under no single banner, it is within us all.

@treefroggy#32536 Yeah, not sure what specific ones he was referring to–I have never followed any, myself, and am familiar with Starmen in name only. I definitely hear what you are saying, though. There‘s been a decent amount of backlash in response these parts of the fandom you reference and it’s sadly put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths re: Mother/Earthbound… So yeah, anything you can do to spread cool stuff like this is a huge plus!

Something that is not recognized enough about Mother 2 within the fandom and otherwise which I try to promote as much as possible:

It is a game from 1994 where you are tasked with defeating Klansmen. Parody they may be, but it is very obvious that they are parodying the Klu Klux Klan. That is awesome. It may be the first game where you do this. IMHO, this is not recognized enough, when that other game by rockstar(?) 25 years later takes the fame for the same thing.




Yes, so, back in the day, everyone online wondered who “Jackie” was. Without factual evidence, I guess no one wanted to conclude it was the barkeep.
Well, I made the One Eyed Jack’s connection a long time ago, if you assume the guy is named Jack it makes sense.
Turns out I was right! No one believed me!
Now here we are! The Twin Peaks connections do.not.stop.

[upl-image-preview url=//]

This is an awesome quote from Itoi, but American fans always misinterpret it as permission to regard their fan content as a true successor to the series, lol. It means go live your own life, MOTHER is a reflection of stuff that happened in real life. It doesn’t mean you have the right to make MOTHER 4. :person_facepalming:they are taking it literally, at face value. I would interpret it as more of a nice way of saying “get a life!”

Whoa, no wonder Ness and me had the same favourite food! He was me all along!

Itoi-san: Your fourth mother was the friends you made along the way

Naido is a confirmed inhabitant of the Mushroom Kingdom

For those who don't know, Nae Yuuki was in Inland Empire, and Twin Peaks: The Return. Great find, @“kory”#p37002 !

Are there any games that have done The Return the way twin peaks has? At least in the way that characters have aged along with the audience? Doesn‘t have to be a reboot specifically, but seeing shenmue 3 on the shelf and then seeing this thread got me wishing good ole yu suzuki did something more along those lines than just continue the story as it left off what with the 20 years between releases and all. I suppose metal gear kinda fits? I haven’t played enough of them to say for sure.

Oh yeah, I remember the surrounding promotional footage. It was really cool that they blasted their own creation for the reboot and fit it into the lore.

The influence of the original Twin Peaks on Japanese culture and world wide may not ever be repeated. Part 3 did very well but times are just different now. Game developers are clearly more inspired by Game of Thrones than Twin Peaks: The Return.

Usually, quite unfortunately, game series don‘t end gracefully, or on a good note. They usually are run into the ground and resurrected multiple times before dying off seemingly for ever. I can’t think of a game series that has had The Return treatment. The Return was significant because Lynch had to fight tooth and nail for complete creative control, proper budget, etc. The games industry doesn‘t give their creatives that kind of power. Just look at how Kojima was treated.

In fact, I think Death Stranding was the closest to a Twin Peaks: The Return. It was the return of Kojima-san, and when it launched I chose to decipher the lore during the first parts of the game using a Lynchian lens, which was fun.

But that doesn’t take into account your intent behind the question– a literal return where characters have aged…… I'll leave that to the thread syzgy made.