my dad used to love that restaurant
A millennial shooter where you can customize your character in various skinny jeans and restore health with avocado toast and you start the game in debt.
don’t like people adding “-aholic” as a suffix to words to indicate a person is addicted or experiencing harm.
Only 90s kids will remember this!!
My brain simply does not parse that coffee bean as an O, it just ignores it.
I hope I wasn’t the only person who didn’t see the letter C without looking more than once!
“Wholesome” as a descriptor/in general. A lot of reddit lingo ticks me off but “wholesome” is the absolute worst one for me.
i know what you mean but people who use that sort of lingo are like the lumpenproletariat of the internet to me. salt of the earth i find easy to love.
I used to be able to shrug it off but its pervasiveness and extreme overuse when it isn’t even accurate has forever tarnished the “wholesomes” of the web. There are more words, better words out there in 99% of uses.
“Wholesome” bothered me more when it felt like indie games were just trapped in that box; that anything that wasn’t rounded and bright and poppy just wasn’t getting money. I feel like we’ve been coming out of that the past few years. Seems like we get more aggressive, ugly, garish, and painful stuff than we did before. I think Cruelty Squad was a little watershed.
There’s still plenty of cutesy small business tyrant simulators out there, but I can more easily ignore them.
at the end of the day you just can’t trust anything or anyone who’s trying to be cute
“Vibes”. “It’s giving me x vibes”/“it’s got y vibes”. I have a friend who talks like this because he’s trying to sound hip. In your 30s you either sound old or cringe. Embrace the old.
I’m in my 40s and I use the word occasionally too. I don’t think of vibes as an age related word, more of a time related one. Sounds like something from the 50s which I’d be cool hearing from someone in their 50s.
Dont forget, it’s hip to be square.
Okay now I sound old…
I’m 22 and that particular usage (“it’s got x vibes”) strikes me as a hippie thing. So I don’t think young people can reasonably lay claim to it lol. Though when used as a verb, as in “I’m straight vibing,” I do feel like that’s a millennial/Gen Z thing.
vibes is like 1960s slang. the beach boys even wrote a great song about good ones!