Nope! Pingolf.
Also, slight recommendation: start playing Pilot Quest early. It’s got real time features and it’s a good one to come back to in between games.
Nope! Pingolf.
Also, slight recommendation: start playing Pilot Quest early. It’s got real time features and it’s a good one to come back to in between games.
Party House and Quibble Race were both perfect sick brain games. Fun to get attached to these weird little characters.
I also want to shout out what I guess could be called the kunio-kun style games. They all have confusingly similar names lol: Kick Club, Hot Foot, and Fist Hell.
And I played some Valbrace before going to sleep. That’s the dungeon crawler/punch out game, and it too is incredible.
This game makes me imagine an alternate reality where game studios instead release “albums” of 8-10 games at a time like the music industry, instead of just “singles”. Albums would encourage devs to make smaller and more focused games; they can do what UFO 50 does and make “concept albums” where there are ideas, themes, designs, etc that connect all the games; and devs can be much more creative if no single game is expected to bear the burden of being “worth the money” on its own.
Has anyone found any of the secret eggs on Mooncat? I’m very enticed by that, it’s very mysterious…
This game is amazing, definitely my GOTY 2024 so far. Also very good recommendation starting Pilot Quest early, thanks for that!
i’ve played a lot more of magic garden than i expected to. i’m mad that i didn’t get first in one of the races in the big bell race because i have to replay the whole thing to get the cherry disk lol
amazing game nonetheless
“Mini and Max” is taking over my life. What a tremendous game. I would’ve paid $25 just to play this lol
Eta: I’ve taken three pages of notes so far just for this game in my lil notebook
I played Campanella for a bit and had to quit cause the game play style is too nerve racking. Only to fire up Big Bell Race next and find out it’s the exact same control scheme, but in race format. I played through Big Bell though cause it wasn’t nearly as stressful.
Raksasha is another must play. It’s like Ghouls and Ghosts, minus the frustration and stiff controls.
So far everyone seems to be in unanimous agreement that Magic Garden is pretty awesome. On the opposite end of the spectrum: Has anyone else played Onion Delivery? This feels like it might be the biggest stinker on the thing. The music and art are great as always, but its got that Mirco Machines/GTA I and II overhead driving style that has never felt enjoyable to me. The steering is even more annoying than in those games because it’s limited to like 45 degree angle turns.
enjoyed quite a few! Barbuta definitely plays as the first game ever made by a fictional game dev. the gameplay is frictious, but I can imagine getting pulled in as I work my way through the rest of the other games
Bushido Ball hooked my fighting game brain quite intensely
there’s a riff on Little Computer People in here ;__;
Aside from the extreme quality of such a vast and dynamic collection of games, what’s been impressing me the most about UFO 50 is how clearly and truly it loves and respects old games. You don’t make a Ninja Jajamaru X Psycho Soldier or Ecco the Dolphin X Solar Jetman without having already loved them first – and you especially don’t find thoughtful ways to meaningfully develop on those titles without having a deep familiarity with them, either. This simply does not happen by accident, and there’s much more convenient games to pull from just to evoke a “retro vibe.” It’s refreshing and relieving to see so many kinds of people playing and loving this collection too, because it means these developers have effectively communicated what they love about old games so more people can love them too. Not to say that every person who plays and loves Barbuta will go on to play and love Xanadu, but they could! And maybe they wouldn’t have before. It’s likely they wouldn’t have before. Even the format of the game itself seems to implore others to go and romhop on their own. You’d think in the year of a Tengo release my GOTY would be decided even before Janurary rolled around – and I thought it was! – but this has left a deep impression and has profoundly surpassed any expectations I could have had several times over.
Yeah I keep coming back to this the more I play. Taken as a whole this collection is such a powerful argument for old games, and the way they inspire you and invite you to dream alongside them. It’s so much deeper, so much more important to me than fifty games made just the way I like lol; I actually find it very moving, and I hope everyone who gives this game a chance takes something real from it
I think that hopefully in a weird way it gives a lot of people who would never scroll through the Mister, the experience of swapping around a bunch of roms
Hi everyone. This was written before I got to the extremely blatant Pocky & Rocky clone, complete with a 2P whose species is often confused for an extremely similar species. Yeah I’m thinking we’re GOTY
Yeah that was one of the first ones I landed on lol. I just thought “I know who would loooove this”
And I do!! Love to see them match the cute-em-up subgenre’s iconic overflowing creativity. Feels right at home next to Magical Chase or Cotton. The dive having invincibility frames is a little too 2024 “quality of life” for my personal tastes but we can call it a reference to Purikura Daisakusen
Alright I found out on Mooncat that (very light spoilers) every time there is a flower on screen, there is a warp on the same room. Hope this helps folks find those elusive extra eggs.
Oh god, no:
“You got first, that’s adorable. Now git gud.”
It was already a white knuckler to get first.
The last couple days I keep thinking, “I can’t wait to get home and play more UFO 50.” I’m so enthused every time I turn it on. Just a special and rare feeling.
I’ve played a handful of games. My standouts so far are Velgress, Magic Garden, and Campanella. I sunk the most time into Magic Garden. It has so many little, mechanical touches that make it a joy to play and try new strategies. Campanella is super dense. Every secret and optional challenge fuels a great sense of discovery. You can experiment a lot taking different paths through the levels, which adds a lot imo.
Where are all the Party House heads at? I can’t stop coming back to this one, the perfect blend of strategy and luck-pushing. Almost 2 hours in and I’ve yet to beat the first scenario lol.