Finally had a week of pause during my ridiculous crazy busy summer* and sat down with -STRIVE- finally, which I got myself as a late birthday present during the Steam sale (earlier than expected).
||Shoot! I forgot I was supposed to get it on PS4 lol||
*||(about to pack up in the next two weeks and move in with my parents for a bit, oh gosh, I hate moving)||
I haven't seriously spent time with a fighting game since BlazBlue Continuum Shift in 2011-12, and back then I essentially didn't understand how fighting games worked (I smacked my head against the wall hard enough to learn how to play the game against "Very Hard" computer players, only with particular characters, sometimes). I still don't know how they work exactly, but finally feel like I have the capacity to learn. I also got Mark of the Wolves for a cheapskate's penny six months ago and didn't "get it" then, but now feel like I could.
Anyhow not much to say about GG yet, except that it looks great, sounds great, I'm excited to play the story mode and have only a [museum tourist's understanding]( of The Hiſtory of Guilty Gear (though given my comprehension of BB and the [nature of recent entries]( I may not understand much in any case), and, in spite of my present bumbling incompetence, it is an absolute joy to hold in the hand and play. I've been playing as Millia and a little bit of Nagoriyuki, think I'll stick with them for now.
Not sure why but it's been taking just under a whole minute from hitting "start" to load the main menu, there are like five "contacting the server" popups which take forever. Is anyone else on PC experiencing this issue? My Wi-Fi has been having issues lately, not sure if it's me or what
Are you all on PS4?
@“antillese”#p78002 I'm a Leo main
I guess it doesn't matter since I'm on PC, but during my limited time with the game I just so happen to have been practicing against Leo computer players . . . (which I may continue to do as I get to listen to Jamieson Price all the time <3)