Around the World in a tbd # of days

:fu: :angry: :fu:


Obudu, Nigeria → Bélabo, Cameroon

Conditions at takeoff
Temperature - 77 F
Dewpoint - 75.73 F
Pressure/Altimeter - 28.81 in
Winds - N 9 kts

Before departure in Obudu just a hop skip + jump from the Cameroon border

A cloudy, humid day. But no heavy weather on the radar, and it being a shorter flight we should be fine

and here’s our new passenger (this was what the poll was about.)

over sprawling farmland

then the shores of Lake Bamendjing

and finally, nearing our destination, the forests of Mbam et Djerem National Park

not many establish landing strips out here, with the exception of the one in Bélabo. We make for the far bank of the Sanaga River

and enter our landing pattern

I’m kind of liking these grass strips they’re fun

Distance - 305 NM
Flight Time - 2:18
Fuel Burn - 243 KG
Landing Force - 0.98 G
Landing Speed - 70 KTS


Can’t wait for the discovery that the realism modifiers include “feline induced chaos”, and our new passenger starts climbing all over the controls.


I installed FSRealistic Pro which does have optional minor catastrophes although idk if it covers animal getting loose. There are other addons that simulate unruly passengers. But again, I think it may all be human-based.


Next flight boarding Thurs 6/13 @ 2000 CST
Bélabo, Cameroon → Impfondo, Republic of the Congo

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heading out in 10

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Can we pass over the Bermuda Triangle when we get back to the americas?



idk not crazy about the idea bc if I make it that far will probably want to play things safe. We will maintain full realism permadeath rules. Maybe we can do like one vertex


if I could ask for some input: we may need to cut our beloved Kodiak 100 loose to resume our global circumnavigation. It’s a 3rd party developed aircraft that hasn’t made the leap to 2024 unscathed. According to the developers

—Kodiak 100—
Problem: When the engine ITT crosses a certain threshold, fire can appear between the pilots’ seats.

is something of a dealbreaker for our purposes. Plus, the Garmin system doesn’t interface with 2024 nifty new diegetic tablet, which would allow us to flight plan and look at charts all within the sim and without having to tab out to brower windows and other apps. Which is appealing to me as the person juggling all of that while also trying to fly the dang plane. The developers have committed to a comprehensive 2024 update, but admit it will take a while :(

So, with this circumstance in mind I say we put the choice of new airframe to a vote. Here are the contenders

Cessna 208 Grand Caravan


  • most like-for-like replacement for the Kodiak 100. In fact the Kodiak was designed to compete with the Caravan.
  • Strong STOL performance will get us in and out of just about any airstrip (means being able to do almost all the cool takeoff/landings
  • Excellent range for its class (means we can go to more remote places, maybe figure out a South Pacific crossing)
  • Up to date set of avionics, fewer chances for me to fuck something up
  • Good hauling capacity means more opportunities to pick up cargo jobs. It’s been several months since NCA had any revenue
  • cheapest option just a good bargain imo


  • is it too samey vs the Kodiak
  • On the pricier side although if I sell the Kodiak then we should come out more or less whole
  • Up to date set of avionics makes things too easy?? judgement call
  • Not crazy about the engine exhaust only on the R side. TBH this is a big reason I went for the Kodiak in the first place, although I also kind of regretted it because the bilateral exhausts on that plane looked mustache-like which I also didnt care for

Pilatus PC-6 Porter


  • Will land us on any airstrip anywhere
  • I like the old fashioned look it’s classic
  • great visibility from the cockpit, cabin
  • Good ferry range for the size. Shouldnt hold us back
  • got some modern gear in there; MSFS version is one of the recent production runs


  • It’s a tail-dragger, meaning it has that rear wheel rather than a front wheel. Nothing wrong with that I’m just not used to it and just being honest there’s 95% chance I will screw up a landing at some point. This is really the main thing that concerns me among all out options. Then again, maybe I need to grow and change.
  • won’t help us too much wrt cargo jobs, but will do in a pinch

De Haviland Canada DH-6 Twin Otter


  • it looks sick as hell
  • Solid STOL performance especially for the size. Not going to be as nimble as the Caravan but reasonable and should get us most everywhere we would want to go
  • Our best option for cargo hauling
  • 2 engines = safer in event of mechanical failure
  • A nice change of pace from the good old Kodiak
  • Mix of modern avionics and good old steam gauges


  • Of our options this is the one I’m least familiar with
  • Not the most detailed model in the game, meaning the simulation is a comparatively simplistic vs the other choices.
  • a little behind the times avionics in a sense
  • Size/performance/range will limit where we can go a little, but not a dealbreaker

Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander


  • Have a good amount of flight time in this plane
  • Looks friendly
  • it’s got a nicely modeled interior that’s chill to hang out in
  • good hauling capacity
  • two engines


  • Poorest performing of our options
  • 11k service ceiling means we’ll need to take the long way round any substantial mountain ranges
  • No tundra tire config, meaning we’ll have to avoid unpaved airfields
  • Kind of finicky to fly imo
  • vintage avionics + it’s a 3rd party aircraft so the new tablet feature probably won’t work
  • full disclosure I might have to spike this one if it gets the most votes.
  • Cessna 208 Grand Caravan
  • Pilatus PC-6 Porter
  • De Haviland Canada DH-6 Twin Otter
  • Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander
0 voters

how is this even up for a vote, come on


That was the exact reason I voted for it - when you go in so strong on the pros of something where else can you go!!


spent a little while on the Twin Otter startup checklist and could only get one engine going at a time but not both. Not sure what I was doing wrong but I’ll have to figure that our if it remains the poll winner. Just another data point to consider.

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The Pilatus looks like a plane I’d like to fly around the world.

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it just looks very capable doesnt it

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as stream viewer this seems important, changed my vote

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Well I’m totally out of ideas then!

If it really doesn’t work for you, I’m prepared to change my vote to the Britten-Norman BN-2 Islander as it is a British plane and also because no one else has voted for it at time of writing and I like an underdog.