@“kory”#p51128 It seems I‘m about to go through the same areas as you. I didn’t know about several interactions there so I'll keep that in mind, but I am having a goddamn good time.
@“xhekros”#p51332 Good luck! The final two Kalpas of the labyrinth are definitely more eventful and less tedious than the preceding ones. I would heed the advice of the soul at the entrance of the fourth Kalpa and do not turn left in the first cursed room (||you can return there after defeating Beelzebub and clearing the curse so you don‘t have trudge through casting Mediarama after every 2 steps like I did||). Also, definitely take up that Shady Broker on his offer, you won’t regret it
@“antillese”#p46607 Anyone who passes the PE (Professional Engineer) exam has the right to say that they know their stuff. Good luck!
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/hDuBNpd.jpeg]
@“kory”#p51338 I finished the fourth Kalpa and probably will start looking to buff up until I get to the fifth one.
As for what I did:
>!Got to the fourth and knew what to do, but I wasn‘t finding the door because I couldn’t see that and I began spinning in circles to find the door. I survived thanks to having Mediarama on Shiki-Ouji and Horus and the surgeon just on the side, so I felt incredibly stupid when I got closer to what the door was supposed to be and… well… The fight with Beelzebub was tough because of how long it was, but it was fun. Now I hope that Black Frost can be incredibly fun. Bought the Mothman and I know what I need to do to get the Uber Pixie (and I want her, so). I expect to have Harlot/Trumpeter, Black Frost, the Uber Pixie and Ongyo-ki, but I need to have a good healer that can do more things rather than just heal) and then I'll be fine against Metatron and in the Diet Building.!<
I beat Death Stranding Director‘s Cut last night. Went for the ending sometime after midnight and wound up finally seeing credits roll around 3:00am, so that’s got me wanting to play a few shorter games before moving onto one of the other big boys on my backlog like Guardians of the Galaxy or SMTV.
I started Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth, which I played on Steam a few times but never made much progress in because it's not the kind of game I like to play sitting at a computer desk. Lovin' it so far. It doesn't have quite the polish of the Castlevania games it's clearly emulating BUT Deedlit's sprite is beautifully animated and it has a Dragon Quest-type gambling minigame you can easily savescum to win way more money than you could possibly need, which is one of my favorite things in video games. So, pretty great. I need to rewatch Record of Lodoss War one of these days!
I finished playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. It's a cool game if you like the Star Wars movies and it treads its own path in terms of narrative right between the first two trilogies.
This game has often been compared to Dark Souls and it does share some similar elements, mainly enemies respawning on and health and heals refilling on a meditaion point (bonfire). In comparison the combat is worse but different, it's more of an action game with button combinations doing different moves. It's got the problem of the light saber feeling like a beat stick as few enemies die in a singlular hit. The force powers are a lot of fun in combat, being able to push stormtroopers over a cliff is always satisfying and pulling one into a stab feels good to. Timing a block to deflect lasers back at ranged enemies is excellent and enforces the idea of jedis dont need guns.
The exploration in this game is well done. It's set over a myriad of planets, each with a distinctive biome and fully backtrackable levels. Each one looks like an open world but is more of a 3D squiggly loop level. You never really know where you're going in a cave network but you can tell you're making progress nonetheless. It has a few zelda-esque dungeons with puzzles to solve and mechanisms to get moving. Every now and then you'll find yourself in an imperial base and _it feels just like da movies!_ In honesty, Star Wars has such a strong visual style and this game absolutely gallops away with it.
All in all this is a very AAA video game, takes a bit from a bunch of games, in this case Dark Souls, Zelda, Mirrors Edge, without bettering any of its influences in their department. It has a pretty good but likely forgettable story. Amazing environmental art that there is never enough time to appreciate. It even left me feeling like I should have played it on better hardware.
I'm glad this game was made, because that might mean a better sequel might be made.
@“beets”#p51742 I also had a Good Time with Fallen Order. For a licensed movie game it was delightfully light on cutscenes and walkntalks, just a breezy fun hacky slashy game in the galaxy gamers love. The game looked like hot shit on my series x and I also curled my toes with pleasure every time a door pneumatically hissed open and I strolled in 60fps out of the lush jungle and into a theatrically lit imperial corridor.
The sidequests in Yakuza 0 are so good lol. I can‘t make any progress in the main game because I keep doing them. Ones I have recently done: The dominatrix one, the one where you’re a TV show producer, the one where you beat up a succession of people who keep stealing a kid's game, the one where you help a band of posers become more badass
@“chazumaru”#p51184 That jailbreak for the PS4 up to firmware 9.00 has suddenly allowed access to the 60fps hack for a lot of people, including me. I just need to find the space somewhere to put my disc dump so I can patch it.
But I just played P.T. for the first time ever on my Pro today! I got the bad ending.
@“tapevulture”#p51753 the one where you help a band of posers become more badass
"...I want you to help me become a hardcore hooligan!" lol
I mega cheese blasted through Inscryption with all the dark knowledge I gained from watching streams. Had a blast coming up with BIG cheese moves. You win by ticking over 5 points on a scale so of course I made sure to grind up a card that deals 2 100+ damages per turn. Super satisfying to just blast away everything (though I did get hoisted when a boss used it against me.) Good game
I‘m getting lowkey addicted to Babble Royale, a free to play scrabble battle royale game. The controls aren’t very good and the dictionary is highly questionable, but it has that addictive “just one more game” gameplay style. In just one day I put in 4 hours and have gotten 5 wins. By far the best Battle Royale after Tetris 99.
well i finished SOMA last night. it‘s a great game. || the ending is so fucked, i get that it’s a horror game and it‘s trying to show you the consequences of your actions in the starkest/most distressing possible light, but…OK i guess i get it. i did fall asleep last night thinking what i would do as the Simon who was left alone in the abyss while the copied Simon got to chill on the Ark, taking nice forest walks and playing upscaled PS2 from a custom gaming chair. i guess the first thing i would do is try to rip my own robot head off. but wouldn’t the power suit basically prevent you from killing yourself? left alone at the bottom of the pitch dark cold ocean as basically the last sentient thing on the planet, and unable to kill myself, is like the worst fate i can imagine. except for maybe being brutally tortured and killed. hate thinking about this stuff which is why i rarely play horror games ||
|| very good voice acting...among the best i have ever experienced in a game. i thought the enemy encounters and puzzles were very good too but by the end i was just exhausted so i looked up how to get past jin yoshida tentacle monster in Tau after dying only a couple times. it was by far the hardest encounter i felt, if less scary than terrell "terry" akers and the proxies. ||
|| if i can submit a few complaints, the human models that aim for realism look pretty bad nowadays in a way that undoes the gravity of a few key scenes...realism is always a dead end for me but probably impossible to square a more imaginative visual presentation with the high-tech setting. also i found some of the overt "what does it mean to be human" monologues to be a little heavy-handed/overly literal but on the whole pretty minor complaints ||
I started, and later succeeded, in a first run of Risk of Rain last night. I've had my eye on it for such a long time but but the bullet as I wanted to scratch a particular type of itch that I had.
I like how the difficulty scales to how long you spend exploring. I had a few moments later in my successful run that involved desperately trying to run away from five copies of a boss that had spawned and were chasing me everywhere. Moment to moment gameplay is in complete contrast to my favourite roguelike game, Slay the Spire. Whereas that game requires a considered approach, Risk of Rain forces you to move along before eventually descending into absolute chaos.
The one other thing that I'd want to mention is that a question from a recent episode asked what the ideal size for a character is relative to the screen estate, and Mathew Kumar essentially said the smaller the better. Risk of Rain exemplifies that well by having your character be just a few pixels tall, giving you a massive viewpoint of the action around you.
im playing ace attorney…fuck this guy!!
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/q5bQXUX.png]
@“tapevulture”#p51921 fuck this guy!!
sign me up
@“captain”#p50922 I finished it two days after I made my initial post but haven‘t had time to comment. The first post I made sounds overly negative—I don’t begrudge Kentucky Route Zero anything, it's a unique video game experience, made with integrity. I appreciate the way it continues over its five episodes to change its structure and experiment with text interaction—it never falls into a rut, really, save for the narrative one I mentioned in my earlier post.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/816fOFX.png]
There's a moment in Act IV when the dialogue window splits in half and you get to read two characters' thoughts/stories simultaneously—which is actually _four_ stories as the two dialogue windows are further subdivided by normal and italic text—which idk others might feel is too much of a gimmick but I enjoyed the fractured tangled-knot-like reading experience.
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/mmrBk66.png]
Act V is a fitting enough ending for the story. It doesn't drastically change anything but it does represent a point of ||moving on|| for the characters, which I suppose emphasis on the depressive pull of personal history is what I was getting a little weary of earlier. The ||song at the end|| is a supremely beautiful piece of work and a great point to end on. The music in the game is very good, at least as I have listened to it outside the context of the game—I didn't play the game with headphones and therefore had to listen to it past the obnoxious hum of my apartment's refrigerator and other background noise. Headphones would have been better!
Act V contains a joke
[upl-image-preview url=//i.imgur.com/us3Tlxw.png]
I laughed
Is this Switch port of FF Crystal Chronicals any good? I genuinely cannot tell based on some of the reviews I‘ve read which makes me wonder if I’m even thinking about the right game. I‘m looking for a “Hey this is a fun together time with family members of potentially differing skill levels.” I never played the GameCube/GBA version so I don’t have pure and beautiful memories of a childhood that will be “ruined” or “destroyed”. Also, I was totally an adult when the game first came out, but that's not the point.
It's on sale and I thought it would be an enjoyable activity, but the reviews really scared me off.
Edit: Somehow I missed that the game can't be played same-screen which is a deal breaker for me personally for my needs.
earlier I reported that I had played dq2; I decided to wait for the remake of dq3 to come out so I've been playing dq11 instead. I want to love this game, but I only sort of like it. The combat and the progression grinding are pretty fun, but they feel relegated to minigame status in a game this easy and where the world map mostly opens up pretty linearly (at least so far)
After getting the rainbough I did end up skipping ahead, just because I didn't know where I was supposed to go, to the ice area and poked around the library and the heckswood (ic approved name). Since the game wasn't ready for me to be there, all I accomplished was to jump ahead on the level curve and collect a bunch of powerful gear, so that when I did get back on the rails of the intended track all the combat was even more braindead. When I finally got back around to exploring the ice area at the appointed time, I found I had to do the library "puzzle" all over again, which drove home just how much of a waste of time it was to have visited the library earlier. =/
@“antillese”#p51942 I’m looking for a “Hey this is a fun together time with family members of potentially differing skill levels.”
Option #1 Heave Ho!
Option #2 Super Mario 3D World
Option #3 Let’s Play! Oink Games