Video Essay Recommendations

@“Gaagaagiins”#p42121 Thanks for giving the time and thought to read my self-absorbed rant and offer a serious response!

I think I tend to be sort of an intuitive thinker and will often arrive at conclusions faster than I can consciously unpack the complex semi-conscious reasoning process that informed them. The way thoughts exist in my mind, there is not precisely a chronology of logic but multiple channels running simultaneously at roughly even volumes. Subject and predicate do not necessarily exist on the same channel at the same time; sometimes cause produces effect and sometimes (at least in terms of my ability to consciously unpack it) effect precedes cause. It can be a little overwhelming to try and express all this through formal writing, where point A must proceed to point Z in an agreed-upon linear fashion; sentences and paragraphs are chronological. We don’t read two sentences at once or read some of them backwards at random. Writing stands distinct from thought, as a photograph does from a natural vista at a moment in time; to write is to try and impose 2D structures and boundaries on a 3D or even 4D mass of thought, and hope you can at least capture the essence in the process.

At any rate, these things make structure and planning uniquely daunting prospects for me (I’m bloviating about this only because using my time and energy more constructively has been a serious concern in my life recently). In the end, I wrote the rough draft of my essay - as I usually write things - more or less from the hip, with a general sense of my destination and a mountain of notes, but letting one paragraph justify the next as they come. As I wrote (and rewrote, and excised) themes emerged. (In this case: “_Evangelion_ has a bifurcated identity as deeply personal expression and commercial trash; at its worst these aspects clash, and at its best they complement one another to create something uniquely uncanny that exceeds the sum of its parts; and the most honest way to assess this contradiction is to layer my emotional, personal experience with the work and my critical judgment side-by-side within the essay itself.”) When I return to the piece to edit it, I can now see its themes and attempt to accentuate them, while cutting down the parts that do not weave into the themes. If I wanted to turn it into an even longer-form essay, I could select additional material that expands, illustrates or contextualizes my thematic statements.

The main question this leaves me with is one of personal efficiency. The rough draft took way, way longer to complete than it actually took to _write_: if I removed note-taking, discussion, reflection, research (of which I didn’t even do all that much), difficulty focusing, and - more than anything - anxiety-driven procrastination driven by the fear of producing something _mediocre_ or _inferior_, something that will _look stupid_ and _lame_ make people _laugh at me_ and call me a _worthless disgusting freak retard_, even if only inside their heads - if I removed all that, the under-5,000 word essay I wrote across three weeks could’ve been written in a single weekend, maybe even a single day. Once I actually got to writing instead of being kneecapped by the fear of having nothing to say, of _being_ “nothing to say” in some overwhelming existential sense, I simply _wrote_. And now that it’s _written_, I can identify the themes and structure that exist or are at least hinted at or _could_ exist in this thing I extracted from my head, and create through iteration. The truly hard part is speaking into the void, turning a blank page into words; sculpting the words from words is so much easier.

I’m trying to take a lesson from this as I try to make writing, and at least somewhat more serious writing, a bigger part of my life going forward. Writing is a thing I can do that I don’t totally suck at. The more I care about something I’m trying to write, the more I _want_ it to be good, the more emotionally daunting it is - often to the point of paralysis. I’m trying to combat the paralysis. Accept that a route can be plotted _after_ I start walking. Push myself to walk farther. Build the muscles. Have goals, but don’t compare every step and every mile to professional athletes and assume the effort is pointless because I don’t have the right bone structure or something.

Anyway. I don’t know if what I ended up writing will be one of the Great Essays of Pop Culture Analysis, but _maybe_ it won’t be just another disposable piece of Content? Maybe. I hope.

@“2501”#p42126 I mean, you know, interstitials about your personal experiences and raw thoughts and feelings are a pretty good thing too. I think that‘s where ol Big TR gets a lot of his enduring appeal from, he’s a funny guy but he‘s also a guy who’s lived a unique life and has carried around an immensely complex inner existence. I mean, most people do when you get right down to it, but most people don't get a chance to write it down or talk about it.

If you ask me it looks like you just wrote a lot of material right here about what it is your essay is about if it isn't in there already. It will never be gauche to Get Real while we live in an age of artifice, so don't think you can't just because someone else does it too. Most people have an inner life it would be interesting to know.

I’m not really interested in sharing more than incidental details about my personal life in the context of critically assessing a media object (or anything that exists outside of myself) unless those details are very specifically relevant to explaining or contextualizing what I actually have to say about it. I think that practice, when not used sparingly, easily slides into solipsistic narcissism, theatrical self-commodification, and a smokescreen that conflates an author’s ideas with their ego. For the record, my favorite Tim essays by far are those in which he specifically does not do this.

I’m venting out some of that inner material here because this is a small, informal, generally nonjudgmental discussion forum where I can just write out what’s on my mind in full knowing it will only be seen by a few people with broadly similar interests and temperaments. I would be much less okay billing a published essay as being on a certain topic, only to use it as a cover to make people listen to me talk about me, myself and I - no matter how interesting others might or might not find the convolutions of my self-reflection. I doubt my editors would care for it either, not that that really means anything in the age of influencers and Patreons.

Pretty cool retrospective on the U-Force. I really appreciate this channel’s frequent effort to find and interview the original people behind the topic discussed, unlike most retro channels.

Linking the historical/ideological background of Animal Crossing to its roots in Japanese anarchism

This is what I’ve been saying for years… except, while the first game in the dnm series is “communist”, the series has grown to be a consumerism nightmare imho. I wouldn’t obsess over the anarchic communism aspects as much as they do in this video. But discuss the Japanese “return to small towns” movement in regards to animal crossing and other media of the time, a lot.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p42285 I loved that video essay! I saw Zoe Baker in the comments so now i‘m going to recommend anything on her channel.

She does essays on anarchism, feminism and marxism and they are all great!

She also links to transcripts of all her video essays in case that’s preferred

Here's one I liked a lot:

Also about animal crosisng and anarchism, this was my island's flag lol[upl-image-preview url=//]

In part 3 of the essay that @"Gaagaagiins"#p42285 shared there is some talk about diversity and identity in new horizons and that resonated with me because that game came out at a peculiar time in my life, which was 4 months and 2 days before I came out as trans.
The island in a way was a safe place for me to express my queerness in a time where I was struggling a lot with pre-coming out anxiety and depression, and the feeling that I had to come out but not being ready at that moment.
My island became a place where I could dress as I had always wanted to and hangout with some irl friends without them questioning me about it. That and posting screenshots of my character wearing cute dresses on social media were ways for me to express myself and to allow my friends to perceive me as queer without having to come out and that was especially helpful to me because it was during the first months of the pandemic.

Sadly the game did failed me in one very important way... there is no way to change your name in the game, and since I had used my deadname for my character, I had to say goodbye to the space that allowed me to be myself before coming out, delete my save data and start again.

Now I just have the countless screenshots and photos that I took to help me remember my time on that island.

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If you have any interest in supercuts you should watch this. It’s long but extremely dense and well researched. It doesn’t include any work that appropriates from video games but it makes me think of certain threads on this forum as kind of collaborative supercuts.

Nick Knacks, an show-by-show retrospective on the entire forty year history of Nickelodeon!

YTV Retrospective A look back on many series of old and new to fill your nostalgia of one of the most well known Canadian channels on TV.

Cathode Ray Dude does excellent videos on old personal video formats and some bits on games.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p42285 @“treefroggy”#p42297 @“穴”#p42327 I think the different episodes of Animal Crossing actually espouse different shades of social dynamics and politics. It’s not just about progressively embracing capitalism. I would certainly love a version that allows exploring different economic principles such as a life without fiat currency.

I would argue the 3DS generation is the most traditionally capitalistic one. The main game embraces a modern Western power dynamic: there is a clear governmental structure in place with the player accessing the control of the local government by becoming mayor. Many of the locals are operating a local privately owned business (more so than in New Horizons which currently lacks many of the usual shops such as Brewster’s café). The secondary game is literally about the real estate industry and the topic of home ownership, one of the most American desires on Earth.

New Horizons is more of a [libertarian dream,]( or can be alternatively experienced as an anarchist paradise as well if you roleplay it a certain way. New Horizons is the first episode which I have played for more than a month (for obvious reasons). I played it daily for about exactly a year, and a pleasantly round "600 hours" according to my Switch. In retrospect, my fondest memory is certainly not as deeply personal and powerful as 穴’s relationship to the game, but it is *quite* political in nature.

At one point, my self-inflicted [s]objective[/s] obsession became to raise the village’s ranking and reach the ★★★★★ grade from Isabelle, foolishly thinking that clearing this goal would provide a sense of fulfillment and free me from the island’s clutch. Consequently, I began paying much more attention to my fellow citizens’ needs and wants ; in doing so, I came to the realization I was mostly surrounded by animals who had the personality of low education conservative pricks with a love for gossip and primal fear of foreigners.

At one point, my village score actually went _down_ because there were too many trees on the island and it made the inhabitants unhappy. But we actually needed the fucking trees! By that point, the entire economy of the island depended on the many exotic fruits I had gathered and planted back in order to farm and sell the (literal) fruits of my labor, the resulting profits allowing for the structural changes (roads, ramps etc.) which my neighbors otherwise needed. I ran the only dependable industry on the entire island and these carefree idiots were trying to make my business more difficult! Also: you guys are all animals! Why do you hate nature so much?

This led to a souring relationship between me – most literally *The Man* – and my furry and feathered and wooly neighbors. I felt betrayed. I think this episode had me forcing a few of the more toxic inhabitants out of the island. Also, this little local fruit tree crisis was right in the middle of Brexit, another situation of uncultured low income conservatives somehow getting convinced to to vote against their interests, and the echoing of the situation was almost cathartic for someone who had grown up being spoonfed the utopian political and economic ideal of the European Union, and was now seeing it progressively crumble.

@“chazumaru”#p42356 First of all, did I seriously post that right after gaga did ? that‘s silly

Anyways, there’s a lot to be said, for sure.

I think the first game has the best driving philosophy.

I had already recommended A Critical Hit! before but her most recent video is really good, she's doing a 50-part series exploring the history of playable female protagonists in video games.

And here's frank endorcing her newest video.



@“rejj”#p20611 Two channels that I quite enjoy are those of Karl Jobst


@“ellaguro”#p42627 Karl Jobst is like a long time Goldeneye speedrunner and has been open with a handful of other Goldeneye speedrunners (especially RWhiteGoose) of being more or less “alt right” in the past

I never knew this, so -- what are the other good speed run showcase / discussion / news / etc type channel(s) I should pay attention to instead? I am about to do my civic duty and un-smash that subscribe button on Karl.

Some lovely old Namco and more Amemiya Keita for YOU. Episode 5 will be about ||Bosconian||.

the angry video game nerd apparently went to an active volcano and melted a copy of Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude for the genesis on the lava

Excellent retrospective on the two Akumajō Dracula X games, with a deep analysis of how the engine running SOTN works.

A different perspective on jiggle physics.

The rest of [Maya Ben David’s work on Youtube]( is, huh, definitely worth a trip.

Learned a heck of a lot from this video about Technosoft (especially for an STG neophyte like me), not the least of which is that Thunder Force creator Kotori Yoshimura was one of the first (the first?) openly trans game devs. Fascinating and well-researched video!