2023 forums.insertcredit.com Video & Game Poll results thread





(</s>*why didn't you put me on your list*<e>)




tri (x3) CO[/size]

the signs were there, did you listen? did you see?

It goes deeper than you think, @captain


this cocomelon crusade is going too far

@“Gaagaagiins”#p126835 you‘re a man of honour. I’ll set a calendar reminder for 2 years from now. Let's hope I still have this phone on 2 years from now.

Fascinating list to read, especially details of position and popularity shifts. I‘m also pleased that 428: Shibuya Scramble had enough votes to remain in the honor roll after my solitary vote last time (please play 428: Shibuya Scramble) - cool game. I have also already come up with a list of 10 games that I haven’t nominated that I would be happy to include next time.

There are 81 games across both lists that I haven't touched. Perhaps in the meantime before the next poll I'll get on some of them.

I voted for a game I thought was ever so very slightly better (Katamari Forever) when I could‘ve voted for the game with popular support (Katamari Damacy). And you know what? That feels bad! I vow that in 2 years’ time, I will cast my ballot strategically, not honestly. And you can take me at my word because I just demonstrated that I'm honest.


@“LeFish”#p126872 (please play 428: Shibuya Scramble)


Thanks to everyone involved and everyone who took the time to vote (especially lurkers and shy people). VOOO1K is a nice curveball. There is already something to look forward to in 2025!

For context, it might be helpful to have a link to the [2021 poll results](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/990-2021-forumsinsertcreditcom-video-game-poll-results-thread) at the top of this thread.

Speaking of comparisons to 2021:

◉ If I am not too stupid at math, we went from an average of 5.3 unique games per user list (428/80) to… 5.3 unique games per user list (685/129). Pretty remarkable consistency.

◉ I also find notable that the average year of release moved up only one year (2003→2004) even though the new poll occurred two years later.

◉ Pretty disappointed at the -0.14 VOOO1K for Shining Force II obviously, but the council will assemble in the coming weeks to analyze our shortcomings and assess our strategic options for a better result at the 2025 caucus.


@“Funbil”#p126788 Seeing two Zeldas in the top ten did kind of make my eyeballs bulge out of my head.

Wait ‘til there are three of them in the next poll!


@“◉◉maru”#p126876 I also find notable that the average year of release moved up only one year (2003→2004) even though the new poll occurred two years later.

Zero heat for The Last of Us Part II, not much for RDR2, and less than perhaps expected for Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom

@“yeso”#p126878 I take it that the average year was the mean? Could you share the most common if that‘s not too much of a pain to work out? It’d be interesting to see what could reasonably be argued to be the best year for videogames.

Yeah you people were absolutely vicious to Elden Ring, a game that's better than the best two zeldas combined. Elden Ring is a beautiful, generous game and you should mimic that energy.

Loved seeing _Disco_ at #8. That's a world I want to hang out in!

Thanks yeso for facilitating and for not making the yeso-loompas crunch too hard to get us this robust analysis.

@“captain”#p126841 I like how careful you were not to refer to yourself as @coptain lmao

The Last Guardian is the first PS4 game I bought and finished, a few months before I even got my own console. In Toronto I would spend every christmas with my friends' cat while they were in North Carolina for the holidays, and they had a PS3 and 4 so I would play stuff on those. It's how I first played The Last of Us. I played TLG with a chill cat with a huge ass named Ernie. Maybe I'll put it on my list next time!!! (along with >!Twilight Princess!<.)


@“◉◉maru”#p126876 Wait ‘til there are three of them in the next poll!

The year is 2035. The insert credit forums poll top ten list is entirely Zelda.


@“Gaagaagiins”#p126824 GOD HAND, reduced in stature, which should have been impossible

It was on my shortlist! I argued it out of my 10 by realising I've only played it for a few hours, more than 16 years ago. Kinda regret not including it.


@“LeFish”#p126879 Could you share the most common

"Soitenly" - Curly

For 2021
Mean = 2003.826
Median = 2003
Most Common = 2017 (43)

for 2023
Mean = 2004.815
Median = 2004
Most Common = 2017 (63)

Mean = 2004.442
Median = 2004
Most Common = 2017 (106)


@“yeso”#p126878 less than perhaps expected for Elden Ring and Tears of the Kingdom

Not exactly a hot take but I expect TOTK will eat up some BOTW votes and Elden Ring will progressively replace Dark Souls as time goes by.

It will also be interesting to see whether Super Mario RPG will benefit from its remake and whether Dragon Quest III (thanks to the HD2D remake, assuming it is out by 2025) or Dragon Quest IV (the better game, as discussed consistently on the Insert Credit forum) will gain more steam among the larger Insert Credit community within the next two years. I guess it will mostly depend on which episode Tim makes a video about first.

@“yeso”#p126884 is 2017 the new 1994??

@“kyleprocrastinations”#p126892 it's all the breath if the wild, dq11, hollow knight, and automata votes

I used to get so tired of 1998 being the BEST VIDEOGAME YEAR but after a 5 second search it would appear that 2004 is broadly considered to be the pinnicle these days.

Wow, this list is Insert Credit through and through. Who would have thought that fans of Insert Credit would share some of the sensibilities of Insert Credit?

I, for one, would not have assumed!