This might be a very vanilla ice cream type answer but beat saber, dude.
Superhot is also fun but I spent 95% of my VR time with beat saber. You just get the free serotonin rush of dancing in addition to playing a game. Especially if you can get custom music running on the borrowed device. But if not it’s still plenty fun with the default music.
for the record I had typed beat saber out and deleted it because I assumed everyone has played it but yes it really is awesome. Honestly if I could grab a headset for like $150 I probably would for those three mentioned games alone. Maybe they already cost that much idk
will consider it. i own rogue squadron which was free on epic a while ago so I will see how much i like piloting planes and stuff
as a matter of fact, im a tetris freak. Also this is reminding me of Humanity that other Enhance game. Looks neat.
as a matter of fact i do. this seemed to be like the most recommended thing in general but now that it was recommended by IC folk i will check it out.
I think I will grab a cheap trial of xbox game pass to have more stuff to try out. Seems like the move, that and getting Beat Saber.
The one I borrowed (Samsung HMD Oddysey) is quite old but seems to have decent specs and I looked on ebay and it can be had for less than 100 including controllers
Yeah, I remember being in awe of your Tetris skills in the past! Wasn’t sure if that meant you were hyper focused on some version(s) and didn’t play the rest.
Also just thought of Thumper, another flatscreen rhythm-adjacent game that has VR support. It is pretty sweet in VR.
You should consider superhypercube. It sparks the same part of my brain that tetris used to. You’ll likely know if you like it within the 2 hour return window on steam.