@“Personasama”#p68056 Not sure I understand how that will help but I aim to please.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/BIrb1qf.jpeg]
@“Personasama”#p68056 Not sure I understand how that will help but I aim to please.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/BIrb1qf.jpeg]
@“Personasama”#p68056 Sugimori Works only has a small excerpt but if you want the full thing, search ワルキューレの冒険外伝―ふたりの女神, last I checked it wasn't super expensive
@“gsk”#p68086 can't find a copy right now but I DID FIND
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/IRn3O2c.png]
I'm greatly amused that this costs less than what some CIB copies of Famicom Valkyrie no Bouken is going for on Amazon lol
If you want your own Valkyrie cosplay outfit, [here you go.](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Walkyries-Adventure-Legendary-Walkure-Cosplay/dp/B0956XQTY6/ref=sr_1_27?crid=1AMW3O1XZDZSS&keywords=%E3%83%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AC%E3%81%AE%E5%86%92%E9%99%BA&qid=1651167887&sprefix=%E3%83%AF%E3%83%AB%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A5%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AC%E3%81%AE%E5%86%92%E9%99%BA%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-27)
Loosely related: I just learned there was a Pulseman one-shot manga???
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/BndmFcG.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ZkUDmLD.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/ZWQOa7q.jpeg]
I‘ve never really spent time with the game, I don’t have room to hang more posters on my wall, but I'm extremely tempted to buy this replica poster they're selling as part of the Namco Museum of Art series.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/m8jq1BT.png]
Some Valkyrie garage kits from NG Namco Community Magazine (Monthly Issue 43) - October 1991
This is one of those games of I learned of entirely via fan art of the character, and maybe liking the official art upon looking it up?
Don't think I ever played it for whatever reason but I may have to grab this Arcade Archives version.
@“coffeentacos”#p68146 Same! The Arcade Archives version is really fun and charming and only takes an hour to credit-feed through. Well worth the experience!
@“Nemoide”#p68136 but I’m extremely tempted to buy this replica poster they’re selling as part of the Namco Museum of Art series.
Oh heck, do you think they ship to the US??
@“Personasama”#p68150 I don‘t think they do, but I’ve picked up the dangerous habit of using proxy services…
@“Nemoide”#p68158 Oof, that‘s some dedication. Maybe I’ll do that too if I can find all the Valkyrie mangas on any of the services buyee works with.
Anyway, here's a high quality rip of everyone's favorite Valkyrie theme:
And the opposing version: https://youtu.be/fCwu59OCzaQ
Time to check mercari and yahoo for Valkyrie stuff! Here's some interesting things I found::
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/yTa241l.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/6OWYnZi.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/wXMAHE6.png]
Some kind of trading card promoting Legend of Valkyrie for 1,588 yen (US$12.60)
[ワルキューレ ワルキューレの冒険カード【プロモカード](https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m62389803905?conversionType=service_page_search)】
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/PsRPjAc.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/Z4Yqahi.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/wivB79P.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/MIOc8As.png]
A very worn strategy guide to the Famicom Valkyrie no Bouken, with the map torn out for 1,600 yen (US$12.69)
[ファミコンゲーム必勝法シリーズ ワルキューレの冒険](https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m25095620451?conversionType=service_page_search)
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/X7tEr3t.jpeg]
Legend of Valkyrie: Beyond the Spinning Time (??), an original Valkyrie novel by Katsuyuki Ozaki, published by Futabasha Publishing for 2,000 yen (US$15.86)
[「ワルキューレの冒険 紡がれし時の彼方に」](https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m80769775638?conversionType=service_page_search)
Looking it up on Amazon, [小説 ワルキューレの冒険―紡がれし時の彼方に (双葉社ファンタジーノベルシリーズ)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/4575230731/?coliid=I2A6TJ2G9LYEQI&colid=2QNGQ8PO8ZQJC&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) is a hardcover fantasy novel printed in December 1, 1990 and is 255 pages long.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/3CxZIMO.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/oLZg9UT.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/FYrocb1.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/YTexdl6.png]
A fanbook for [Rosa's Adventure, the PC-only Valkyrie adventure game](https://namco.fandom.com/wiki/Walk%C3%BCre_no_Densetsu_Gaiden:_Rosa_no_B%C5%8Dken), for 4,500 yen (US$35.69)
[ローザの冒険 : ファンブック : ワルキューレの伝説外伝](https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m13477968600?conversionType=service_page_search)
According to Amazon, [Walküre no Densetsu Gaiden Rosa's Adventure Fan Book ](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E3%83%AD%E3%82%B0%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E7%B7%A8%E9%9B%86%E9%83%A8/dp/4893665928/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1OQT0AFJZSIQI&keywords=%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B6%E3%81%AE%E5%86%92%E9%99%BA&qid=1651894805&s=books&sprefix=%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B6%E3%81%AE%E5%86%92%E9%99%BA%2Cstripbooks%2C79&sr=1-1)was printed in October 1, 1996 and is 127 pages.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/tzBj3UM.jpeg]
Valkyrie's Adventure Winning Strategy (Family Computer Perfect Strategy Series). Another strategy guide for the Famicom Valkyrie no Bouken (unofficial?) for 1,700 yen
[ワルキューレの冒険必勝攻略法 : 時の鍵伝説](https://buyee.jp/mercari/item/m44221038650?conversionType=service_page_search)
According to Amazon, [Valkyrie's Adventure Winning Strategy (Family Computer Perfect Strategy Series)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/dp/4575150533/?coliid=I324KUDO6O946J&colid=2QNGQ8PO8ZQJC&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) is a 63 page book printed in August 1, 1986.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/CWHvBUC.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/mn8l4tK.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/85ilwS0.png]
Another strategy guide for the Famicom Valkyrie game. Official? It uses the official art anyway, though I've never seen that background painting before. For 2,222 yen (US$17.63)
Anyway, I ordered all the Valkyrie manga, including the Ken Sugimori one. Surugaya had a lot of them, except for Glory of Walkure vol 2, so I ended up getting that for way too much from another seller. But then later I got smart and searched for stuff using HIroshi Fuji's name instead and found a listing for that and the other books for so much cheaper and now I'm in despair 😢
Wait, I forgot to update the thread with the other Valkyrie stuff I found earlier:
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/JJ8q0x7.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/lMQyNVw.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/xE1vEbP.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/eXsIBaE.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/OxZdJ4J.png]
Blessed Archive.org has a copy of **Walkure Story for Orchestra** which is, according to Amazon.jp: "a symphonic poem consisting of five acts based on the original story, which is a musical motif written as a soundtrack for the video games _Valkyrie no Densetsu_ and _Valkyrie's Adventure_." It was made in 1993 and performed by the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra. VGMDB info here: https://vgmdb.net/album/5437
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/9p9ADHQ.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/75hqn8l.png][upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/pRhv3Ri.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/axqruIZ.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/YpqGbKt.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/P3GONlx.png]
There was also a version that came with a 24 page full color size A4 picture book: https://vgmdb.net/album/5440
@“Personasama”#p69067 Legend of Valkyrie: Beyond the Spinning Time (??), an original Valkyrie novel by Katsuyuki Ozaki, published by Futabasha Publishing for 2,000 yen (US$15.86)
> 「ワルキューレの冒険 紡がれし時の彼方に」
> Looking it up on Amazon, 小説 ワルキューレの冒険―紡がれし時の彼方に (双葉社ファンタジーノベルシリーズ) is a hardcover fantasy novel printed in December 1, 1990 and is 255 pages long.
Found more photos of this novel on yahoo auctions:
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/Z8mH3v2.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/JOcGBIW.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/8JecbCg.jpeg]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/zcRNIIb.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/n0vzEFr.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/27ZAKbe.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/JFJT9Y6.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/F5faaAR.jpeg]
So cheap!!
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/98jPgdo.jpeg]
Dunno if this photo is from the novel or from Story Book but:
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/T50xE61.png]
Wait, speaking of Rosa‘s Adventure, the PC only adventure game, it’s… actually on Archive.org???
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/r9OWAnE.png]
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/sshGYli.png]
There's also the Super 1500 Series: The Legend of Valkyrie, which was the first and only ever port of the arcade game to the PC: https://archive.org/details/legendofvalkyriepc
From what I learned from a youtube video, this PC port was made by Tose? I wonder if it's a source port or emulation 🤔
Anyway, incredible, bless everyone that submits to archive.org
The English version of the Namco Museum of Art video on Valkyrie no Bōken just came out.
Just learned that in an alternate universe, Valkyrie could've shown up in Pac-Man World 1!!!
Three pretty dope covers drawn by the legend himself Yoneda Hitoshi for three gamebooks set in the world of Valkyrie no Bōken. In case you always wanted to know what the Valkyrie would look like in Phantasy Star.
Ever see this jigsaw puzzle? Seems like a pretty decent deal for the price, though of course it’s shipping from Japan
I still often wonder if anyone will ever find the mobile game The Glory of Walkure 2 (2009). Every once in a while I get hyperfocused and go on a long search through the net but it seems like the only reason we have the first one (also on Archive) is because it was ported to Android. But I don’t think the second one ever was. It’s actually getting harder to even find info about it on the internet.
It’s interesting that they didn’t keep it a platformer like the first one. It makes me wonder if since the first mobile game wasn’t auto scrolling, I wonder if this second one is closer to the arcade game where it is more like a shmup, or if it is closer to something like Zelda/The Valkyrie NES game.
Also, those Glory of Valkyrie (the latter 2) comics are so hard to find now and when I do they are so expensive. I’ve managed to nab all the comics except those two.