disrespectful, frankly
I don’t follow basketball but I think that Scott Pilgrim game handles like ass so Pippen probably has it in the bag.
Dennis Rodman vs Die Hardman
Luigi with a gun vs President Shinra
Rufus Shinra vs. Seifer Almasy
Miyamoto’s wife vs. Yuji Naka’s cellmate
Bumping this thread for no reason
7Up Cool Spot vs Pepsi Man
2 million Pikmin vs. Rom, the Vacuous Spider
This was in my drafts for who knows how long:
Brian from Quest 64
Jackie Coogan from Chaplin’s The Kid
Quester vs. Fester
Bonk vs Crash
Vexx vs Gex
Brock vs Rock Howard
Shadowheart (BG3) vs. The Cast of Shadow Hearts (PS2)
Hardman¹ vs Die-Hardman²
¹ Mega Man 3
² Death Stranding
Mr. Bones vs. Sir Daniel Fortesque (MediEvil)
Princess Peach vs. Princess Tomato
A billion Pikmin vs. Sonic with a knife
Joanna Dark vs Alan Wake
Twin Bee vs. Mr. Mosquito
SimCopter vs. Dhalsim
Densha De Go vs. Thomas the Tank Engine