Oh wow all 6 movies are on youtube.
I guess Wangan Trial ps1 ripped this series lol
Oh, that’s cool, I didn’t even check! I bought this dvd half because I figured I should rip it, but somebody already did!
Went to local game store to pick up the Ys remaster and to my surprise they had a used copy of 428! I’ve never seen a physical copy of it around before, feels like a good one to add to the collection
I love how the (assumedly) collector’s edition of Ys is called “Refined Edition”
It’s actually the regular edition! XSEED does this a lot where the physical copy has a bunch of extra stuff in it. I kinda don’t like it, I just want the game and don’t need more stuff in my life lol, especially stuff I’m not curating myself.
Aw yeah, that A1 budget friendly branding on Puzzle Star Sweep. I’ll never forget you, Battle Hunter.
Heck yeah, Star Sweep! A solid game cursed with uniquely horrible covers for both Europe and America.
So the European one needs no elaboration, just look at it! What’s going on here?!
American one at least uses a piece of actual artwork for the game, but plasters such a poorly formated template genre tag that people still think the game is called “Puzzle Star Sweep” to this day.
Should’ve just used the nice fancy Japanese logo, damnit!
Sup yall!! Haven’t posted in a while so I thought I’d share my fav acquisition since I last posted. I got this behemoth of a CRT! And I also got it!!UP TWO FLIGHTS OF STAIRS!! Totally worth it. Outrun 2006 looks so good on it. So does many other games. Broke it in with Ribbit King and Outrun. Great for my vhs’s too. The CRT life is a dangerous one (for my back) but a prosperous one. Highly recommend to all my IC freaks.
Very nice D series!! Heck of a television
I love my D
Took my old PS3 into a local place since it was beeping red for years now. Picked up two traditional games. Blooper for scale.
Was excited to find Clubhouse in the wild, since it seems a good nightstand winding down game.
I was a guest a tokusatsu convention this weekend, and my booth buddy was Ryuhei Kitamura, director of Godzilla: Final Wars, Midnight Meat Train and a bunch of other stuff. He was a very sweet man, and he seemed to really enjoy what he told me was his first convention. He melted my heart when he asked for a picture “with Ultraman” (I’ve voiced various Ultra stuff in English), but I got something way better in return – he signed my UMD of Godzilla: Final Wars
Can confirm that he had no idea this thing existed
This is incredible and without a doubt the most appropriate Godzilla movie to have on UMD
One of my favorite things is surprising folks with versions of their own stuff they didn’t know existed, well done!
Oh man, it was delightful to watch him turn it over three or so times and say, “waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?”
Love how extremely anglo she looks on the cover, knowing they just adjusted the RGB values on all the hair textures
I don’t know if I could have handled any other hair color. Thankfully I found the cover both relatable and not too confusing to my day to day experiences. Phew