Alrighty, here we go again:
Kingdom Hearts . . . 3 (?)
It’s not KH3.
Bonus points if people know what fight/cutscene this is from exactly
That was fast! RIP Goofy.
Bonus points awarded:
I have my entry lined up.
I have no clue how to gauge the difficulty of any of these entries, my own included.
Spyro the Dragon?
This is driving me nuts, I’m sure I’ve played this game. Is it on the N64?
is this one of those desert stages in Crash Warped?
It is for the N64.
Is this Kirby 64?
I’ll guess Pilotwings 64.
The white noise sound effect reminds me of the jetpack idoling noise and the ticking noise would make sense, but I don’t recognize the music and squeak unless it’s from inside a cave or something.
Space Station Silicon Valley
I’m really hoping somebody gets this within the next few guesses. It’s the type of game that gives me several options for how to make it obvious what this is.
diddy kong racing
Pokemon Snap?
Pokemon Stadium?
Oh God. It’s the Drowzee mini game from Stadium lol