Show me Sega Saturn music

God, Saturn Bomberman is so good. That and mega man 8 are in a unique sound zone I feel. (oh, maybe I’ll share some mega man 8 later)

Also I keep forgetting to buy virtual casino but really I just want the music.

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Clockwork Knight 2:

Special note for for Please Please Boogie if you don’t fancy the entire soundtrack (which you should) which is the one I remember the most.


what about the opening?

(now it’s stuck in my head)


i’m not saying i like it (not saying i don’t either), but i hear this and i think :ringer_planet:

i’ll wake up in the morning with this in my head every now and then


This isn’t a saturn song, or even from a game (though it did have game on the saturn), but always felt extremely saturn to me.


This song from Sonic R is pure joy and it has been on my running playlist before. Also, Insert Credit scientifically proved Sonic R is one of the greatest British games of all-time.


also makes me think “non-saturn music that sounds like saturn”
but that’s not what this is:

this one could be controversial, but I think of Saturn with karaoke, and this stuff sounds like straight karaoke MIDIs for days:


Saturn exclusive Bloody Tears remix you say

Also here is what really sunk its teeth into me on Steep Slope Sliders

Perfect for snowboarding.

I was talking to someone the other day about Richard Jaques and Sonic R being this gateway to upbeat dance music in a gunge soaked era and like, cannot disagree

Anyways, here is the Wipeout soundtrack since I first experience it on Saturn


There’s been some Rayearth but not this track yet


Three separate posters linking Magic Knight Rayearth, each compelled to link tracks that haven’t been posted yet… Is this the definitive Saturn OST??


Since I played RE1 on Saturn and it’s the most time I’ve spent with any Saturn game so far, RE1 feels like Saturn to me

I came here to post exactly this track hahaha.

Sega Saturn era was also a time where Sega/Sega Adjacent games had some really good vocal ending tracks.

I Just Smile is so nice. It was a tough day of fire fighting, now it’s time to kick back and relax.

You’re My Hero. Flicky Island was saved by the efforts of Sonic. He came and went like a passing breeze.

The big race is over. Time to move forward and enjoy the memories.

I’ve posted this a few times already I think, but I can’t shut up about it. I love this song to death, and the english lyrics are just wonderful.


I would say maybe yes!! It’s hard to beat.

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I was gonna post that Albert Odyssey overworld map theme, but you beat me to it. It’s so so nice. Like a Chrono Cross B side. Arguably the best thing about Albert Odyssey lol.


It’s so so so gorgeous! The whole soundtrack really impressed me, which yeah like you I didn’t expect to be impressed by much of anything at all, lol. The music is absolutely the #1 thing I remember when thinking about that game, which is saying something for a game localized by Working Designs.

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I should point out since we’re all enamored with best saturn soundtrack of all time Magic Knight Rayearth, here’s a video (with a couple annoying audio glitches), I think this 2 hour video has a little extra in it? or maybe it’s just extended. Either way it’s 2 hours of Rayearth so here we go:

the main bangers are still the main bangers though, like this one which is like the inside of my head 99% of the time


“Foliate Seas by the Lake” is such a weird earworm. The arrangement makes me think of Phil Collins.


i feel like i’m not thinking of something obvious…

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i’ve been listening to the virtual casino ost because of your post here, and it’s pretty cool!

