Show Me Anything Taito

I was a fan of Bubble Bobble and Rastan in the arcade, so I was super excited to get Taito Coin-op Hits. The Commodore C64 collection was my introduction to all of these Taito games.

The C64 version of Renegade was novel because it used a mix of keyboard and joystick control. Keys 1 and 2 were set to jump and attack. It felt weird but it played better than most belt scrollers mapped to a single button controller.

A while back I was categorically going through and checking out Every Single Soundtrack for Every Single Taito Game, and while they were pretty much all slammers, here's some of my favorites:

[color=Deepskyblue]**Battle Gear 2**[/color] is a fun, incredibly well-produced collection of butt rock that's gonna make you ask why you don't see many games with music like this anymore.

[color=Powderblue]**~ Favorite Tracks~**

  • - [color=Powderblue]To Become Wild
  • - [color=Powderblue]I'll Be Back Here[/color]
  • [color=Deepskyblue]**Magic Pengel: The Quest for Color**[/color] is a game I actually took the time to play through myself because the soundtrack impressed me so much. It kinda sucks, it's a not-very-exciting pokemon clone that hinges on a gimmick that also is not very fun (drawing your own pokemon seems like a great idea until you realize your pokemon's stats are connected to how it's drawn, so any creativity is snuffed out for optimal performance) but it's a game you can really tell a lot of people put a lot of passion into (some people including Gainax and Studio Ghibli!!). Some of Zuntata's absolute best work, and I do not say that lightly.

    [color=Powderblue]**~ Favorite Tracks~**

  • - [color=Powderblue]Earth Wind Ran Out
  • - [color=Powderblue]Sea
  • - [color=Powderblue]People Cannot Stop
  • - [color=Powderblue]Kokoronoiro
  • [color=Deepskyblue]**Arkanoid 2000**[/color] is, as you can expect, an Arkanoid game made in the year... 1999. What we get here is some bizarre, dreamy synth soundscapes which frankly have no right being as good as they are for the game they're attached to.

    [color=Powderblue]**~ Favorite Tracks ~**

  • - [color=Powderblue]Water Planet
  • - [color=Powderblue]Peaceful Banks
  • - [color=Powderblue]Dark Crystal[/color]


    I recently started playing this game, quite good so far!

    [upl-image-preview url=//]
    Chilling on a pretty sweet train
    [upl-image-preview url=//]

    @“SU2MM”#p34949 kind of jealous, this is one of the last few sfc cibs I kinda wanna get still. also, is that one of the sony crts with a direct playstation rgb multi out connector on the front?


    It was one of the slightly more expensive SFC games I got so far, around 5000, maybe 5500 yen. At the time I got it it seemed like most yahoo auctions, mercari etc. was around 8000-11000 yen (which is generally more than I am willing to pay), so I was mostly happy when I found it for that price in a physical shop, but it seem like there is a copy for 6000 yen on yahoo auctions right now, so I guess it was just bad timing. Anyways they had 3 copies in the shop,so I don't think it is super rare or anything.

    Yeah, the sony CRT has the direct playstation rgb multi input, but no normal rgb21 input, which means that I had to get a converter cable in order to plug most of my consoles in, ironically including the PS2. It does have two d-sub (component) inputs, and 2 (or 3, can't check right now, at work) s-video inputs on the back, so plenty of other connections. I picked it up on yahoo auctions for essentially the price of postage (around 3000 yen), mostly happy with it so far, although I've used it even more for watching old anime through a ps3 hooked up to one of the d-sub inputs (and some laserdiscs through the s-video) than games. I guess this conversation belongs more in the hardware thread, but oh well.

    @“SU2MM”#p35039 That's so awesome. As someone who makes all their RGB cables from scratch, making all my individual cables have a single Playstation connector at the other end sounds both much more reasonable than plugging in 6 connectors, and also, very strange. What a nice format though! Smaller than SCART, better than RCA… similar to HDMI in footprint.

    [upl-image-preview url=//]

    ### _Doh It Again 🗿_

    @“hellomrkearns”#p41286 i'd wear that

    reminds me of the guy from virtual hydlide

    [upl-image-preview url=//]


    [upl-image-preview url=//]

    The only news worth reading

    @“hellomrkearns”#p46016 beat me to it lol