Does anyone know of any podcasts that are purely about Japanese retro games? I listen to Retronauts but I‘d like something like that but is purely focused on Japanese games. I don’t have much nostalgia or interest in a lot of western games and most retro podcasts seem to have a worldwide view.
@“Chopemon”#p135460 Don‘t know one that’s 100% focused on Japanese games, but the HG101 podcast has a large backlog of episodes that fit the bill, even if the show overall isn't dedicated to JP releases
@“yeso”#p135472 Oh, that's a good call, cheers!
@“whatsarobot”#p105728 Thanks for plugging this! I‘ve been meaning to find a manga podcast forever and this is exactly what I’m looking for! Can't wait to listen!
@“HeavenlyHalberd”#p135545 Thanks so much for checking it out! I hope you like it. We're working on season 2 now, and some new episodes will be coming soon.
This looks like the best place to ask. I’ve had a purge of long-listened-to podcasts. Breezing by a lot of upsetting details, I no longer want to listen to those shows!
Can anyone suggest a few podcasts? I like video games, and I have recently dove headfirst into Magic: The Gathering. I’m *pretty* averse to *most* of the, “Yeah, I’m a nerd. 👈🏻😎👈🏻“ tabletop gaming media I have seen.
I’m admittedly incredibly picky, but I trust of the tastes of you all here.
@“HyggeState”#p136257 these likely don’t count as “nobody knows about” but to heck with the rules!
Worth going through the history of episodes:
_The Blood Zone_ by @ellaguro
_A Life Well Wasted_ by Robert Ashley
Not game related but also an interesting series (at least to me) and worth the backlog listen:
_The Reason We’re All Still Here_ (used to be _The Deal_)
Also not game related, but too many episodes to bother with the history:
_Arms Control Wonk_
Takes forever for new episodes to come out but they’re all five hours long and great, however old episodes rotate out of the feed since they want to sell you the archives (for pretty cheap at least):
_Hardcore History_
I forget where I got linked to this chiptune interview podcast, but I don't think it was on here?
it's a guy doing what i wish i could do if i had less social anxiety: interviewing random people who did things once. there are only two episodes, both interviewing the same person, but it's a neat conversation.
Did I mention that I‘m now part of a podcast about gaming while a parent? If not, it’s pretty fun! We try to keep things to an hour and focus on a single game at a time
We've done 10 episodes so far, with the most recent being on Symphony of the Night.
Other episodes:
Super Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Xenoblade Chronicles II, Final Fantasy VI, Mario 3, Street Fighter II, Mega Man, Streets of Rage, and Super Metroid.
On the latest episode of 52 Pickup, Gita and Jaffe were joined by guests Dylan Roth and Dalton Deschain who host the podcast Are You Afraid of the Dark Universe? When they described the premise, I was immediately hooked. They‘ve been writing screenplays for movies continuing Universal Pictures’ abandoned Dark Universe project that began (and ended) with The Mummy (2017). This show feels like a gift made especially For Me, I'm obsessed. Fans of extremely specific, high effort fan fiction, look no further.
@“Gaagaagiins”#p63908 Commenting just to further endorse this podcast. Started it today and I‘m slowly catching up, but it is an absolutely phenomenal work of journalism. Looking forward to getting caught up and doing some more of my own reading on what’s going on locally from this angle.
there’ve been two episodes of this podcast, and they’ve both been good. interviews with interesting people. the first episode was with the coindexter himself, brace belden. the second one (linked) is with catherine liu, whom i’m not familiar with, but i like her if this interview is anything to go by.
This dude Kyle is pretty cool and he just launched a new podcast about game development. Worth a listen! Arnold Rauers of Tinytouchtales on Geo Gods
If anyone wants a very Tim Rogers deep-dive style take on various songs that came out in the 2000s, I highly recommend 60 Songs that Explain the 90s: The 2000s.
Rob Harvilla is an engaging storyteller. He can just monologue for the first hour-ish of the show, and it’s fun to listen to, start to finish. In the latest episode, 20 minutes passed before he even mentioned the song that the episode is ostensibly about (Chop Suey by System of a Down).
Psychology In Seattle: a Professor at Antioch college in Seattle discusses the field of psychology In about the most empathic way possible. It doesn’t have that sneering tone that online physiology discourse often has. The regular podcast is fine. It’s mostly chitchat with two of his colleagues and friends but through the Patreon sub he does 8 to 15 hour deep dives into various pathologies that are fascinating.
This is Actually Happening: A person who has gone through a horrible IT life changing occurrence talks about their experience of the event and how it affected them. They’ve clearly had a lot of therapy and have a succinct narrative about their lives. The host edits themselves out so it’s purely a first person narrative.
I need to trawl this thread for new podcasts. I’m subbed to too many political podcasts and it’s bumming me out. Also B I miss Idle Thumbs
Nobody knows about You Are Error (the new podcast from Aftermath) because the first episode was literally yesterday. I liked it quite a lot though - they had Rami Ismail on to talk about the portrayal of Arabs in video games.