titanfall 2 owns. feels real good to move in this game, feels real good to get picked up and dropped in a robot’s tummy.
Started Tunic. I like the game a lot and it’s undoubtedly a polished experience produced with a lot of love, but I’m so sick of that art style and musical aesthetic. Do I just need to go to sleep for 5 years until it goes away?
I‘m going to wrap up Ghostwire Tokyo today. I really like it! Exploring Not Shibuya (it doesn’t have all the landmarks you'd want (Tower Records is just a big grey building)) is great if you just like looking at Japanese streets. It is definitely too big and filled with collectables in an effort to validate the size. However, if you just want to put an extremely good looking game on and press forward and have a relaxing time clambering over Tokyo while getting dopamine hits for collecting things and making numbers go up, this is a great choice.
As a companion piece, I have been enjoying the Kowabana podcast while walking my dog at night. The podcast host translates """true""" spooky stories from Japanese forums etc and they often have similar content to Ghostwire.
I also started playing the Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection. I forgot what a motherhecker Ken is in SF2 arcade mode. As a kid I'd just play SF2 Champion Edition on the Mega Drive all Saturday, every Saturday and always struggled in that fight but got used to clearing it fairly easily even with a 3 button pad. 25 ish years later and I'm just repeatedly getting owned by him.
@“Chopemon”#p65678 oh I remember playing that Championship Edition with that 3 button pad. Didn't you have to press the start button to switch over from punches and kicks? Such a weird choice.
I recently played through Shadow Warrior 3 because it‘s included in PlayStation Plus. I had no expectations going in, because I didn’t play any of the previous 2, but looking at the cover art I originally felt that it would be a somewhat serious action game.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
I mean, looking back at the cover art, now I see the silly bandaid, just sticking out like an in your face inside joke.
That game was stupiiiiiiiiiid. It had an Asian Deadpool-like protagonist (named Lo Wang 😮) that wore a yin-yang symbol with blood on one of the dots. It had fresh, vibrant, climbable, green vines growing out of ice. I went through most of the game with the guy NOT repeating any of his one-liners. Eventually he did repeat them, but for a 5ish hour game, I give props.
That game was stupid as heck. I loved it.
i‘m playing elden ring slowly. first souls game that’s ever hooked me and i see myself playing it for a while lol. i downloaded mlb 22 the show (thanks game pass) and have been playing road to the show as a pitcher and i've been having a blast
@“tristan”#p65966 Yep! Dreadful way of learning to play SF.
@“Cheddahz”#p65987 playing road to the show as a pitcher
it's been several years since I last played a the show, but yeah I found pitcher was the way to go. Position player was just too much w 150 games/year. It would be great if they leaned into the rpg aspect more
I set my Xbox up in its new home on the shelf below my DC and was playing around with Jet Set Radio Future today. Imagine my shock at the discovery that I had never actually finished the game!!! I left off on Chapter 7 in the skyscraper district, and every time I picked it back up since I would just fall off buildings until I got discouraged and turned it off. Well I grabbed myself a guide and got the fuck out of that awful level, unlocked Cube—my fave—and got to the part where Yoyo has to be rescued. It's now on my queue of games to wrap up.
I think I played it originally back in 2010 before I'd gotten into blading. It's cool to now be able to recognize a mistrial or X grind when it happens—always by chance when I hit the switch up button (I guess it's random what trick comes out)? I never played the THPS games or anything else either (besides a tiny taste of BMX XXX which turned out to be plenty) so I don't actually know how the Jet Set games compare to others within this genre.
I'm also still playing Stranger of Paradise but haven't been able to touch it much since it came out. I feel bad because it's really pretty good despite how it runs. It's making me think I should get Nioh 2 just to see how that played. I read from [this reddit comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Nioh/comments/bzzwxw/how_dare_teamninja_use_the_same_engine_and_not/eqzjg1c/) that TN were required to switch over from the Ninja Gaiden engine—an engine first prototyped for the NAOMI and was kept alive all the way to Nioh's release—to the Dynasty Warriors 9 engine for Nioh 2. Maybe that's the reason why they can't optimize their recent games for shit? I don't know, but it sucks.
@“connrrr”#p66041 That’s interesting because Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires also runs poorly and has very weird visual quirks even on the PS5, which is the experience I had with the SOP demo there too.
@“esper”#p65672 [size=15]hhnn[/size][size=13]nggg[/size] [size=10]BT is best[/size] [size=9]boy[/size]
@“sabertoothalex”#p66042 wow ok, I'd heard it played bad at release but on PS5 too? What kind of quirks?
Finished Fuga: Melodies of Steel. Glad to have finished the game. I didn‘t like some things at first and some things are still bothering (like the Japanese VA), but things get increasingly better and more complex. It’s a nice mixture between strategy and RPG where you pick the paths and you have the rock-paper-scissors type of enemies that you can attack in order to delay their turns or increase yours, but it gets richer than that by applying some really nice dynamics like chemistry, eating, depression/wounds, the different paths, ruins… Also, I enjoyed pretty much the chibi aesthetics when your characters walk around the Taramis and the ruins, and the music also builds up a nice atmosphere, specially with bosses. It has gotten better with time and hey, it‘s possibly one of the underrated/hidden gems of 2021, or at least I feel so. I still don’t enjoy the aesthetics of the scenes and to me the voice over is more annoying than what it seems, but I can‘t say it doesn’t serve its purpose and it hasn't ruined my experience.
I got Reelect JFK running. Had to install quicktime for windows 2.1 to do it. It's interesting so far, just played a couple of weeks of in game time, but not much in the way of politicking yet because the game seems to be mostly about JFK himself carmen sandiego style trying to determine who (in this multiverse continuity) got him in the fleshy part of his arm on the 3rd shot from the book depository. JFK is literally calling witnesses on the phone from the white house and grilling them in his mayor quimby voice lol
My roommate who is a big tetris player and Tetris Effect fan was telling me about Just Shapes and Beats yesterday, and I told him it sounded a lot like Rez (I don‘t know if it is). He’d never heard of it before so we sat down and played through all five areas together, and a bit of the Lost Area before he died. We had a lot of fun.
I‘ve been playing 13 Sentinels now that it’s out on Switch. On the plus side, I‘m constantly impressed with how beautiful everything is, and I’m also kindof realizing that I have a sort of game-induced nostalgia for late Shōwa school ephemera that this game really digs in on. On the minus side, as a long-time player of Vanillaware games, I‘m just waiting for the moment where the fan service gets dumb or gross, and hoping it’s not a catastrophic turnoff.
Otherwise, it's so far a really well done and interesting game!
@“Karasu”#p66295 From memory the fan-servicey stuff is fairly reined in compared to their other games. There‘s one secondary character with giant breasts but from what I can remember I think that’s about it.
Enjoy, I had a lot of fun with this game
I‘m officially in my post-elden ring phase now
still haven’t powered on my CRT to do much of anything
but that‘s because I’m focused on portables right now
I didn‘t stop playing Golden Sun even during my elden ring binge (living on solar, a couple of times I ran out of power to play elden ring so I played Golden Sun) I think I’m nearing the end, we're about to go back to the island that we passed on the boat ride.
I spent a lot of time testing wonderswan games on my new WS Flash Masta cartridge. Having a ton of fun.
Playing through FF7 (like my third or four FF) for the first time on the PSX mister core right now, I‘ve been enjoying it a lot and I’m taking it very slow.
I'm mainly playing it because I want to play the remake, i want to play the closest thing to FFXV so I figure FFVIIR must have similar vibes.
My biggest takeaway though is that if you are playing an extremely popular game and you accidentally do something stupid like deleting all of your progress, there's some tools to help out! there's a small piece of software that lets you just download any FF7 save file of aproximatley where you were and tweak every individual XP value and item to precisely approximate everything you had in your deleted save file and export it into the format necessary for EVERY version or port of the game.
That happened to me and it was cool how quickly I was just playing again from where I left off with my newly created artificial save file.
Other than that I'm still addicted to tetr.io
@“穴”#p66577 Yes, there have been times I‘ve lost save files for popular games and used a save editor to replicate my progress. Only the most famous games have save editors usually. Final Fantasy VII was the first time I’d ever heard of “hacking”, “save editing” or “modding games”. I was in the fifth grade. Many years later, and looking back FFVII's hacking GUIs are pretty effing historic.
Playing the original directly before the remake greatly adds enjoyment to the remake.