Plz point me towards PCE enlightenment

I’ve not looked for a good alternative myself - my plan was to just remove them all and store them separately in case I want them later… For some reason… But replacements is probably a better plan. In some stores in Japan they use little plastic film sleeves but I don’t know where they come from!

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Well, I’ll update the thread if I end up taking the dive!


The newest video retrospective series from the always excellent RndStranger is dedicated to the PC Engine. He’s going for a pace of about a video released every two days.


For various life reasons, I just got around to unboxing my Analogue Duo! Very happy with it so far, but unfortunately the used Duo pad I bought from Surugaya is a bit busted; the II button can be a bit finicky and using the rapid fire switches makes the buttons stop working a lot of the time. It’s thankfully not completely unusable, but I do need to get a new controller.

Any controller recommends? I’ve never had good luck with newer 3rd party controllers, which is basically all that’s readily available these days. I plan on getting an 8bitdo controller for ease of access, but the rapid fire speed isn’t accurate / fast enough, so I don’t want to depend on it as my main controller. What’s the best pad? Am I stuck buying expensive used controllers? I’m eyeing the Avenue Pad 3, which I didn’t know was a thing until just now.

(Also, let me know if you’ve had good/bad luck with surugaya controllers in the past. I’m willing to try again because of price, but don’t want to get another lemon if it’s avoidable.)

I’m no expert but I have seen a lot of folks fix up their pce controllers very nicely without a huge amount of effort. Maybe look into that and common failure points first?

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