Still haven‘t recapped my GBC or NEOGEO Pocket color or Wonderswans, but it is for that very reason that I decided to try my gameboy coloring on my recently perfected GBI setup on my CRT. Didn’t take any photos but it was looking really sweet, somewhat to my surprise. I mainly played Wario Land 3.
I like that I have a chance to play along with someone in this thread since @"connrrr"#502 is also dipping in after WL2. This is rare because I really only play whatever I feel like with very little outside influence.
Anyways it's a great game. It's curious to me since the design of WL3 feels like the odd one out. This is probably just my personal point of view and bias, because I played this one the least?? Because everything about it seems like the odd one out.
More than WL1, 2, or 4 I feel like this game has Wario's Woods vibes.
and, this is quite a stretch to say it was intentional, but even the music feels like it leans more towards Wario's Woods, **to me**. Plus the overworld being a mainly forested snowglobe.
the map themes for day and night both sound **to me** like they're just about to go full Wario's Woods cover. Much more jolly and less jaunty than anything else in Wario Land 1 2 and 4. Especially wait for the ending of the Day Map loop, the way it ties it up sounds almost exactly like the wario's woods stage clear theme.
It's uncanny. Similar scale and rhythm. Especially when played at 1.25x speed! give it a listen.
This is the second time in a month I've noted similarities like this in a Nintendo game so maybe I'm just going crazy. Especially since no one else thought that the Star Fox 64 Map screen was referencing the Defender II NES port mission start screen like I did.
So yeah I'm not gonna stretch it and say these two songs or games are connected at all. Just vibes. I just read up as a refresher on all the credits for WL1-4+woods, and it'd be pretty unlikely for there to be any cross talk between woods and the R&D1 games. Also 1 and 3 had the same composer, which is weird because WL3 sounds so different to me, haha. Probably because 1 and 2 dance around the same theme and 3 just had different direction overall.
I still think Wario Land II is a perfect game, from story to pacing, gameplay, level design and music. [damn this song is good.]( Hello, this is my nostalgia talking. Wario Land II is the definitive personification of Wario. Wario IS the gameboy IS R&D1 IS the gameboy sound hardware used to maximum effect. It's just a 25% pulse wave or whatever, but that's the "wario instrument". Is the Super Metroid & Super Mario World of Wario.
They kind of abandoned the main theme of 1 and 2 for WL3.
My main criticism of WL3, which, doesn't ruin the entire experience for me, so don't blow this out of proportion, but, with the way Wario's powers are nerfed, it seems like it has less respect for my time. Bashing only 1 row of tiny blocks at a time like shoveling in minecraft (hate to use that comparison lol) whether that's by dashing or butt slamming, until you get the appropriate power up just slows down the game. Backtracking stages, going back to the shadowy figure to tell you which stage to check next, getting super lost not knowing where to go next, all serve to slow things wayyy down in what was once a very fast-paced framework in WL2. Other things: most of the signature metroid and wario secretly destructible blocks gone, and many of the blocks are now blatantly labeled, which in this context breaks the seamless storytelling, world building, and immersion IMO. Wario Land 3 also commits the sin of booting you out of the stage after opening a treasure chest, when you often will have multiple keys and access to multiple chests. You are forced to play through the stage four times. That's a sin.
In the same way R&D1 made a Zelda for Gameboy with an opening like a Miyazaki animation, they made wario, arm flexed, practically charge dash attack right out of the screen and into my brain directly. Then he turned into a ball and [never stopped bouncing around in there. ]( ( ಥ◡ಥ)
now that I'm done waxing poetic (if you could even call it that) about a repulsively stenched old man (you know you love it):
@“tokucowboy”#p79778 (there wasn’t really goose meme culture before Goose Game;
@"connrrr"#p79631 I can speak to the concept of it being gamecubey, but I haven't played or seen much of new snap at all! So don't let me burst your bubble-- it is a gamecubey thing just like the recent kirby was a gamecubey thing... Nintendo is doing a lot of things they should have done 15 years ago, before they got distracted for two hardware generations in a row. When I think Pokemon Snap on gamecube, I think of all the N64/DD games that became gamecube games, and how apparently easily they ported them. Pokemon snap on gamecube would definitely have those "rough edges" you mentioned, and use modified N64 models like Colosseum did. My biggest turn-off is of course that I don't know or care to know any of the newer pokemon. I'm not gonna play it. But do I have any point I'm trying to make with this paragraph? No, not at all. Except that the Nintendo Gamecube