@穴 for anyone who was like me disappointed that the audio cut out at the end credits on yt
@穴 for anyone who was like me disappointed that the audio cut out at the end credits on yt
@antillese I love this so much.
@connierad Me too. It’s such great satire and also clearly love of the medium and some great art jokes.
so i‘ve just started speedrunning Conquests of the Longbow, courtesy of youtuber OneShortEye with his recent vid on the game, and his other speedrunning-focused videos. i’ve been wanting to speedrun a game for a long while now, but numerous things stopped me from ever trying, and now i‘m working my way up the leaderboards. i’m currently in 6th (4th place run pending verification). have a look if you‘re interested, it’s been a fun week working on it
edit: i highly recommend the game if you haven't played it, or at least [the vid about it by OneShortEye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYawahBTJaI)
I always thought it would be fun to call myself the fastest at a particular game, so I uh just went and did so yesterday. Took me about two hours. I chose Cosmic Smash because it was both attainable and short. But also because it owns.
Also I'm retired from speedrunning now.
Just got the FOAMSTARS single player WR. Thanks all who hung out in the IC Gaiden chatroom as we made history.
Update: Speedrun.com has accepted it! https://www.speedrun.com/FOAMSTARS
Has anyone tuned into SGDQ this year? Any highlights so far?
I’ve only caught a little off it so far. My favorite has been the Halo 3 co-op legendary campaign. I found their routing and check point manipulation interesting, and it’s chaotic and fun to watch four players coordinate on the fly in a live setting. I’m excited to watch the speed running dog win a game of baseball, and ofc all the Mario stuff.
I caught a bit of this Yoshi’s Story run and it’s a good time! They’re only getting melons to 100% each level, which I didn’t even know was a thing — They said there’s no mention of it in the game, maybe because its so obscure and difficult. There are so many opportunities to miss one permanently or accidentally grab a different fruit and bork the entire run — It’s really impressive.
It’s also one of those runs where they need to navigate avoiding certain animations that cause FPS slow down, so that’s all happening while they dunk on how poor it runs. I always get a kick out of the love / hate relationship some runners have with the games after spending so much time with them.
Edit: I didn’t realize Totaka did the music for this one!
Edit2: The runner, Dan Salvato - “This next level is just called ‘Frustration.’ I have a theory that Nintendo of America did not like this game when it was handed over to them. There were a bunch of other changes they demanded, but they just named a level 'Frustration.” Ha!
Edit3: lol, just learned he’s the developer of Doki Doki Literature Club
I started watching Shoujo’s run of Super “Sonic Saves the World” World and its really fun.
Edit: Okay, I should’ve done a little more digging before I shared this. This is a 2021 romhack from Maddy Thorson. She and the couch’s commentary is hilarious. Sonic even gets her own Gender Journey™ in a level.
that’s sick. i loved her mario maker levels.
I was never good enough to stick with them for very long, but it’s fun watching Shoujo fly through these.
Really hoping Earthblade has a “Daddy’s Castle”