What’s That Game? Audio Edition ~The Dream Continues…~

Super R-Type?


THATS the one. Phew. Thank you, I feel like a Meeseeks who finally got confirmation of a completed task

(excuse the mobile control overlay, I’m away on holiday with just an iPhone)

This game was the first SNES cart I bought as a kid. I first played it even before I had my own console at a little business that had a gigantic array of TVs and a play-by-the-half-hour rental system where you take a cart from the shelf and load it on a provided console with headphones and play till the timed circuit pops. Listening to the stereo music through headphones had a profound effect on preteen me, and though the game was hard as shit, I had to keep the experience forever.

Funny thing was, I spent way too many visits to that place playing SNES when they had the much cooler and more rare Neo Geo AES or TurboGrafx-16 I could have been experiencing. Go figure :sweat_smile:

Here’s an article about the business from 1990 from Video Games and Computer Entertainment magazine:



Awesome info. I probably played Super R Type at one point at a friend’s house, but not in 30 years.

I’ll need a day or two to get a good sample.


Here we go.


Tooth and Tail?

Not Tooth and Tail.


Tales of Berseria?

Did I hear Richard Horvitz?

He isn’t credited for this game, no. And it’s not Tales of Bersaria.

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This one is coincidentally also 24 seconds.

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Ooooh is that Neverwinter Nights?
second guess is Kingdoms of Amalur.


First guess is the only one I’ll accept, and it’s right! This is Neverwinter Nights. All the audio is from the tutorial chapter, and mostly around talking to Aribeth. The last one was music that plays when the game loads up.


Awesome! Thanks for not discounting it altogether. I realise now it was a bit cheeky of me

Alrighty, what game is this:

I’ll give a hint at some arbitrary number of votes on this poll:

  • Too vague, gimme a hint mate
0 voters
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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

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Not Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.

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is this knights of the old republic?


Jedi: Fallen Order?

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