Yeah I have this one pasted on the wall of my van!
Still mourning. Glad Alex is reading Dragon Ball. I have many memories of the multiple times I’ve read it since I was a kid. It’s worth going all the way through to Saiyan saga.
Me too man, still mourning over here. No exaggeration every day since his passing I have either directly interacted with one of his works or have at the very least thought about them. Every single day. And my love and admiration only keeps growing.
You’re making me wanna read it again now. I have the first few chapters practically memorized but the deeper you go the more I forget.
I also usually would read it in tandem with playing dragon quest. The first time I read dragon ball I was also playing Dragon Quest III for the first time on GBC.
I finished the (pre-Z) Dragon Ball manga and it was so excellent. Toriyama’s expressiveness in manga form is incredible and honestly makes the anime feel kinda stiff in comparison, especially for Z! I’m gonna take a break before continuing because I already know the Z story so well and I’m more interested in the hijinks, fun Toriyama and less the very serious battle Toriyama. Maybe I’ll read Manga Theater next.
Finally started my DBZ rewatch. Haven’t watched since the Toonami days, but always wanted to eventually buy the complete series and watch it again, as I’ll never not enjoy DBZ and looking at Toriyama’s art.
Couldn’t find a way to buy it, and I hate streaming services, but luckily I found an archive of the complete series lying around somewhere cough and have been looking at the easiest way to watch eps from those local files whenever I want. Finally settled on this app Infuse in order to stream to my TV, and not to be a commercial for them, but it made me very excited when I was able to import all my files and it automatically added all the metadata(?) and organized everything very nicely without any hassle.
So now I have complete DBZ in my pocket and it’s wonderful.
This arrived today and it’s full of excellent stuff (just wish I read Japanese for the full experience)!
Didn’t want to wait for an official anthology, so went ahead and ordered a few books documenting his works.
Uniqlo has a new Dragon Ball collection up, there are some pretty cool pieces here. Love how vehicle focused it is, Toriyama’s mechanical design was always so incredible.