What am I up to? (WAIUT)

For when you want to write about what you are up to

Packed up the car and me and my GF and Dog drove up to the vacation town up north to hang out for the weekend. It's been real chill up here and enjoying a mini vacation.

I got to see some Shakespeare in the woods and hike around a state park. Then I ate the most delicious type of hippie burrito that I've had like 5 times now. At the park they had these cool old fitness stations that continue to exist and delight me even though they are probably very old. If I was a park ranger I would use them at least 3 times a week.

Yesterday I went swimming at the beach and dove underwater and swam a few strokes until my hand hurt and I rose to the surface and discovered I'd been stung by a wasp on my hand underwater! I picked up the wasp and it did not sting me again and I walked it to shore. Seemed weird to leave it in the water. It probably had good reason to sting me, I'm guessing I submerged it underwater somehow. Either way weird huh? Still looks like I'm not terribly allergic so it all went well.

Today I'm doing a small amount of work on my day off and then my dad is stopping by to hang cause he lives up here and then after that I might take a bunch of photos with my old camera.


my landlord has been unusually proactive and arranged delivery of a new sofa after we've sat many, many years upon a foul one. however, the new one is in a box, completely filling my living room, and the old one is still in its usual spot. i have cleaned underneath ready for the new one to take its place but i am awaiting a pair of hands to help take the three parts of this absolute shitecouch downstairs where it ceases to be my problem.


What am I up to?

> by DavidNoo

I enjoy reading the Noo's News

Been killing time before I have to go in to work later. Whenever I have some appointment to do later in the day, it makes it hard for me to do much with the time before it, so I've just been alternating between twitter, here, youtube, and doing tiny miscellaneous tasks. Had to write a letter to my landlord, took out the trash, washed my hair. An extremely boring Monday morning, all things considered.

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@ā€œMnemogenicā€#p126531 I will also be washing my hair and interacting with my landlord today by way of his gross property manager, but also the landlord at my next apartment because this September Iā€˜m moving out of this dump that Iā€™d kind of been trapped in due to the pandemic and into an actually clean and new highrise. Iā€˜m very excited. Anxious and tense too because as much Iā€™m looking forward to it I hate moving.

@ā€œTradegoodā€#p126529 @ā€œDavidNooā€#503 missed the chance to title your thread ā€œWhat's Noo? with DavidNooā€ (although not really since you can change thread titles after posting them)


@ā€œconnrrrā€#p126536 I hate moving.

I agree completely, to the point that I hated the act of moving during my last move so much that I swore I would never move again, even though I sometimes think it could be nice to live someplace else other than here (I love my city but the province is-- let's be real-- dogshit).

I've slowly chipping away at my current game project and trying to avoid going places as much as possible! The weather is finally getting to 'not trying to kill me' levels, so I've been trying to spend some time outside, but that also means that it's mosquito season, which is not much fun. Oh! And I'm getting a tattoo finished tomorrow that I've been trying and failing to get finished for scheduling reasons for a while!

I'm not wild about moving either. Would be fun to get somewhere warm or with healthcare someday. Something I gotta think about.

@"connrrr"#p126536 highrise sounds exciting!!

Update what's new with David Noo: I saw some great spots in nature and got lunch with my dad and the place had pop rock jello shots for 3 dollars **and** non alcoholic ones for 2 dollars and it said fun for the whole family!!

And just remembered I had diet RC cola. Can't remember the last time RC Cola was the only cola on tap.

stopped at a shopping mall today, havenā€˜t been in one for years. Bought what I needed to and hurried out, reflecting that I was grateful a manic with a gun didnā€™t kill me in a mass casualty event because he hasn't had sex in a while or maybe ever

Iā€˜m in Mexico City for a couple of days cause they didnā€™t let me mail some documents for university and I had to fly down here out of nowhere.

primarily Im hanging around bookstores and cafes but I went to a museum yesterday (museo jumex) and in the shop there they had some manga based on classic books. they look really fun. didn't grab one cause I saw then cheaper online buut I'm.gonna get some of them eventually [URL=https://i.imgur.com/j3mVXKa.jpg][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j3mVXKa.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

jesus-chan was in there too

the publishing house that makes them is called "la otra h" if you want to look them up

@ā€œē©“ā€#p126575 If manga had existed in Immanuel Kantā€˜s time, Iā€™m sure that would have been his preferred format for the Critique of Pure Reason.

Oh man I want the communist manifesto one so bad

Hey did you guys know twitch rules? Iā€˜ve been watching/listening to Henya, Shylily and Meadow while I work and play other more boring games like grinding in diablo iv or increasing my winrate in dcss and itā€™s pretty frickin good. It's almost like having real friends. In fact, its better. My real life friends suck. Thank yaldabaoth for the internet he created in this horrible failed universe! :3

@ā€œyesoā€#p126570 but what if he was doing it because he couldn't receive fair compensation for labor and inherited generational debt?!

it's still bad

I went to the outside of a mall on saturday accidentally. I wanted french fries and thought ā€œI wonder if there's something more interesting for french fries around hereā€ (I was in the south bay) and there it was, Potato Corner USA, with a delightfully bad website and a promise (in reviews) of ā€œtoo much seasoning.ā€ I drove over there without realizing it was in a mall, and by the time Iā€˜d passed the parking structure, hoping to just park on the street, I got stuck in the innards of the mall-adjacent car traffic and lost 10 minutes from "oops itā€™s a mall" to being able to leave the premises. Very frustrating! I got some bad fries that I put in my compost bin after that (they were clearly cooked in the same oil as meat things were).

Malls in the south bay are actually populous and people go to them, with a fever. I refuse to try to understand why.

@"ē©“"#p126575 Museo Jumex isn't named after the juice company... is it?

@ā€œexodusā€#p126587 it is. itā€˜s the jumex heirā€™s modern art vanity project (and probably a way to get huge tax writeoffs or something like that?) most of the exhibitions are interactive and weird in a neat way though.

right in front of it, there's museo soumaya which is owned by Carlos Slim and that one, as opposed to the jumex one, feels like a dumb billionaire showing off all of his art collection though

@"ē©“"#p126575 I also just found a delicious home-made tasting vegan restaurant where you can get a combo of salad, soup, 3 tacos and an agua fresca for 75 pesos (~ 4 usd).

I usually pay more than double that for a meal without any drink

@ā€œMnemogenicā€#p126577 I think they have most of the collection on Amazon mexico some of them are out of stock but all of them are available digitally

I dunno if they ship to the us/canada though. if not and you really want one I could help!

@ā€œē©“ā€#p126590 well thatā€˜s all ridiculous but Iā€™d check out that restaurant

Mod Voice On:

The mod team is receiving some flags in this thread and feel we need to de-escalate. In my official position, I think there is a difference between making a statement that Americans may not feel safe going to a mall, and irony and joke posting about the motivations of shooters. I'm going to say that the reported posts can easily be considered excessively sarcastic (1a in the Guidelines). Please tone it down.