What if the 32X were the last console ever made?

while I don‘t agree with gsk’s whole statement, one thing we can agree on is that gba games would be sick af on 32x

  • - konami wai wai racing, but with mega blast 32x processing
  • - golden sun, but, again, with mega power
  • - sonic advance (moans with pleasure)
  • - super monkey ball would be some kind of an experience on 32x
  • - Ninja five-o
  • - astro boy omega factor, oof
  • - car battler joe, come on
  • - Sonic battle, oh lord
  • - Mr.Driller
  • - Drill Dozer? I mean, Game Freak did develop for Mega Drive, after all
  • sorry, I know this isn't the point of the thread, but, it does stimulate my imagination thinking of how these games would be enhanced on 32x

    @“exodus”#p40238 Is that X-Men game made by Zyrinx? The music decibels gives me a Sub-Terrania/Jesper Kyd vibe.

    If that's the case, shouldn't be surprising they were pushing the 32X given that demo reel of theirs. Just so hypnotic to watch!

    Edit: So it was by Scavenger, aka Zyrinx. All adds up, then. Shame it's not available to download from HP anymore.


    @“treefroggy”#p42975 I'm interested in this, indeed!

    Here's another interesting genesis thing from recent times https://twitter.com/arkagis/status/1436142331976200192?s=19


    @“hellomrkearns”#p40249 They could do stuff like DDR or Guitar Freaks.

    oh yeah..I forgot about this: TecToy [Mega Drive 4 Guitar Idol](https://www.mobygames.com/game/dedicated-console/mega-drive-4-guitar-idol).

    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/Yi2n8NY.png]
    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/2uvsQJo.png]
    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/0u8y0iT.png]


    @“exodus”#p40238 What does Skyrim look like if we go further this direction? Would we have more static camera, or protagonist-focused-camera games?

    Hear me out:
    [upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/DXxOZJv.png]

    @“donrumata”#p43068 Hear ME out:



    @"donrumata"#p43068 I’ve been saying Virtual Hydlide is the dark souls of its time

    i mean…at least knuckles chaorix wouldn't feel so empty

    those special stages are neat and of course the OST mostly slaps

    Take SUPER MONKEY BALL JR. for GBA and imagine it as a 32X game ! @“exodus”#3 just got a Bluetooth adapter for gamecube and I’m using it in conjunction with gameboy player and an NSO Genesis 3-button controller to play SMBJ and imagining such a thing

    Dare I even say one could imagine CRAZY TAXI - Catch A Ride, or that Jet Set Radio GBA game? The chu chu rocket gba port is easy enough to imagine on 32x as well… Gunstar Super Heroes?

    Yes I’m just listing SEGA games for GBA at this point, probably have before, but the controller and display makes all the different in my mind. It’s why I do it in the first place!

    "port GBA games to the 32x" is the kind of project I would fund if I were a billionaire.

    Make that two pretend billionaires that would fund those projects.

    I can't believe I missed this thread!

    The only thing I want to add is that I always describe it as a console that feels like it is from an alternate time line where it was released a few years earlier and had a more significant lifespan. I like to think if a Neptune-ish unit that also housed the SEGA CD had launched in late 91/early 92 instead of just the SEGA CD, it could've worked. But SEGA would've still been rocked by all that backstock Genesis product. So ... ?

    Also, to me part of the 32X's charm is it's prototype-ish nature. As much as the actual story is it was an attempt to prolong the Genesis library, the 32X feels like a sketch of something that wasn't meant to be, but escaped SEGA's R&D. And this was a time where, as mismanaged and disasterous as things were, SEGA was genuinely *trying* risky and cool ideas.

    Chin up, 32X! You were just born too late.

    Listening to the music in that X-Men Mind Games video in the OP thinking “wow, this sounds like Jesper Kyd's soundtrack to The Adventures of Batman and Robin”, only to learn that it is, in fact, by Jesper Kyd.

    P.S. I don't know what the etiquette is for bumping threads, if I'm being terribly rude today please ban me and DM me for my address if you want to do worse.

    @“Stuart Gipp”#p157251 I think I speak for everyone here when I say that bumped threads are what I like to see.

    Yeahhhhh I enjoyed this thread! I wish I had more things to add, though in some ways I feel like Saturn homebrew is approaching 32X-ish levels somehow. Like is Slidehop where 32X platformers go in the end?



    @“◉◉maru”#p40253 If the 32X were a baby, I would punch it in the face.

    `*nods emphatically with myself from the past*`

    @“◉◉maru”#p157373 32X could've been great Chaz!! It just never had a chance! Too many people punched it in the face as a baby.

    One of the beloved boardwalk-dwelling “homeless” dudes here I know quite well, Ken, talks about 32X when games are brought up. When he was supporting his family in Dallas Texas, they had 32X. I told him about this thread, because we’re on the same page concerning the 32X, that it was peak and Sony killed it (not to put too fine a point on it here). He’s also a flat-earther, and claims to be the reincarnation of Enoch. But a huge 32X fan all the same. Next time I get him going I should make a recording of him describing how bad ass the 32X is. Or get him going next time he’s already being recorded on Green Cloud Art Org’s “Ken Cam”

    Wizard on right, in case you wondered what a wild 32X fan looks like. He’s still living in a world where 32X was the last.