Video Essay Recommendations


Excellent! Yes, we are all about subverting the cold, unfeeling algorithm here in search of enlightenment.

As long as we are going way back, I figured I would drop Eames' Powers of Ten, drafted in 1968 and revised in 1977:

scientific proof that chicago is the center of all creation, thank you

oh! these just reminded me of another good one!

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It's hard to go wrong with throwing Koyanisquatsi on in the background sometimes.

Adam Curtis is usually more of a documentarian but he did create this "video essay" that has no narration.

I can watch long youtube video essays about videogames by whomever occasionally but I dont really "follow" any YouTube names besides Tim.

@tombo#20908 This is incredibleā€¦ It especially resonated with me because my sister (a musical theater buff) and I have a tendency to alternate reciting this one line of this song back at each other in an increasingly exaggerated mannerā€¦to the extent that I fleetingly wondered if she were the originator of this video. Either way, she will be pleased/horrified to see it.

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Kind of video games adjacent, but I recommend Jenny Nicholson. Sheā€™s got some great stuff on Star Wars, Disney, and other assorted entertainment things. Hereā€™s a couple good ones:

wow iā€˜m kinda surprised we didnā€™t see some matthewmatosis love here yet.

His Mega Microvideos have a bunch of pills of what you can expect from him.

His God of War review serves as a case study for the AAA industry in general

And yeah I pretty much love all his stuff, even though I may disagree sometimes.

I don't know anything else by this creator but this one is a bit of an eyeopener in terms of the character and origins of the state of online culture, particularly toxic online culture, from the last decade or so (trust me on this one, the story suggested by the title is just the tip of the iceberg)

Another one by a creator I don't follow but this one stuck with me, it's a detailed look into the development, design, engineering, and implementation of the Soviet Kharkovchanka, highly specialized and shockingly longlived rovers used to navigate and set up research bases in the Antarctic. Some of these were in service for decades.


this oppa homeless style video is seriously fantastic, thank you. proclick for anyone interested in internet culture

@goonbag#24003 Yeah itā€˜s a fascinating one for sure. Iā€™m still thinking about it a month later

@Syzygy#23869 After watching this i went on to be absolutely engrossed by this video:

What a fascinating and complicated history (I'm sure with even more twists and turns that even this hour-long video did not even broach). I quickly realized that I actually knew next to nothing about Nihon Falcom and now feel like a little bit less of a poser hanging around IC! Seriously, this should probably be required viewing around here.

This story made me wonder what an alternate history would have been like if Falcom had somehow broken through in the west as well as (or better than) companies like Square or Enix. Between the repeated mass exoduses, failed publishing deal with Origin, hesitancy to embrace consoles, and conservative business practices its no wonder that they did not see an early western breakthrough (and honestly surprising that they were able to keep it together at all). What's even more fascinating is the incubator-like quality of the studio, with high profile departures going on to produce or contribute to some of the most well-known video game and anime franchises.

Thanks again for bringing this channel to my attention, my eyes have been opened.

edit: Apologies to @PasokonDeacon for somehow completely missing their recommendation for this specific video higher up! Thank you as well!

@fugazi57#23900 I like Matthewmatosis, although I also love Hbomberguyā€˜s defense of Dark Souls 2 where he just rips into Matthewmatosisā€™ critiques of it

@kory#25324 Falcomā€˜s history of gaffes and insular business practices is both fascinating and frustrating. And yet, were they to operate the same as Square-Enix or any of their classic competitors like Telenet, I doubt theyā€™d still be around.

I just remembered Umbrella Terms' short essay on Xtalsoft's Earthbound, an early PC-6001 graphic adventure game--no resemblance to the other, significantly better known Earthbound.

jacob geller is great, hes been getting the recognition he deserves but gotta stay vigilant repping him

this is his latest

this is my favorite

they are all really good tho find your own favorite

my boy thor did some of his best work the other month and he has some really good stuff upcoming (including a huge one hes been working on for months about Dark Souls, Castlevania 64, and Virtual Hydlide, stay tuned)

jan misali might be my all time new favorite, he has some absurdly long running in depth series on constructed languages but i was introduced thru this video which i recommend (you also may have seen it a while ago)
his latest is also really good

He isnā€˜t very active, but I wanted to make people aware (if they already werenā€™t) of MrBTongue, some really cool insightful vids on games as well as one of my favorites about A Song of Ice and Fire vs. Game of Thrones, here's a few of my favorites:

Aforementioned GoT video:

His videos are a tad short, but I tend to like that haha

edit i scrolled through this thread a while ago. iā€˜ve duplicated some stuff others have mentioned, but it canā€™t be helped.

[retro game mechanics explained]( makes some pretty good, approachable videos about how old video games worked. i particularly like the animation at the end of [this one about vector graphics.](

a general recommendation, and one i'm sure most people here know about already, is [contrapoints.]( her videos--and getting a mastodon account, oddly--helped me get over my discomfort with trans identity.

[theramin trees]( posts videos about the dynamics of abuse that provide some very useful tools. [this here is a nicely compact video essay in the form of a playlist.](

finally, there's [ahoy.]( they did a video on the first video game and the mythical game polybius that i could recommend, but i'll link instead to [the video on the shape and size of computer game boxes.](

I got some more recommendations since they all uploaded recently

my man james hotcyder d makes good stuff and great thumbnails for a lot of other channels as well, his latest is really good and he always shines when he talks about Wario

nerrel makes a lot of good stuff, i wont link his latest metroidvania quarterly wrap up thing because his best video is on a subject he is well versed in, Majoras Mask
he's been working on a custom HD texture pack for the game for years and its coming really close to release too
this video is a really interesting deep dive on the differences for the remake that made it real bad

and another for general video essay leftism is Mia Mulder, she is great! latest is good
this is my favorite tho

@tombo#28854 do you have more of this

what is it

Probably a more well-known YouTuber but Iā€˜ll suggest it anyway. Skillupā€™s reviews are ama zingly in-depth and critical and I personally enjoy all his reviews and the way he approaches them. His most popular and best work is his Nier: Automata review