2023 forums.insertcredit.com Video & Game Poll results thread


@“yeso”#p126698 129 Forum Users submitted 1281 votes

Did some people not have 10 on their list?

This poll has been super fun to follow. I'm already planning my strategy for the next one.

correct. Someone wanted to vote for Noby Noby Boy and nothing else. fair enough!

How many games have just one vote? Last time there were around 270, and I wonder if that number is larger or smaller this time

Makes me happy: Nier approaching closer to Nier Automata

Makes me sad: Deadly Premonition falling down the list.

Interesting: MGS 1, 2, and 3 reversing their order in the rankings


@“captain”#p126772 How many games have just one vote?


once again massive thank you to @yeso and everyone involved in processing this. it's a massive thing to take on, and (i think) a deeply valuable resource.

Yeah this is a super cool thing and I had a blast participating.

shadow of the colossus shooting up the leaderboard is interesting to me, and i wonder why it's doing so now

@“phylaxis”#p126779 not sure about this either. Dragon Quest 3 is another unexpectedly strong performer. I‘d guess that the Monthly Game Club thread and tim rodgers youtube essays might be impactful going forward but that doesn’t apply to SotC or DQ3

my 2 cents about misc stuff

  • * there‘s been almost zero traction for The Last of Us’s lol
  • * glad to see one of the 2 good Zelda games perform the best. Hopefully the amount of zelda infesting the list is a wake up call. Just my opinion
  • * I hope certain ne'er do wells who voted for Streets of Rage 4 are happy SoR 2 isn't the best of them, but it ate shit and now we have nothing!
  • * I wonder if arcade shooters just inspire too much heterogeneous picks that they haven't cohered into a strong representative on the list
  • Somehow managed to be surprised that FFT gets in the top 100 and Tactics Ogre doesn't chart

    @“yeso”#p126781 dq3 is mayyyybe tied into it >!being a sequel to dq11 as revealed at the end of the game!< and also maybe with the upcoming hd-2d remake people are revisiting it more? it's one of the more celebrated dqs but yeah still kinda puzzling

    also i would prefer it to be Vote Occurance Out Of One Thousand, or VOOOOT


    @“yeso”#p126781 Hopefully the amount of zelda infesting the list is a wake up call. Just my opinion

    Seeing two Zeldas in the top ten did kind of make my eyeballs bulge out of my head. Having some presence across the entire top 100 makes sense to me, but two in the top ten...??

    let’s hope those responsible take time to reflect over these next two years


    @“yeso”#p126781 I hope certain ne’er do wells who voted for Streets of Rage 4 are happy SoR 2 isn’t the best of them, but it ate shit and now we have nothing!

    Its 131th, tied with _Street Fighter 6_ and that's amazing and you can still come to my birthday party... so far.


    @“yeso”#p126781 I wonder if arcade shooters just inspire too much heterogeneous picks that they haven’t cohered into a strong representative on the lis

    Yeah there's just too many of them and everyone has their pet favorite I fear. Similar thing goin on with fighting games I think

    For once I'm not to blame for something Zelda-related.

    @“TracyDMcGrath”#p126792 I think you’re right yeah. A good thing about our methodology is persistence from a smaller group of voters year on year can get a Batrider or equivalent on there at some point

    @"connrrr"#p126794 what made you go with SotC this time? You’re part of the unexpected resurgence

    I don‘t know HOW and I don’t know WHEN but one year I want to see Goemon 64 on a list.


    @“yeso”#p126781 glad to see one of the 2 good Zelda games perform the best. Hopefully the amount of zelda infesting the list is a wake up call. Just my opinion

    I didn't even put a Zelda on my list this year. My conscious is clean.